What did you acquire for postcrossing?

This was my haul yesterday:

I should be set for a while.


That’s a really nice set, @caknuck! If I weren’t already well provisioned now, I’d snap those up too :wink:

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Today I found ~30 wonderful postcards at a local used bookstore. They include:

  • gorgeous B&W portrait photos of Black Americans by James VanDerZee between 1924-37
  • candid colour photos of young Tokyoites dressed in Shinjuku chic
  • classical artwork of angels, most of it Preraphaelite
  • a handful of miscellaneous cards, including Castlerigg Stone Circle in Cumbria (I’ve been there!) and zoological artwork featuring giraffes :giraffe: :giraffe: :giraffe:


Loooove foodie cards!

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I love the black and white postcard of the woman reading! If you’re up for a trade, please let me know.

Off the topic - I found that the more beautiful the stamps, the more reluctant I was to use them, then I end up buying a lot more stamps than I need :rofl: :rofl:


Same here :joy:

New stamps arrive today.


How very Califonia…makes me a bit homesick.:heart_eyes:

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More like re-acquired, but I went to Finland to finally pick up stuff I left there. Turned out I had a full box of unwritten cards, including almost brand new collection of animal portrait postcards, unbelievable amount of Inge Löök’s grandmas, and quite few more nice looking postcards ready to be sent. There were many tourist styled cards too, which might not please all the members when sent from another country, but I scored pretty well anyway :smiley:

And all “free” since I already had bought these +7 years ago…


Stamp restock for people who are interested in faces/famous people


It’s always nice to find this kind of “free” stuff :laughing:
The things that we bought few years ago and then forgotten. It feels like opening a gift (from ourselves :grin:)


Just received my monthly stamps order. (I use to order them on the eshop of the French Post since there isn’t any beautiful stamps at my post office but only regular ones.)


Thank you to the person who shared the deal on Pomegranate! What an awesome selection. Here are a few favorites from the bulk sale:


I love this! Can this be used for postage or more like sticker art?

Thank you for sharing a page from the lovely book❤️

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These aren’t stickers but stamps for postage

How beautiful! Thanks!

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wow the king Tutankhamun stamps are so nice! I love it!

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@canbcpost, those are so lovely! I’ll have to see if I can snarfle some on my next visit to my local sub-P.O.

By the way, I remember as a small child going for rides on the famous Lakeside Park Carousel in St Catharines, Ontario. It’s a true antique. Carved sometime between 1895 and 1905, it was acquired by the town in 1921, so is well over a century old! The carousel has 68 hand-carved wooden animals, including horses, lions, camels, goats and giraffes. Also four chariots! Plus the animals on the carousel still have real horsehair tails.

It’s one of only 9 traditional wooden carousels still going in Canada today – and it still costs a mere 5 cents a ride :blush: You can see it in action here on YouTube.

Seeing your stamps brought back some very happy memories. Thank you! :two_hearts: