What costs more in your country, postcards or postage?

For Thailand, POSTAGE is costing more now.

The postal rate has raised from THB 35 to THB 47 for a postcard, and from THB 40 to THB 50 for a picture postcard (bigger than postcard) since today — but postcards are usually treated as the picture postcards.

Postcard price is depends on the style and the materials, started from THB 5-7 to THB 100+. But it depends on the satisfied to each postcards. But many Thai postcrossers recently complaint about the overpriced rate increased for each postcard, and they said that they will stop sending the postcards (Postcrossing postcards or another postcards).

20 years ago, the postal rate for a postcard was THB 15 only that it was quite cheap when compared with the cost of living. But the rate has increased rapidly and highly in the recent years, from THB 15 to THB 30, THB 35, THB 40 and now THB 50. It costs equal a meal in Thailand.

In New Zealand, it costs NZ$3.30 to send a postcard overseas (to all countries). You can buy new postcards for under NZ$2 or buy in bulk for as low as 20 cents each.

Postcards are a tad bit more expensive here in korea. Postage is around 430 won while postcards that I buy start at 5500 won for a pack of 9 (611 won a piece), that’s still not too expensive in the grand scheme of things. I’ve seen postcards go up to 2000 won although the market rate is 1000 won from my experience. I feel like there are a lot of times where I can get free postcards from museums and stuff and they look decent but I use them sparingly.

Honestly, in an attempt to save money, I buy inexpensive postcards. In my local bookstore, they probably found stale Pokemon postcards in the warehouse, the store sells them for 11 cents. Some even like these postcards. But in the last 6 years that I’ve been doing my hobby, the price of international shipping has doubled. For financial reasons, I sometimes leave my hobby for a few months.

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2.60 euros for a postcard or letter internationally- the price will probably go up this year too.
Touristy cards you can get for 1-1.50 euros.
Usually I buy cards for 1.90-2.50 euros.
And we do not have high salaries like in Finland or Germany.
If I send a wooden postcard or something that is not paper- I will have to cough up 6-7 euros for sending it. And I know many people ask for magnets to be sent to them on their profiles, but I’m just not gonna do that, sorry.
That’s why I have shifted my focus from random receivers to forum trades, direct swaps and round robins.


Shipping in Russia now costs $ 0.90, I think a little more and shipping will cost more than $ 1. Sending a small parcel costs (up to 100 grams) costs about $11.
Switching attention exclusively to random recipients. Good idea. I also very rarely exchange directly with someone. Plus, I’m worried that the postcards don’t go into the sent statistics

Stamps are € 1,75.
And cards can be anywhere from € 0,05-2,50.

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In Mauritius, postage is more expensive.
I make my own postcards, so it comes relatively cheap to me.

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Postage. The cards are aprox. 0.45- 0.99 but the postage- 1.50 (very rarely, to Puerto Rico) to 2.08. The three most common sending countries- 1.78, 1.83., 1.62.
(Prices in euros.)

Postage. It’s easy to find postcard between 5-15 SEK (Swedish kronas). One can of course buy more expensive postcards, the sky is probably the limit, I’m just saying that it’s not a very big challenge to spend less.

International postage costs 38 sek.

It’s actually crazy, because ~4 years ago I’d have argued that postage prices were not the reason why Swedish people were less active than Finnish when it came to postcrossing.
Well, I wouldn’t anymore.
Back than, when I moved to Sweden, the price of international postage was 21 sek. Now it’s 38 sek. It got 80% more expensive in just 4 years!

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£2.50 to send a postcard from the UK now , so I won’t be able to send as many as I’d like.


Where do you find such inexpensive cards?

I find the price to send a postcard from the uk internationally absolutely disgusting £2.50!!! I can’t send as many as I’d like now :face_holding_back_tears:


Trick question actually
If luck is good postcards if purchased at bulk are very rarely cheaper than postage. But generally postage is cheaper than postcards.

But sometimes people tend to buy thematic stamps at premium rates, it then turns to be 4/5 times even 20-50% more than the original value of the stamp. So then it becomes really expensive.

Here in Japan, postcards are more expensive than the postage. Sending a card costs 100 yen, while the postcards themselves usually cost between 160 and 220 yen.

Here in India, postcards vary from 10 Rupees to 20. Also it’s a very very small population that is into postcrossing. So there are very few options from where we can get postcards.

For International shipping, the postage is 15 rupees. If it is within the Indian Sub-continent, i.e., Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan, the cost is 10 rupees

In France a tourist postcard costs between 0,30€ and 0,50€ approximately. But the new modern postcards with illustrations cost more than 1€. But if you buy “old” postcards in batch on eBay for example (lots of postcards to collectors), it can be less than € 0.10 per postcard. That’s how I made myself a large stock.

The shipment costs 1.96€ per postcard internationally. I sometimes want to put 3 postcards in an envelope to make the cost of the stamp profitable…

My latest postcards cost from 0.70 Euro up to 2.00 Euro, while the postage is still 0.70 Euro for domestic cards and 0.95 Euro for international destinations.

I wouldn’t mind the £2.50 postage from UK if we could have nice picture stamps when buying stamps in the Post Office. I have asked but they are the generic King Charles bar coded ones.

We get gorgeous stamps from around the world but ours are just dull. I know I can buy pictorial stamps from the Post Office mail order but you need to buy quite a few which makes it unaffordable for many people.

Post card costs vary but I usually buy them at under £1.

In new zealand the price now to send overseas is $3.30.

I think to australia is $2.80.

We mainly have tourist postcards in our duty free shops. Although my bookshop by work has a few collectors type postcards for $1