Welcome to the Forum!

Welcome! :wave:

Hi all! I’ve been here for a few weeks but just realized I hadn’t ever made an intro post. I live in Oregon, USA, and I have exchanged a few cards now and just LOVE it! I’m having so much fun, I even joined the American Philatelic Society to learn more about stamps. I love the little connections made with postcards, I think the world needs more of these simple and lovely little moments between people.


Hi y’all @smallology and @eilloh :upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face:

What are the odds of our 2 newest Postcrossers BOTH lovin’ the art of cross stitching??

And l👀k!

There’s even a topic on your favourite hobby​:sewing_needle::thread:

Hip! Hip! Hooray!!


Oh my gosh! Thank you for the link to the cross-stitch thread! :smiley:


Halloo! How fun! I wonder if cross-stitch themed postcards exist? They must, somewhere!

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I noticed some people have their country’s flag next to their name on the forum and some people don’t. I don’t see a flag next to my name as well. I checked the settings but there is no option to put the flag there, am I doing this wrong?

Here you find instructions:

Got it, thanks so much!


Hello everyone, I’m Dessie (or Ava) and I’ve been on Postcrossing since 2011. I haven’t been on the forum so far though, looking forward to connecting on here and doing direct swaps! :slight_smile:

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Hi Goatlady! Welcome to Postcrossing! :wave:

Although the most common postcard size is 4x6", there’s a lot of variation in sizes out there, and sometimes you can even find postcards that are not rectangular! Anything is ok though — you don’t need to worry about this.

If you want, you can collect postcards, but that is not what Postcrossing is about. The goal of the project is just to connect random people through postcards — any postcards!

This varies from person to person. Some people have a lot of stock ready to send, while others just keep a few postcards from their town to send out now and then. You do not have to get postcards that fit specific member’s wishes — any postcard that you like or have available is ok.

It would be better to ask this question in the North America community, as the members in your country will have a better idea of what is normal there. Generally, I’d say most postcards would be anywhere from 20 cents to 1 dollar. Usually, buying postcard boxes (see some here, they’re relatively easy to buy online) is cheaper than buying postcards one by one.

Check out this topic for lots of inspiration!

Any kind of stamps are good to use in Postcrossing! If you’d like to simplify things, USPS has international forever stamps. But you can also combine other stamps to make up the right postage (currently $1.50).

I hope that helps! :slight_smile: Please don’t stress out too much about the details — just enjoying sending a postcard to a random person somewhere in the world, and receiving some nice mail back!


Hello, I’m Lindsay and I’m new here. I’m really excited to be part of this community.
I live in Connecticut, USA. I love all thing crafty.


“Ma chère mademoiselle. It is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you. And now, we invite to relax, let us pull up a chair, as (Postcrossing) proudly presents your (forum)”. – Lumiere




Hello, my name is HaiseLiu, I live in Beijing, China and I love baking and traveling!


Welcome! Please be patient, for mail to China often takes weeks or months.

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Hi I’m new to postcrossing. I’ve always enjoyed sending mail because no one my age really does it since we all grew up with technology. I just find it much cooler to send snail mail and postcards are cool to get in the mail.

For the past few years, everywhere I’ve traveled to I’ve sent a postcard to friends back home.

My question is: I bought some postcards on Amazon (since they are so hard to find in stores) and it is like a pack of 20 from my State. The pack is basically 20 of the same postcard… is there a rule against sending the same postcard to different people?


No, why should there be one? One addressee is not the other! I sent hundreds of this one, literally:

And nobody ever complained. But of course these were not the only cards I sent.

Edit: Perhaps you have some touristic spots or museums around, where you can find nice cards, too.


Hey Ralf thanks so much for your reply. That is awesome to know! It’s just because I think some profiles it shows the postcards you’ve sent (I think) so I wondered if the system would dislike it if it showed you sent the same one.

Anyway! That is awesome because I have 20 of the same ones but they look cool.

Appreciate the reply!

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You are welcome to write Italian in the Italian language section of the forum, but here in the international please write in English, thanks!

welcome to Postcrossing! This site is so fun to meet new people and their culture too!

Hi there,
Very nice to connect the world again!
I am Eva, come from Shanghai I am a middle school teacher. I love reading, watching movie and travelling around world.
Happy to you guys to swap the postcards.