Washi tape discussions!

Oh god, I clicked those links as well now :melting_face:


Today I bought these two sets of scotch tape. Each has 4 pieces of different widths, the length of each roll is 5 meters. I stood in the store and repeated the mantra: “You don’t need ribbons anymore.” Finally I was able to leave :grin::paw_prints:


LOL they are pretty though.
Lucky you it was a physical shop and you can run away home.
For me it’s on my mobile phone 24/7 taunting me :laughing:
I deleted most of it from my cart. But of course they keep on turning up on my feed :smiling_face_with_tear:


I cut it very thin to enter the postcard or depending on the print I made a collage and on top I put a Lolita doll stickers.

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:frowning_with_open_mouth: your collection is amazing.

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Are these stickers and Washi tape from Japan? are beautiful

where did you buy them? Are they from Japan Washi tape ? they are beautiful and I love Sanrio sometimes I find them at daiso and buy them :blush: because they are expensive to go to Sanrio to buy

Yes, if the pattern is not a specific item, I usually tear in it in half or 3 parts. I cannot cut it tidily with scissor so I prefer to tear it and give it ragged look


Hi i’m from south korea and i bought them from a local stationery shop.

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I love Washi tape and this is my mini collection, I use them all at once for decoration and I don’t have stock at home in drawers because my apartment space is small, whenever I can I go to the store looking for what I would like to decorate my postcard and buy several types at daiso and cando.


hello :wave: ah it’s explained. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:Korea things are beautiful and cheap right. thank you for replying.

The price varies a lot
Some are cheap especially from daiso and some are expensive. Just like in japan.
Regarding the sanrio washi tape set i bought, i love the design and it was cheap but very small and short.


I have been thinking. Washi tapes used to be like 5m, 7m or 10m long. But nowadays there are many cheap ones for 2-3m only. I think it’s better because that way we can get more variety. How does everyone feel about it?

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I usually count any prices based on a reference value, for example, how much a kilogram costs (if the price is for 100 grams) or 1 meter of something. And it seems to me that it is more profitable to buy long ribbons than short ones. The main thing is that you like the drawing. I recently bought one 1.5 meter tape, at a fairly high price, and it ended on the 4th postcard (apparently, there was even less in the winding, maybe a meter or so). So for me, a short scotch is more of a disappointment than a variety. I’m always looking for long ribbons, thick books, large bottles of shampoo, etc.


Yes in term of value, bigger is usually cheaper. I also prefer the largest shampoo/soap etc for things that I use regularly. But for washi I’m still torn :laughing: I get what you mean. It kinda sad if 1 washi can only last for 4-5 cards. Maybe 5 meters is ideal. 2 meters is too short. 10 meters maybe a bit too long? well unless if the drawing is really really cute.
However unfortunately in my country nowadays almost all washi is 2-3 meters long. The market wants cheap cheap cheap, so they produce cheap (and shorter) washi tape :sweat_smile:


Hi @ayumi9 , yes I bought them locally at a store that stocks Amifa. Japanese wares are always very popular here!

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wow how amazing! :pray:thanks for letting me know

I understand what you’re saying and it disappointed me a lot when I found out it was too short for a price I paid super expensive at the Sanrio store that’s why I now only buy at daiso so I’m not disappointed with the expensive price that comes little.:person_facepalming: 🏻:blush::roll_eyes::sweat_smile::pray: thank you.

I agree with you that it’s better to have these with 1 or 2 m than to have a long one of 10 m, well at least I get sick easily and I don’t like to use the same Washi tape more than once so for me it’s good that daiso uses one 5.10 times depending on the amount used to decorate the postcard and when I run out I go to the shop and buy another one. I like to have variety at least 4.6 different styles and color this is my opinion sorry if anyone disagrees.

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