Washi tape discussions!

Beautiful :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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i clicked on your link out of curiousity and first thing i saw was a link to a webshop. aargggg. i had never heard of the washitapeshop (how!) and now i’m in heaven. and they have world wide free shipping. someone stop me please.


mchay, this is a topic full of addicts so I don’t think anyone is capable of stopping you if they can’t stop themselves either. I’m so sorry, I wish to be strong for you too but… it’s washi! :laughing:

But if it helps, feel free to share a link of your favourites from that shop, instead of buying! I’d love to see!


looking up my favourites will only make me wanna buy them more :joy:

but these are super cute for spring (they are stickers actually) here and of course also with cats

and these are so beautiful

that is all i will be leaving this topic now :innocent:


Oh god, I clicked those links as well now :melting_face:


Today I bought these two sets of scotch tape. Each has 4 pieces of different widths, the length of each roll is 5 meters. I stood in the store and repeated the mantra: “You don’t need ribbons anymore.” Finally I was able to leave :grin::paw_prints:


LOL they are pretty though.
Lucky you it was a physical shop and you can run away home.
For me it’s on my mobile phone 24/7 taunting me :laughing:
I deleted most of it from my cart. But of course they keep on turning up on my feed :smiling_face_with_tear:


I cut it very thin to enter the postcard or depending on the print I made a collage and on top I put a Lolita doll stickers.

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:frowning_with_open_mouth: your collection is amazing.

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Are these stickers and Washi tape from Japan? are beautiful

where did you buy them? Are they from Japan Washi tape ? they are beautiful and I love Sanrio sometimes I find them at daiso and buy them :blush: because they are expensive to go to Sanrio to buy

Yes, if the pattern is not a specific item, I usually tear in it in half or 3 parts. I cannot cut it tidily with scissor so I prefer to tear it and give it ragged look


Hi i’m from south korea and i bought them from a local stationery shop.

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I love Washi tape and this is my mini collection, I use them all at once for decoration and I don’t have stock at home in drawers because my apartment space is small, whenever I can I go to the store looking for what I would like to decorate my postcard and buy several types at daiso and cando.


hello :wave: ah it’s explained. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:Korea things are beautiful and cheap right. thank you for replying.

The price varies a lot
Some are cheap especially from daiso and some are expensive. Just like in japan.
Regarding the sanrio washi tape set i bought, i love the design and it was cheap but very small and short.


I have been thinking. Washi tapes used to be like 5m, 7m or 10m long. But nowadays there are many cheap ones for 2-3m only. I think it’s better because that way we can get more variety. How does everyone feel about it?

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I usually count any prices based on a reference value, for example, how much a kilogram costs (if the price is for 100 grams) or 1 meter of something. And it seems to me that it is more profitable to buy long ribbons than short ones. The main thing is that you like the drawing. I recently bought one 1.5 meter tape, at a fairly high price, and it ended on the 4th postcard (apparently, there was even less in the winding, maybe a meter or so). So for me, a short scotch is more of a disappointment than a variety. I’m always looking for long ribbons, thick books, large bottles of shampoo, etc.


Yes in term of value, bigger is usually cheaper. I also prefer the largest shampoo/soap etc for things that I use regularly. But for washi I’m still torn :laughing: I get what you mean. It kinda sad if 1 washi can only last for 4-5 cards. Maybe 5 meters is ideal. 2 meters is too short. 10 meters maybe a bit too long? well unless if the drawing is really really cute.
However unfortunately in my country nowadays almost all washi is 2-3 meters long. The market wants cheap cheap cheap, so they produce cheap (and shorter) washi tape :sweat_smile: