V.e.r.y L.o.n.g Profiles

I love long profiles. My own uses every character available. Many people say they loved reading it! I also do have an easy to find and very inclusive list of postcards that would make me happy for those that want to skip the profile or find English hard to read…I never know if someone’s computer is translating for them. To each their own :innocent:


A cute line of emojis

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Some smiling faces? : ) Or “byebye”? “Thanks”? :smile:

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Maybe “Ok bye!” :joy:

For me, it really doesn’t matter if the profile is long, short or totally empty. I like to read them anyway and start to think what kind of card to send and what to write. I love to read random facts about people and I find the wishlists very helpful.

And oh you guys, who have replied this thread, you have great profiles! :ok_hand:


Haha, fingers crossed I still feel the same in 7 years time too! :rofl:


I mean, I definitely prefer the long profiles, they usually inspire me with what to write :blush:.


I never read profiles. I just stick my hand into my postcard box, choose one at random, and then write whatever I want on the back of it.

Okay, I’m kidding. I think I’d rather have more to work with than less, but sometimes less can be freeing, too. In other words, your profile is fine.


Write “Tschö!”

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I’m always thankful when I see a long profile.
I spend many time and efforts to make a card as interesting as possible. But time to time I feel that I fail and that person doesn’t like a card. It’s so sad. Despite I go through all Wall (favourites, sent, received) with all my wild choice of cards, time to time I feel that I made a wrong choice.
So thank you SO-SO-SO much for any details which I can find in your profiles.

Regarding expired cards. This information is not usufull for me. But I could understand that person spent time and want to see at least it’s number somewhere. So it’s not a problem for me.
I found the other solution for my own expired cards. If person is available via U2U then I send the other card. I did it twice. And in both cases it brought a pleasant satisfaction to me.


As a matter of fact, I don’t mind reading long profiles, even when they write a lot of seemingly irrelevant information. Someone’s profile is the user’s personal one, so I think, there is no limit as to what is written there. What I do not understand, is why someone might want to write the amount of expired postcards at the profile’s page. Instead of it, he/she could include some preferences. But then again,we are all different and everyone is having his own way of thinking


Please don’t. We all have a choice: to read a profile or to ignore it.
At the same time everybody have a choice to read pleasant text on a card or to not.
It seems that your respondent chose the last option…


Still chance to add something by 291 characters. Cool :upside_down_face:

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actually my profile is quite long, i’m afraid.
i simply wrote about what i like, something about my town, i wrote the few countries i’ve been to, but not the ones i would like to visit, because they’re too many :rofl:
i wrote something about my relation with postcards, the few categories i would like to receive,(nothing strange, rare or unfindable), and the few ones i’m not interested in, but maybe i could cut this part off because i received them anyway :rofl:
i suggested a look at my favourites, but i assured every postcard is welcome, because i respect the sender’s choice, even if sometimes i don’t understand it, as i think it happened to everyone.
i didn’t use my space as a statistic cemetery for expired postcards or for milestones like 10th, 100th, 250th sent/received postcard and so on.
and somehow i wrote 2967 on 3000 :scream: how could it be possible? :rofl: :rofl:
i think everyone writes what he thinks it’s important to let the others know and it’s good everyone thinks differently about it: woundn’t it be boring to read the same things on every profile? well, ok, sometimes it happens :rofl: :rofl:
and what about empty profiles? :thinking:
are they simply lazy?
does it mean they don’t mind what they receive?
does it mean you can send anything?
is it an opportunity to give away a postcard your regret you bought and you don’t know what to do of?


My Dears! I had no idea this thread would be so popular! I posted it late last night and have had a horrifically busy day, I come back here and there are 54 replies already without any prompting from me. Excellent. :wave:

I’m quoting from this one as it’s the one I can see as I reply:

Well put! :clap:


I mean, In my profile I literally state that I like writing, which I then confirm by rambling quite a bit, but people can easily skip that part because I added paragraphs and such. (At least I think so?)
I actually like to be surprised, so my profile is more meant to tell something about me than a list of cards I like, and maybe give slight hints? I suppose some people might skip to my favorites to see what kind of cards I like, but I’ve had some pretty nice reactions on postcards of people writing they enjoyed reading my profile, so I guess it must not be too bad?
I personally also enjoy reading longer profiles, especially when they have something interesting to tell me, though what the person who started this thread is describing does sound a bit boring to me and like details I would skim over.


The other day I re-read the Postcrossing FAQ a little and stumbled on this:
Last sentence:
"And last but not least, make it fun! :slight_smile: "

There are long profiles mainly consisting of wishlists and no-gos. In my opinion those are awfully boring. Then there are long profiles without any postcard wishes, but a lot of text about the user - often that gives me an idea which postcard to send and what to write.

I often dislike short profiles that give hardly any information about the user and only a few postcard-likes, because it usually is difficult for me to “connect” with the person (well, the text) so that choosing and writing the card is fun/ makes me happy.

So far all the profiles that were stated in this topic with having “too much text” were fun to read for me and I’m sure it will be fun (for me) to write a postcard to you :slight_smile:


Thanks for your inspiration. I went for “Peace!”.


I decided to add a note on my profile about when you can stop reading (as rest of the profile is just random information), in case somebody is tired of reading long profiles. Should be easier now for the poor souls.

Sometimes I like to think they are running a similar experience testing I did a while back; testing out how different profiles affect the cards and what is written on cards. But probably the truth is that either they don’t like to share much about themselves (which is ok, I also keep some things as secret), they are not comfortable / can’t write much English (I remember sometimes getting thank you messages written in recipient’s language instead of English, when the profile has been empty), or they are just not feeling like writing more. Who knows.

The problem with short profiles is that I feel hard to connect with them, so the text on postcard becomes very basic. The postcard itself will be randomly selected from the pile if there isn’t any wishes to go by with, so that is not a problem. I feel specifically strange about a short profile asking cards written full. It just gives such an one-side conversation feeling and I find it hard to follow that request.