Unusual places you wrote postcards from…

I wrote some of my cards on a lounge chair in the pool at a hotel in Bangkok Thailand, it was interesting to say the least and luckily none of the cards were wet.

Also wrote some cards on the public bus which was kinda hard especially when the bus was accelerating and decelerating :sweat_smile:


I sent 10 postcards last November from St Kitts, posted them in the main Post Office (handed over the counter). The 4 to the UK and USA got delievered, the ones to mainland Europe and Asia did not :frowning:


I wrote postcards in travel mode from this costa in Dublin, back in November, google says it has now closed down.

I can remember overhearing a girl saying “look at that man writing postcards” - I don’t think she ever saw that before :joy: - I just minded my own business enjoying my cup of tea.


Gotta love a cup of tea while writing postcards :grin:!


HaHA! :rofl: :joy: :upside_down_face: :laughing: :grin: That’s SOOO relatable – thanks for sharing that one! :smiley: :+1:


Do trains count as unusual? I frequently write postcards on board.


My last unusual place for postcards :Samarkand,Uzbekistan.
Since the hostel I stayed doesn’t have a desk in the room.
So I had to write my cards in the kitchen.
Actually, on a microwave oven when I stood , the height was fit :joy:
I wrote for a long time till the midnight while a cat occupied my bed instead.
Didn’t know whose cat but we got familiar soon.


Yet another one that really made me crack up while reading… :slightly_smiling_face: :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :grin: :grin: :grin:

And in the same time: life just has a way about it to throw you into these kinds of “slightly weird” situations like this and you just adapt and go on with your “own business” as best as you can…

Thanks for sharing and the “very graphic description” :upside_down_face:

Definitely! Is there a slight motion of the writing surface as you move along?

On top of the microwave, standing? That is quite interesting! Good for you!

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Some, especially when going over points. I usually use a book on my knee, and write in short bursts.


I can no longer find the picture I have of the place itself, but one of the most “unusual” places I’ve written postcards from is the place encircled on this map

I was in a rush to write cards that day because it was my last day in Kaohsiung and I already had all 70 of my cards cancelled with special cancellations. But I also didn’t want to spend the entire trip on cards only so I was DETERMINED to visit at least one of the tourist spots. I decided to go to this place, look at the Twin Pagodas from a distance, and continue writing cards on one of the benches. I cannot write without a flat surface so I was kneeling on dirt and using the bench as a table :see_no_evil:

Other places I’ve written postcards from:
• On a yacht while touring Halong Bay
• Common areas in hostels
• Food courts
• In class :eyes:
• On the floor at the Provincial Veterinary Office during a free neutering program while waiting for my dog to be called
• On the stairs somewhere in Gardens by the Bay, while waiting for the light show


Oh I have to add. I also wrote postcards during a general assembly of a philatelic society based in Changhua County, Taiwan.

I was seated one of the round tables and although I wasn’t the only postcrosser there, I was the only foreigner and was extra noticeable because I was wearing a bright orange sweater!

Later that day, I went to a neighboring city for another special cancellation and it turned out that there was a festival! So I wrote cards while someone was speaking into a megaphone and firecrackers were going off around me

Like I said, I was very noticeable because of my outfit so a few people approached me to say “Hey, weren’t you at the event this morning?” :laughing:


This morning we are on the road, so I started writing one at the gas station! I get motion sickness so it’s hard to write while we’re moving. Glad I brought all my postcards with me, since I’m so new at this and want to keep up with sending as many as I can!


Such a variety of places! And 70 cards, my goodness!

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You take the cake!

True devotion :wink:!

A couple of days ago, I wrote postcards from a night time event at the museum. That was fun :).


What kind of an event was it?

The event focused on stars so there were talks about stars, a chance to view stars from the top of a nearby building (but it rained so that didn’t quite work), and even the postcards were star themed.