Unique material, Unusual Postcard, Lenticular/3D

Okay, so now I’m super curious - who makes these & is there a web address on the card? This could become a thing eh if there are others :blush:

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Here is a good video about the sound postcards


Really hope to buy/make/send/receive flower seed postcards one day! Will obviously have to be to/from countries that allow plant goods via mail. Example 1: seeds in a package, Example 2: seeds pressed in the paper


I received one with embedded mini spice bottles before.
This is the only photo I have on hand for it. The back of the plastic box actually had the lines for stamp+address, like any normal postcard.

I also have this wooden one with rubber stamp.
The back of the card was a fullpage sticker, I guess to keep the items in place.

And this one is made of unfinished japanese paper. I guess this is more towards ‘standardise’ than the ‘unusual’ of the scale.


Wow, that spice bottle card is amazing. Were there spices in there, or were the bottles empty? Either way, I doubt I could send a card like that from Germany…


Except these can be sent from Germany, which blows my mind, lol

Recently bought a set of postcards made out of Cartamela (Apfelpapier, paper made out of apples).


So I have to ask, lol - have you tasted the paper?

Haha, no problem to ask - and no - not in these pandemic times! :wink: It feels and smells like normal paper. The colour of the backside is light beige with very little kind of grey dots/sprinkles. So it has a kind of vintage look for me. :slight_smile:

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Sorry I had to ask - I’d probably try licking them, lol - interesting that there’s no particular smell to them.

I know you can make paper from all kinds of plant matter - I’m done some workshops, but I can’t say I’ve come across using apples yet.

I found some of my unusual cards :slight_smile:

Sewn, no envelope used, sent from USA with standard postage:

And here the picture is half-see through, some kind of plastic? Also sent without envelope. I don’t know if sent with standard postage, it was sent from Taiwan and the stamp says “17”.


With real spices that can be used for cooking :smile: The quantity was too little to be used to make a real meal, but it was good to sampling.


The “flaschenpost” and “dosenpost” cards are specifically designed to be a basically rectangular shape and just thin enough to qualify under the “maxi-letter” form. My translation from the DeutschePost site:

"The sending of a so-called “Bottle letter” as a letter is possible, if the the body of the bottle (excluding the neck) is rectangular and flattened and the minimal dimentions of 100 x 70 mm is met.

"Flattened means, that the the body of the bottle is not round, but flat (like, for example, a flask) and the bottom of the bottal has an oval form. The dimensions of the bottom should be 2:1, that is, the length should be twice as wide as the breadth.

“The bottle must be unbreakable.”

In researching this I discovered (because it is on the same page) that there is an exception to the rule about shaped cards having to be sent in envelopes:

"Exception! “Beer coasters” that have a square form with a minimum dimension of 125 x 125 mm can also be sent without an envelope as a “large letter.”

This means it costs €1,55 to send Flaschen- or Dosen-Post inside Germany and €3,70 to send internationally. So I think for most of us these are reserved for friends or people with very nice profiles!


So cool! What a treasure…

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Thanks for the translation - still blows my mind they can be sent, but hey the more interesting, the merrier!

I have one that folds into a kaleidoscope


Wow cool! does it have coloured windows or the free floating bits as well?

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Better off buying a cup of joe and wishing it came from a pc!!

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Another amazing fact! :roll_eyes:

Even better, USED beer coasters to get the beer aroma!