Türk Postcrosser’lar İçin

Belki yeteri kadar buraya yazarsak Türkçe için ayrı bir bölüm açılır.


vardı eskiden. arşivlemişler şimdi yeni forum gelince. eskiden de pek yazan olmazdı.

Evet onu görmüştüm.Keşke etkin olsa

Hi @bayankod,

Indeed, the Polish section was not at the beginning at the new forum. If you are able to show activity of Lithuanian speaker, they will open it. Our section was open after a few days, one we got active. :blush:


@bayankod @bodrumlu Sorry to write in English here! We could use an update on the postal situation in Turkey at the moment — namely, about which countries it’s possible to send mail to. Our last update to the Postal Monitor is a few months old already, and Turkish Post’s website seems to have disappeared in the meantime. :frowning:

If any of you can get some updated list from your local post office on the status of international mail deliveries from Turkey, we would really appreciate it!


Süre,how can we update that?

Just let us know on this topic of any updates you might know about — any help would be appreciated! :pray:

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I replied topic in Mail Suspension Alerts😇

Hurray! :tada: Could I ask you to mention your source though? This could be a link to a page where the suspensions are listed, a picture of a list you saw on your post office, or in last resort, just letting us know this is the information your postal carrier told you. Thank you in advance!

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I put the source.Source is official Turkish Postal Services website. https://www.ptt.gov.tr/Sayfalar/Gonderi/Gonderi.aspx#


arkadaşlar ilk kartpostallarımı dün gönderdim de sizinkiler yaklaşık kaç günde varıyordu bir avrupa ülkesine?

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Ülkeye göre değişiyor.

hanımefendi bunu tabi ki biliyorum :slight_smile:

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Pardon haklısınız ,bir kartpostalım Almanya’ya 20 günde girmişti.PTT’nin sitesinde kaç günde tahminen gideceğini görebilirsiniz.

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Çook teşekkür ederim verdiğiniz bilgi için :blush:

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Ne demek

hello! we demand a Turkish category! best wishes :slight_smile:


Hala eklenmedi sanırım.
Yeni yıl hepimize mutluluklar getirsin dostlar. Postalarımız kaybolmadan sağa sağlam gitsin gelsin :slight_smile:

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