[TALK] In ENGLISH - Visitors Corner

I’ll be in Berlin and Sachsen-Anhlat (Magdeburg mostly).

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Okay. No for magdeburg I can’t help much. But maybe the doc in the topic above can. The topic is in German but in the doc is a list of shops in differnt German cities sorted by the name of the city. Hopefully it can help. However, not sure how up to date it is

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Hi @elive. In Berlin I can recommend Ararat Postkartenladen. The address is: Bergmannstraße 99A. There are also lots of small souvenir shops next to all popular sites where you can buy postcards as well. Depends on what type of cards you’re looking for🙂 There is also a good choice of postcards in Dussman KulturKaufhaus, but the postcards there are overpriced, to my mind.


Hi Elive,

I second that. It’s very easy to find the “typical touristy postcards” next to the main tourist attractions – loads of postcard holders in front and inside small souvenir shops surrounding “Fernsehturm” (= “tv tower”) at “Alexanderplatz” for example. While it’s easy to get those cards there, they often have “tourist prices” (= relatively high), too.

If you’re looking for “non-touristy postcards”, you can just walk through pedestrian areas and watch out for postcard stands in front for e. g. bookshops, etc.

I wouldn’t really recommend Post agencys – they often have rather folded cards and holiday postcards but some of them have (often touristy as well) postcards, too.

It also depends a bit in which area you’re staying – where there’s mainly residential areas, you might have to cover greater distances to be able to find postcards.

Maybe some of those might be interesting for you too:


I read on your profile, that you care about the environment a lot, too – so from the link above I can personally recommend “Polly Paper”; the owner (whose name actually IS Polly :wink: ) is really friendly and knowledgeable. She used to work as a journalist and since she found it was hard to get environmentally friendly paper products in Berlin, that’s why she founded “Polly Paper” :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

Feel free to get in touch if there’s more I can help you with while you’re staying in Berlin. :upside_down_face:


Maybe @jam_jam can help and knows more about this City and where to buy cards there.


Hi! :raising_hand_woman:t2: There is no problem with touristic postcards, I can recommend the P&B bookshop directly at the main train station (on the right side from the main entrance), they have nice touristic cards. There are also other nice postcards, but mainly with quotes. Not far from the main train station there is a shopping center, Allee-Center, there is a big bookshop Thalia, you can find nice postcards there, too.

Of course you can find postcards in any bookshop, but there are hardly some beautiful or special cards. Those two I mentioned above have the largest amount of cards as I found so far.

I wish you a pleasant stay in Magdeburg! Feel free to contact me if you need some help or advice, I can try to help you :slight_smile:


Personally, I seldom go to “Thalia” because I hardly find something there – they’ve got many series that have been popular for years and / or which originated from other countries so I know them from when they’ve been popular over there.

Some of my “greatest treasures” and most special cards (e. g. various types of historical cards that are difficult to get a hold of nowadays, regional artists, regional manufacturers, smaller editions etc.) I found unexpectedly in small (hidden) bookshops and craft stores. :blush: :+1:

As so often: I guess we have our very own perspective / view and different taste/s… :wink:

Maybe it also depends on the City or town. :wink:

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That crossed my mind, too – many factors influencing :wink:
At least one thing’s for sure: a variety of postcards CAN be found in both places :smile: :+1:

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I absolutely agree with you, I don’t buy cards in Thalia :slight_smile: But it was a recommendation for a person who wants maybe buy some cards in one place and doesn’t want or can’t go through the whole city to find a special card here and a couple of cards there :slight_smile:

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thalia I agree have often nice touristic postcards, but lately so overpriced. 1€ and more… that I don’t think it is usable to buy them.

Go to:

DUSSMANN - das Kulturkaufhaus
Friedrichstraße 90, Berlin.

Its my favourite Shop.

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Hey, I am new here, and I want to send the postcard internationally (from Germany to New Zealand). When I came to the post office, they gave me this stamp. I checked it on the internet, and I saw it is used only within Germany. I am not sure that it is correct. I want to ask which stamp should use to send postcard from Germany to New Zealand. If not, which stamp should I use to send a postcard from Germany to New Zealand

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Someone from Germany please help me :frowning: Thank you so much


Hello dainguyenvo,

postcards outside Germany costs always 0,95 Cents, not 0,85 cents.
0,85 Cents is for envelopes inside Germany up to 20g.

So you need 0,10 Cents more to send out the postcard.

The measure of a standard postcard should be 23,5cm x 12,5cm for the 0,95 cents.
If the postcard is bigger than this you have to pay 3,70€ worldwide and also within Germany.

You can find the information also here, but please don’t be worried about the incorrect price of 0,90 cent DeutschePost has on this site. It’s actual 0,95 cent - all other prices are correct. ^^


Here is postage from 2024, so there is 95 Cent for a postcard!



I have a request for postcrossers in Basel or those visiting Basel. I need a postcard with this approximate view from Kleinbasel. I’ve seen some like that being sold in touristy areas. I need it for an art project.

Thank you in advance! In return I can send something based on your preferences - we can discuss via private messaging.

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@LindaJ might be able to help


Do the buildings / sculpture in these maxicards still exist in Berlin today?

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As far as I checked, yes. There is a German wikipedia page on this set of stamps that contains a list of the places. You can click on the links there and see the buildings as they look today.
Your pictures show, from left to right:
Palais Ephraim
Marx and Engels statue
the last one are new buidlings in Alt-Marzahn, I guess. I can’t read the text on the stamp.

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