[TALK] In ENGLISH - Visitors Corner

I can recommend Papierhaus Felix Verspohl at Belziger Str 18 in Schöneberg for beautiful postcards.

And s.wert at Brunnenstr. 191 in Prenzlauer Berg has illustrations of Berliner sights and areas if you like more touristy postcards without getting the usual motifs.

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Hello lovely German people.
A kurtze Frage for you all.
Is there any place, website, etc. where I could buy German stamps outside of the Deutschepost?
I always buy from DE-post but I was thinking about past denominations that are no longer available.
I know some people sell mint stamps on Ebay, in Spain.
But I haven’t seen as much here. Was thinking if anyone knows any trusty sellers somewhere online, maybe.
I want to join some chaincards and current collections do not have all the themes I’m looking for but I know past German stamps with those themes.

I’m currently living in Munich. I can undestand and speak basic German (I’m learning) but not enough to properly ask this question.
But know that if the site is in German, I can fend for myself.

Thanks in advance!
Let me know if I should make a separate post asking this.

Take a look here: Briefmarken unter Postpreis

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Just checked. That’s really good.
Thank you very much.

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I’m travelling to Hamburg 8th of July and was wondering, where I could find the best places for postcards.

I would like to buy unique cards. If you have suggestions and tips, I would love to hear them! I am always interested about stickers and such to decorate cards, so craft stores interest me too.

Thank you!

All the best from Finland

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Maybe @mondkind has some tips for you. :slightly_smiling_face:

or @Hamburg127 might be able to help too

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I think @AnKaBeGu is also happy to take a look deeper into it :smiley:


very cool cards!

The Ephraim Palais on the first card still exists. It is an beautiful building at the Nicolaiviertel with golden balconies.

The Marx-Engels-Statue is also still there. You can find it between Fernsehturm and Humboldforum. The Building behind the statue is the “Palast der Republik”. Today you can find the Rebuild of the Berlin Castle on its place. Known as Humbuldforum.

The third one is the “Friedrichstadtpalast” in the Friedrichstraße. It is a Show-Theatre with very beautiful Revues and shows.

The 4th one is the “Dorfkirche Marzahn”, I think. Marzahn has a nice old city with windmill, church an old houses and in the background you can see the many skyscrapers from the 1970s-1980s there.

The cards are from our 750year-Birthday in 1987. I only owe the card with Ephraim-Palais. If you want to swap the other cards - I am ready :slight_smile: I have a few actual Maxicards (Brandenburger Tor, Olympiastadium)

I hope, you can understand my silly english… :wink:


Understood perfectly! Thank you. I don’t actually own these maxi cards, but I saw them and love the sketch/illustration style and was wondering about the story behind it🙂


Hello lovely people! I recall reading something about how Deutsche Post is not delivering as frequently / daily anymore, but I can’t find where I read that. Is this true? Please could someone send me a link to a German news report (in German would be fine) where it explains what is going on? Thank you so much!


According to the new Postal Act, letters will take longer to arrive from 2025. In the future, 95 percent of letters must arrive three days after posting instead of the current two days. There are plans to give letter customers a choice of delivery times from 2025.



Curious what is the cost to mail an oversize postcard?
Received one today, with what looks like a postage due stamp.


I’ve just looked it up.
Cards bigger than 23,5 × 12,5 cm (or square cards in an envelope) cost 3,70€. Wow, I always thought it’s 1,70€ myself, because national it’s 1,60€ for them.

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Yes, this is “Grossbrief” national, while 1,70 € is just “Kompaktbrief” international and therefore not enough of course :slight_smile:


Hello! My friend is traveling to Germany. I wanted to ask at what address can he can find the Hofpfisterei bakery, where can be found nature postcards?

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Most are in the area Munich.

I just remarked this doesn’t work as link, just go from top menu Verkaufstellen → Filialen & Handel.

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And how to get a postcard? Are they free and you can just pick them up or do they give them when you buy something?

They are free to pick. You don’t have to buy anything.
As they tell on their Homepage:
“Von Januar bis Dezember liegen in allen Filialen jeden Monat neue, kostenlose Postkarten mit Aquarellen von Rita Mühlbauer aus.”
From January to December there are lying free postcards with aquarelles of Rita Mühlbauer in our branches every month new


Thank you! :heart: