[TALK] In ENGLISH - Visitors Corner

Got the one at Potsdamer Platz! It is in the station. Thanks everyone for their help


Great! :smiley::+1:

Hey German friends! :wave: We’ve had A LOT of new members sign up in Germany in the past couple of days, and some of these newbies mention on their profile that they discovered Postcrossing from an Instagram reel…

Does anyone know which reel this is? We’d love to give the Ambassador badge to the mysterious person who helped hundreds of people discover the site! :slight_smile:


Maybe @Kaengeruine or @lara_and_ems know something about this? They are new users who already joined the forum community :slight_smile:

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Hey :smiley:

No sadly we do not know anything, but we found postcrossing through tiktok honestly (but forgot the account name) - and we’re pretty sure that on this way multiple new younger people will join postcrossing cause the video had mire than ten thousands likes <3




I think I know which reel they‘re talking about! I saw it yesterday, it has a million views already.

Instagram reel


Hello fellow members! I wanted to introduce myself and ask a favor: I have collected postcards with Native American/Indigenous First Peoples themes for decades. They were easily available in my home state of Oklahoma, home to almost 50 tribes, and an affordable joy to buy while I was in graduate school. I use them in my research and have published journal articles about them. I have a blog where I discuss my cards (some serious updating will happen soon) and now the ask: I know many Native objects made their way to German museums so if you ever run across some postcards featuring these, can you please keep me in mind? I have plenty of Native cards for trade (I often give them away to my University students so I pick up extras) as well as other card topics. Here is my blog address and thank you for reading this post!


Hallo from Japan!

Could anyone offer me a card of Berlin illustration by Jiska de Waard ?

In return, I can offer either of :

  • 50 grams of Japanese stationery
  • 3 of my handmade cards, made with my hand-carved stamps in an envelope
  • 3 nice Japanese new year postcards in an envelope
  • 3 nice Japanese view postcards in an envelope
  • mix of the above

Please feel free to contact me.

Thank you a lot in advance! :slight_smile:

Edited to add :

Still looking for this card.


Hello! I’m visiting Munich and visited 3 post offices today in search of the underwater flora and fauna Europa stamps, but all 3 were sold out.
Does anyone in the Munich area know of a post office that still has some in stock?
I’m not leaving until Tuesday night so I can travel anywhere in the city to a post office that has them.

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Their philatelic shop in Munich maybe. Removed from the center so maybe call ahead…



Have you tried the big post office at Hauptbahnhof?


I did not. I will check that one tomorrow, thank you!

You’re welcome, the address is Bahnhofplatz 1.
I think, it’s the biggest post office we have in München, so I’m confident they have all kind of stamps.
If not, just enjoy your holiday and I’ll send you the stamp in an envelope or stamped on a card, whatever you prefer.


Update: I went to that post office and the clerk didn’t speak English and got agitated when I used Google translate. She only wanted to sell me regular stamps for postcards and said if I want to buy stamps to collect I have to do it online. So I suppose that’s what I will do. Thank you anyway!

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Hallo from Japan!

So, on Postcrossing, posting and talking about something to do with politics and wars that are happening in Europe and elsewhere seem a taboo, so I do not talk about them here publicly, but…

Today, I talked with my boyfriend who is actually an European (not from Germany). He was having a headache while talking with me about the new wars in Europe that may happen in the near future, after seeing some news including Germany.

I am totally ignorant about what concerns him and for now I do not know where to go and ask about this matter but since I am on Postcrossing a lot and I thought perhaps I could have a little chat with someone from Germany via private messages and hear what you think all in all.

So, again, what I would like to ask relates to current news, politics and new wars that may happen in Europe in the near future.

Could anyone send me a message please if we can chat a little about these topics via private messages on Postcrossing ? I may be slow at responding and may not be able to type a lot due to my English limit, but it would be great to have a little chat with anyone over there about these matters.

Big thank you in advance !

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In addition you might want to check out some European news sites that are published in English. An example would be DW which is a German public, state owned international broadcaster.



Thank you!

Hi! I need to know where I can buy postcards in Germany, particularly Berlin and East Germany area. Online is good but I prefer offline! Thanks!

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Maybe @Kaengeruine knows more. :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe this topic can help you and East Germany is s big area. Where in east Germany will you be?

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