[TALK] In ENGLISH - Visitors Corner


I am looking for cards from several cities we visited during our trip several years ago: München, Bayreuth, Dinkelsbühl, Nördlingen, Harburg, Landsberg am Lech, Nürnberg. We didn’t have time for shopping, and now I want to refresh memories and update my travel postcard album.
My postcards for swap are here

Thanks in advance,
Alexander aka @garvey


Today I received card from Germany with an orange sticker saying:
avis de reception”

What does it actually mean?
Google said it means return to sender :face_with_monocle:

I had a look and found these labels:

According to the description these are meant to be used with registered mail if the actual label for registered mail doesn’t fit on the address side.

Yes, this is what I found on the card.
It is not registered mail.
There are 3 stamps: 80 + 8 + 8. It should be more than enough for international mail, right?
They pasted this label on 8 + 8 stamps.

Maybe the sender just used it as some sort of decoration? I don’t know… they are only meant for registered mail.

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[Help] About Easter Bunny Post Office event

Hello my German friends!
Easter is coming up and I want to send a letter to the Easter Bunny post office, but the mail routes are not stable and I don’t want to miss this year’s event. So I would like to send my written letter to a German friend who is willing to help me forward it to the Easter Bunny post office. In return, I will send painting postcards about the 24 solar terms as a thank you.

Some doubts:
1. Can the Easter Bunny Post Office send replies to addresses other than the one they were sent to?
2. How do I pay for the return postage?
3. Could you tell me more about the history of the Easter Bunny post office?
4. What are the appropriate questions to ask?

Have a nice day!

From Chinese Mainland
Your sincerely,

You can address your letter to the easter bunnies German address:

Hanni Hase
Am Waldrand 12
27404 Ostereistedt


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Thx for your site address!
The mail routes are not stable, I can not put my letter arrived the post office one week before the event. So this help come out :sob:

Your letter may arrive earlier, but one week before easter is the latest date that it should arrive in Ostereistedt. If you send your letter right now, it will certainly not be to early.


I can have a try! :wink:

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Greetings Postcrossing Community!

High School Students in Texas, USA Studying German

I have posted in the Education forum, but it was suggested I post in the German-Deutsch subforum as well. Please let me know if it is not okay to post here.

I reached out to my son’s German teacher and she is interested in receiving postcards written in German.
The students are aged 14 to 18. There are four levels of German with a beginning (first time exposure) class to the Advanced Placement class. Many students at our school have not traveled beyond our community or out of the state. I think receiving postcards from Germany, Austria, or Switzerland (or from anywhere if you speak German) would be exciting for them. Not many high schools in our area offer German classes so I think exposure from German speaking countries would be a great addition to the learning environment.

If you are interested please private message me or leave a reply for the school’s address.

Thank you in advance!


Schaut mal/look here @JuleDan , @Djalima , @ennstalerin , @Butterfeld , @honeybee , @ooma für Österreich/for Austria & @polarfahrer , @amy666 , @MrsFuchur , @Ftuowl , @LindaJ , @hugo-01 @azzurri (für die Schweiz/for Switzerland) :slightly_smiling_face:
Vielleicht könnt ihr helfen./Perhaps you can help the students.


In English, please @Idus :wink:

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Happy to send a card from Switzerland or even better from the Lake of Constance (is surrounded by all three countries).
In March a PC Meeting takes place in Zurich, so I can offer another 1 to 2 cards from my PC friends, if you agree to distribute the address to them as well.
Please PM the school’s address


Great, thanks so much. :smiley::orange_heart::+1:

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Hello, I have a question about sending a heavy card in Germany

The German postcard rate is € 0.95 with a maximum size and maximum density (500 g/m²). My postcard right here is way above that, it’s about 990 g/m². Would sending it with an € 1.10 stamp be sufficient, considering that the card is 19 grams?

Kind Regards from Dennis

Yes, when it’s really 19g. If it’s that close to the next postage rate, I don’t rely on my kitchen scales or similar, but either take it to the counter or add the next postage “level”. (or add a sender’s address, so it might be returned for adding more postage if needed)

Hello Cassiopheia, thanks for your reply! My kitchen scale says it’s 19 grams and I kinda assume that it’s correct, or at least that it’s under 20 grams, because I bought it in the Netherlands so it’s probably tuned to Dutch postcard rates. Anyway I’ll try sending two of these cards with € 1.10 stamps and see what happens.

Hallo Deutsche Postcrossers! Ich hoffen zu kann mich hilfen.

Ok, sorry about my really bad German, I’m better at reading it and speaking it :sweat_smile:

I was hoping that you can help me figuring out about these postcards. I received two in what I can only assume is a series about advent. On the back it says only “Weihnachtsmarkt” but doing a google search gives me all the German christmas cards… I am wondering what is the name of the artist and series? And is it possible to still get these cards?

It looks to me like they are from a set that one can use to “build” a Weihnachtsmarkt. I found this on Amazon, a series of 30 postcards that look a little similar to the cards you have. Unfortunately, they only show the front cover and I cannot find any other results. The name of the publisher only appears in “antique books” so if this is the same series, it must be from a publisher that no longer exists. Maybe one of the members in Germany can tell you more!

Here is the link to the Amazon result:


Good luck!

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