[TALK] In ENGLISH - Visitors Corner

For a fan of Dave Gahan (Depeche Mode). (I am not a fan)
Alice - for Alice fans))
I offer this cards .

OFFER CLOSED :man_shrugging:


I’m willing to start a collection of Tausendschön postcards, I’m looking more at the ones that have city views, I love the ones with glitter. And also the ones that have historical figures :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Would anyone be willing to swap these? I have postcards from Costa Blanca, Jávea, and Valencia, but I can try to get more. I have the ones that have city views, but I also have ones that are illustrated with Valencia theme :blush:
I can look into getting some other postcards you might be interested in :blush:


Update: Frau Biles has told me she has started to receive cards. She is going to send me photos and I will post when I get them. Thank you, again!


That’s great news! :smiley: :+1:
I was going to ask about it. :wink:

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A few of the cards received thus far! Thank you so much again for your generosity.



Hello !

I’m gonna visit Berlin for 3 weeks, and I really want to buy and send postcard for the time I’ll be there.

Do you know where I can find thrifted postcard ? I’m looking for a 10 for 1 euros kind of deal.
I saw already that the stamps are only costing 0.90, which is very nice of the Deutsche Post to make a separate cost from letters :slight_smile: !

Thank you in advance for your help :slight_smile:

The postage for a standard size postcard to send international is 0,95 € :slight_smile:


Good morning! Update on cards received.
(My teen took the photos)
Note from the teacher: Also, I’ve been getting a lot of postcards. I am sharing these on random days with the students. I really appreciate you signing me up for this!


Hi, I used to store my postcards into this album, that is cheap and compact:

Until 2020 I found it here in Italy in the shop chain, but then it disappeared and they said me it was no longer available for the italian market. :angry:

In may 2022, while on holiday in Berlin, I found it instead in the local shop on Kurfürstendamm. :slight_smile:
In december 2022 I went in München, convinced and happy to be able to buy others for my collection but… in the local shop there weren’t :slightly_frowning_face:
They simply said me they hadn’t, and that I had to order it online, that is not a solution since shipping costs makes it expensive.

Does anyone has tried buying it in other german cities?
Thanks :blush:

From Frau Biles:

Hope all is well with you! I’m getting so many postcards I can’t keep up with them…lol. I was wondering if there’s a way for me to check on Postcrossing who sent me the postcards. People don’t always leave an email or return address. I wanted to start writing back and/or perhaps have the students write back.

If you sent a postcard and would like to share your address or email please private message me and I can share with Frau Biles.


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Great idea. :smiley::+1:
Address sent. :mailbox:

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Are Briefmarkenautomaten being phased out? The one in my city is not there anymore and I don’t know where else I can get 5-cent stamps with no matrix code.

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The one in my town could not be repaired for some time now and cannot be used. :slightly_frowning_face:
My impression is that Deutsche Post is giving them up.

As for the stamps:
Maybe at Frankaturware.de.

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That’s right and the main reason is because it’s very expensive to keep them working. Too few people using them nowadays.


The 5 cent stamp without matrix code is still available for purchase in Weiden, but only as a roll of 500. :woman_shrugging:

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Yes, stamp vending machines are slowly being phased out. There was a press release on this that I posted, but unfortunately I can’t find it anymore. Deutsche Post will also no longer repair heavily defective machines because spare parts are missing and will no longer be procured in the future.

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Thanks for the replies. I will keep my eyes peeled for surviving machines when visiting other cities.

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Hello everyone,
As I’m new in Germany and relatively new in postcrossing, I have a question for postcrossers in Germany. If I want to send a standard size postcard in an envelope, is the price still 0.95 euros? I use the mail boxes around, so I wanted to ask the community here before putting the envelope in.
Thank you and my best wishes to y’all :slight_smile:

No, it’s €1.10 then. :slight_smile:



I’m travelling to Berlin and the near area next summer. I would love to know, where to find postcards. What are the best places to buy postcards? And how about tapes, stickers and pens? I just realized Faber-Castell is German. Of course I’m going to send some tourist cards, but I would love to hear about some unique cards too.

I would really much appreciate tips! Thank you all.

Best, Milla