[TAG] NA Back of the Card Tag

tag @DaisyDekker

tell me:

*what song or movie holds a special place in your heart and why

  • describe your dream vacation
  • what you do for a living or what you want to do for a living (and how you got into that field)
  • a secret
  • a secret code for me to solve
  • two truths and a lie (but dont tell me what is what though!)
  • draw me a picture of yourself or your pet
  • your current to do list or grocery list
  • what three items you would want with you if you were stuck on an island
  • a message for my mail carrier to read
  • what your goals are for the new year
  • a joke
  • a movie, tv show or book recommendation
  • your favourite recipe
  • your plans for the weekend
  • a topic that you would like to learn more about

tag @sarahaeyo (I have your address!!)

  • If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
  • When was the last time you really had fun? What were you doing?
  • Favorite Spotify playlist?
  • What are your favorite holiday traditions? Any holiday is welcome!!
  • What is your favorite piece of clothing/outfit that you own?
  • How do you store your received postcards?
  • Do you have any Postcrossing pet peeves?
  • What is your favorite postcard you’ve ever received on Postcrossing?
  • Give me a book recommendation!
  • Tell me some things your want to accomplish soon!
  • If you could see any Broadway musical, which one would you see and why?
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tag @thetinylibrarian

I would like someone to write about…
a strange or surreal experience
an irrational fear that you just can’t get over
what you think is “out there” in the universe
a real person you know who would be a weird character in a novel
a bad dream that truly frightened you

tag @waydowneast

I would like some to write about:

-Your favorite poet
-The best advice you’ve ever received
-An interesting or odd tradition in your family
-A “good” character you love and a “bad” character you love
-The best purchase you’ve made
-Fiction books you love to reread
-Your favorite recipe
-Knitters: is it worth it to knit socks? How do you avoid losing the motivation to make the second sock?

Tag @eri0000

Please tell me one:

The song from your teenage years that brings back a tidal wave of memories

Last time you took a chance & it paid off

Literary character who reminds you of yourself

Wonderful / unique / funny habit your spouse or pet has

One thing you regret in life AND one thing you’ll never regret

Tag @NewEnglandEllen

I’d like to know:

  • The best movie or tv show you’ve watched this year, or best book you’ve read this year
  • Your favorite binge watch
  • Your favorite board games or word games
  • Funny or weird overheard conversation
  • Fantasy vacation plans
  • Your grocery shopping list this week

Tag @CeceG

Please write about:

  • What is your pet’s name and why did you choose it

  • The title of the last book you read. Did you like it?

  • Where you would like to go on your next vacation

  • The last musical concert you attended

  • Write about when you were on a boat and where you went

  • What refrigerator magnets are on your fridge

Tag @Cocosmom

I would like to hear about how you have been sleeping lately, the name of and ingredients in your favorite food, what you always have in your bag/purse/backpack, or the most ridiculous thing you have ever done.

tag @anon64053379

I’d love to read about any of the following:

  • If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
  • When was the last time you really had fun? What were you doing?
  • Favorite Spotify playlist?
  • How do you store your received postcards?
  • Do you have any Postcrossing pet peeves?
  • What is your favorite postcard you’ve ever received on Postcrossing?
  • Give me a book recommendation!
  • Tell me some things your want to accomplish soon!
  • What is bringing you joy lately?

tag @thetinylibrarian

I’d enjoy reading about a personal tradition you practice and something you’re superstitious about that you ritualized!

tag @mindymcmillan

I’d like to hear about any of the following:

  • a lesser-known local attraction that you recommend
  • a personal regret
  • a recent humourous incident or funny anecdote from your day-to-day life

Prefer single view cards, if possible. Thanks!

Let’s get this thread up and going again!
Tag @JasonDavid

What two super-powers would you choose and why?
Are you spiritual?
Do you collect anything?
What 3 things are you afraid of?
Tell me about the best moment of your life.

Tag @Morningofthesun -

tell me the best thing about where you live
what would you spend $100 on right now
Tell me about your pets
What is your favorite thing to do on a sunny day?

Tag @NAMsMommy

Please tell me:
The last book you read (timeframe doesn’t matter)
The last song you listened to
A favorite self-care activity
What month you were born in

tag @kyliecatherine

What is your all time favorite vacation and why?
What is your favorite season and why?
If you could be any mythical animal, which would it be and why?
tell me a dad joke

Tag @NAMsMommy

If you could go back in time, who would you want to meet and why?
What is one thing you are looking forward to in 2024?
What place/vacation spot do you really want to visit?
If you have a pet and animals could talk, what do you think your pet would say to you?

tag @TrvlCat
I’d like to hear about any of the following:

  • a lesser-known local attraction that you recommend
  • a personal regret
  • a recent humourous incident or funny anecdote from your day-to-day life

Prefer single view cards, if possible. Thanks!

Tag @JasonDavid
Tell me about:

  • Was 2023 as you expected, why/why not?
  • You have $100 in your wallet/purse, what would you spend it on?
  • What hobby/craft would you like to learn?
  • Your favorite song/artist/music genre, and why?

Tag @sunflak

Answer one of these for me!
✧ What’s the first or most recent video game you fully completed?
✧ How did you meet your partner or best friend?
✧ If you prefer to draw, no matter your skill level, please draw Meltan (Pokemon) or Rascal the Raccoon!

Tag @inlostdreams.

I’d love to hear about:

  • What do you dislike about your day job?
  • If you named a pet/s, how did you come up with their name?
  • The first postcard you received that was significant to you and why (whether official, unofficial, from friends/family in your life, etc.)
  • An ingredient/food you only like in one dish but usually not anywhere else