[TAG] NA Back of the Card Tag

Tag @StephofYorktown

On the back of card to me I’d love to see you draw something. You choose what.

Or write about what’s in your purse or wallet besides your ID or money

Or what a typical fast food meal for you is (choose this prompt only if you do eat fast food) otherwise, describe your favorite restaurant.

Your favorite board games

Or decorate with stickers/washi/papers etc.

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Tag @Crystalinne

On the back of the card you can

Write about your favorite summer drink,

Tell me a strange dream you’ve had

or… Tell me about the

Most unexplainable experience you’ve had

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Tag @Rainlion

If you were cast away on a desert island, what 5 music recordings, one book, and one luxury item would you choose to bring with you? (Desert Island Discs - Wikipedia )
Do you believe in fate, free will, randomness, parallel universes, something else? Why do you think things turn out the way they do?
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?
something strange that happened to you
your thoughts on life
a dream you had (while sleeping)
the last good audiobook you listened to
your favorite book and movie
What’s the scariest movie you’ve seen?

Tag @wayness

  • tell me about your favorite book
  • write a haiku
  • what is your favorite movie and why?
  • what’s your go-to song to pump you up?
  • your favorite quote
  • where would you live if money was no object?
  • what are your goals for the year?
  • decorate the card with stickers/stamps/washi tape/drawings

Tag @Tee_Q

I’ve borrowed these prompts from a great novel (“The Interrogative Mood” by Padget Powell):

  • If someone approached you saying “Lead me to the music,” how would you respond?
  • Right now, what is the thing or situation in your life that most confuses or baffles or paralyzes you?
  • Do you recall the last time that you really had fun?
  • What is the largest zone of neglect in your life?
  • Have you ever witnessed any credible sign of ghosts?
  • Do you know where it went wrong with you?

Tag @avery27

*a Crazy dream you had while sleeping

  • witnessed anything paranormal ?
  • craziest date you ever went on ?
  • haiku
  • a ghost story
  • best vacation you ever went on ?
  • your favorite podcasts ?
  • your favorite Spotify playlists or your own playlist on there ?

Tag cera1985 & I’ll borrow someone’s questions for someone to pick from - - hope it’s ok.

tag @tanoshiikoto

Back of card writing suggestions for me:

  • an interesting/funny/odd anecdote from your day-to-day life
  • a local tourist attraction or natural area that you enjoy/recommend, especially one that is not widely known beyond your region
  • what are your pet peeves?
    and if you still have space…
  • what do you do with all your postcards

Tag @JasonDavid

*what literary character reminds you most of yourself?

*ever make a huge change at the last minute?

*what was the deciding factor in choosing your house or apartment?

*do you know any lines of poetry by heart?

*what’s your favorite place to be alone?

Tag @NewEnglandEllen

If you were cast away on a desert island, what 5 music recordings, one book, and one luxury item would you choose to bring with you? (Desert Island Discs - Wikipedia )
Do you believe in fate, free will, randomness, parallel universes, something else? Why do you think things turn out the way they do?
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?
something strange that happened to you
an interesting coincidence
your thoughts on life
a dream you had (while sleeping)
the last good audiobook you listened to
your favorite book and movie

Tag @wayness

Choose one of the following:

Were you ever truly lost? How did you find your way back?

What famous book do you wish you could rewrite the ending to?

Last time you apologized?

Dating “horror” story?

Describe someone you see all the time but you don’t know their name.

Tag @NewEnglandEllen

Back of card writing suggestions:
If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
When was the last time you really had fun? What were you doing?
Favorite Spotify playlist?
What are your favorite holiday traditions? Any holiday is welcome!!
What is your favorite piece of clothing/outfit that you own?
How do you store your received postcards?
Do you have any Postcrossing pet peeves?

tag @thetinylibrarian

Note to taggers: waydowneast has a new temporary address in Colorado

Back of the Card Tag
I would like someone to write about…
a strange or surreal experience
an irrational fear that you just can’t get over
what you think is “out there” in the universe
a real person you know who would be a weird character in a novel
a bad dream that truly frightened you

Tag @waydowneast

Please choose one:

*If you collect anything (besides postcards), tell me about the “gem” of your collection.

*What birds do you see in your neighborhood?

*Something someone said to you that you’ve never forgotten.

*What does Art mean to your life?

*What made you realize you loved your spouse or partner?

Tag @NewEnglandEllen
I have your address.

Back of the card suggestions-

  1. Who is your favorite poet? What do you like about their works?
  2. What is your favorite location? Why do you like it so much?
  3. How do you organize your received postcards?
  4. Do you edit your profile or is it always the same?
  5. 2 truths and a lie about yourself, and I’ll send a PM guessing the lie.
    6.Draw a picture.
    7.Tip on parenting a teenage boy.
    8.How you met your spouse/partner.
    9. A weird food combination that you love!
    10. A small thing that gives you great joy!

Tag @DaisyDekker

I borrow these questions from “The Interrogative Mood: A Novel?” by Padgett Powell:

  • At what age would you say your character was set – that is, when do you think you were you?
  • What would you say is the essential business of living well?
  • Can you call to mind the single most remarkable or outrageous thing you have ever witnessed one person say to another?
  • Have you lost your mind?
  • Are you as handsome as you’d have it?
  • Do you know anyone on whom you can drop in unannounced and in whose kitchen you might then sit and talk pleasantly?
  • Do you believe in ghosts, or want to believe in ghosts but really can’t, or dismiss ghosts outright?
  • What do you do when you get to feeling really low?

@avery27 I have your address :slight_smile:

Ideas for me:
*Collage, drawing or impromptu art
*Tell me about your favorite…
-national park
-vacation spot
-or any item on your bucket list
*List the items currently in your purse, backpack, pocket or even suitcase (I love watching those youtube videos :laughing:)
*Story about the craziest date you ever went on
*Feel free to just surprise me, too! :slight_smile:

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tag @wolfshadow424

waydowneast has a new winter address
I would like someone to write about…
a strange or surreal experience
an irrational fear that you just can’t get over
what you think is “out there” in the universe
a real person you know who would be a weird character in a novel
a bad dream that truly frightened you

Tag @waydowneast

Describe a time you felt completely free. Where were you and what were you doing?

Best thing about the house or apartment where you live?

Last mistake you made?

“Me time”: how do you spend an afternoon off?

Synchronicity: have you ever had something come into your life just when you needed it?

Tag @NewEnglandEllen

Share a memorable moment you had in nature.

Have you been to Spain? Tel us about your experience.

Have you been to New Orleans? Tell us about your visit.

Do you read Chinese fan fiction? Favorites?

Have you ever started an online business?

How do you get yourself to drink more water?

What is the view from the window you look out the most often?

When you go for a “drive” do you need a destination or do you just go where the road takes you?