[TAG] NA Back of the Card Tag

This topic existed in the old forum, and I propose that it be moved here. To quote the thread there:

“How about a tag where any image on the front is fine, but you can request what you’d like on the back of the card? There are a lot of interesting themes in the international section but since the price went up I’m not always in the mood to tag there. You can list topics from the tag forum or add your own if you like. I’ll send a card to the person who tags me”

I was the last person to tag, and I’m asking for:

2 truths and a lie about yourself, and I’ll send a U2U guessing the lie
A collage, impromptu art, something visually interesting
Tell me your favorite thing to wear
What is something you have always wanted to do?

I love this tag! I will add more topics soon if no one tags me. Pretty please?

You can share the postcards you’ve received from this tag on this topic.

tag @MeaganMS

I’m asking for:
-2 truths and a lie about yourself, and I’ll send a U2U guessing the lie (stolen from @MeaganMS :laughing:)
-Tell me your favorite family tradition/s
-If you could send 1 text message that will be received by every single person in the world, what would it say? (stolen from another tag, but I don’t remember where or who wrote it)
-Put a sticker on the card & draw around it (I draw stick figures myself, so I won’t judge anyone’s drawing skills :wink:)

I’ll also add more topics soon if no one tags me. :wink:

As promised, adding more topics (a lot of which I’ve stolen :rofl:)
-What TV series are you bingeing now?
-Tell me about any random/boring/crazy/funny/weird/silly thing your pet has done. (stolen from sleepykitty)
-Tell me a joke
–Tell me about any random/boring/crazy/funny/weird/silly memory from one of your past travels/vacations (stolen from Gbnaabennett)
-Tell me about a dream you had while sleeping (the crazier/weirder, the better). DON’T write on the postcard that it’s a dream. Just start describing it. For example: “Okay, so I was on a boat with 3 monkeys and there was a box that we couldn’t open…” (stolen from wayness)
-Since Halloween is coming up: Tell me about any experience you’ve had with ghosts or the supernatural. (stolen from alm74)
-What’s something you believed to be true as a child that you should have known was not true (something other than Santa’s not real)? Example: I thought that in movies where they flash forward (when they say something like “10 years later…”), that they actually wait 10 years before continuing the movie for the actors, especially if they’re kids, to grow up. :laughing:

Tag xxiiangel

collage art or a drawing
a not well-known poem
a recipe you like
the best movies or TV shows you’ve seen this year
your favorite book
fantasy or science fiction audiobook recommendation
a dream you had (while sleeping)
Do you believe in fate, free will, randomness, parallel universes, something else?
If 2020 were a movie, what would the title be?
How has 2020 been for you?
What’s the last live performance you watched before the virus?
Have you had the virus?

tag @wayness

-2 truths and a lie about yourself, and I’ll send a u2u guessing the lie
-Favorite family tradition/s (more specific, not general ones like “We open presents on Christmas Eve”)
-Draw out your message. I’ll u2u what I think you’re saying. :laughing:
-What upcoming book, TV series, and/or movie are you most excited about reading/watching?
-What are your thoughts on any potential Covid vaccine? Would you take it?
-Tell me about your pets
-Share a memory from one of your past travels/vacations
-Who’s your favorite fictional character & why? Where are they from (book/comic/TV series/movie/etc.)?

What do you think about one of these shows or movies?

The Undoing
Tiger King
Grizzly Man
The Last Dance
Indian Matchmaking

Tag @wayness with Tiger King!

I would like someone to write about…

  • Have you ever encountered a ghost? Tell me that story.
  • What’s something weird that has happened to you or that you’ve witnessed recently?
  • What’s something someone has said to you that you’ve never forgotten?
  • Who is the most confusing person you know and why?
  • What is weighing on your heart right now?
  • Tell me a secret.
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tag @avery27!!

  • your current to-do list
  • advice for your younger self
  • what song/album do you currently have on repeat ?
  • a drawing/doodle of your pet
  • pizza order (bonus points if you draw it out for me)
  • tell me someone else’s secret, i promise i won’t tell ;^)
  • how has quarantine been for you? be honest.
  • your favorite (easy lol) recipe

Tag @wormsforbrains.

I’m going to steal a combination of everyone else’s prompts.

  • Tell me about your pets
  • A poem that is not well-known
  • What is weighing on your heart right now?
  • Your current to-do list
  • What song or album do you have on repeat?
  • Tell me someone else’s secret

Tag @dragonarmy

For my card I would love you to decorate the backside to the best of your creative ability:

  • doodles
  • stickers
  • washi tape
  • rubber stamps

No need to write a long message, just cover it in fun stuff!


My requests are very similar to Roxy’s :rofl:

I love doodles, washi tape, stickers and rubber stamps. Also feel free to glue ticket stubs, ribbon, wrappers or whatever cool stuff you can think of. No long message necessary, but I would love to know what “hello” and/or “goodbye” is in your language :slight_smile:

Tag @wolfshadow424

My requests are:
~ tell my about your pets!
~ your favorite animals?
~ if you don’t have pets, what is your dream pet?
~ favorite flower and why?
~ stickers, washi tape, nature related decor!

Tag @anon12983924

I would like someone to write about…

  • Have you ever encountered a ghost? Tell me that story.
  • What’s something weird that has happened to you or that you’ve witnessed recently?
  • What’s something someone has said to you that you’ve never forgotten?
  • Who is the most confusing person you know and why?
  • What is weighing on your heart right now?
  • Tell me a secret.
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Tag @avery27

Please write about…

  • Tell me a funny story about something that once happened to you.
  • Tell me the funniest joke you know
  • Tell me about your proudest achievement
  • Tell me about a time you were scared
  • Tell me how you picked your username

Tag @MystiqueDeep

I don’t know that I have any specific questions or prompts - I’d just either like to know how your week has been or see a cute drawing. I’m easy to please :slight_smile:

Tag @esca0417

I’d like to hear…

  • The last thing you forgot :laughing:
  • A food that is your family tradition (a family specialty, a traditional holiday meal, etc)
  • Your most boring day
  • Your dream vacation
  • The weirdest thing your pet has done
  • Your typical breakfast
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Tag @technoruby

I’d love to hear…

  • A description of your favorite mug;
  • Your 2021 (and beyond) goals;
  • Recommended places to visit in and around your town;
  • Your favorite website (not PostCrossing) and/or app;
  • Two truths and a lie (I’ll guess the lie when I receive your card).

Tag @jewelldelis

Tell me
Your favorite food, hobby, or place to visit.
Where would you like to visit.

tag @theosprey247

Do you believe in fate, free will, randomness, parallel universes, something else?
Do you ever have recurring dreams?
How has your life been changed by the virus?
If your life were a book what would the title be?
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?
Have you had the virus?
your favorite fantasy or mystery novels
nicest place you’ve traveled to in your country

Tag @wayness

:sparkles: Write the whole sentence that runs through the 13th line on page 31 of your favorite book.
:sparkles: Recommend locations in your hometown that I should add to my ‘To Visit’ list.
:sparkles: Go to Wikipedia and search using the random feature. Tell me about the article.
:sparkles: Tell me two truths and one lie. I’ll guess the lie via DM upon receipt.