[TAG] NA Back of the Card Tag

tag @marupiter (I have your address!)

Some things that I would love to hear about :smiling_face:

  • A goal you have for 2024
  • The song you currently have on repeat
  • Your favorite comfort food and why it’s your favorite
  • A topic that you are passionate about
  • Your last vacation destination

Tag @potatertot

My options:

  1. Illustrate your favorite season
  2. A goal for 2024
  3. Describe a family tradition
  4. Something unique about your town/city

Tag @sunflak with Illustrate your favorite season

My options:

If you were stranded with only one meal choice, what would be your go-to?
Do you like Horror movies? Share your ultimate spine-chiller!
If you could travel anywhere tomorrow, where would you go?
What happened in your wildest dream?

tag @cookiedoe

I would like someone to write about…
a strange or surreal experience
an irrational fear that you just can’t get over
a real person you know who would be a weird character in a novel
a bad dream that truly frightened you

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tag @waydowneast

I would like to hear about
what do you do when you are feeling lonely
what unusual thing(s) do you collect
what do you love to cook
a person who you actually know who has an unusual job
a tell me about the worst place you have ever lived

Tag @i2y

I would love to hear about your favorite bird(s) and what makes you love them :heart:

Alternatively, tell me about a memory about one of your parents :slight_smile:

tag @lkmackie

I would love to hear
do you have any collections
a place I should visit if I come to your area
or tell me a joke!

Tag @NAMsMommy

I’d love to hear about:

your pet(s) and the quirky things they do
your favorite Jane Austen heroine
your favorite dessert
local news in your town

Tag @NewEnglandEllen

I would like to hear about:
:white_small_square:If you could have been born and lived your life in any time period, what would it be and why does it appeal to you?
:white_small_square:Your worst vacation ever
:white_small_square:Do you collect anything? How long have you been collecting?
:white_small_square:If you could choose your last meal - money is no object - what would it consist of?

Tag @inkandpaper

I would love to hear about your weird secrets, interesting fun facts, or strangest hobbies. Alternatively, tell me about your favorite price of media!

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Tag @jupsoop

Please tell me one:

*The song from your teenage years that brings back a tidal wave of memories

*Birds you see out your window

*Book character who reminds you of yourself

*What you overheard on the bus (or any public place)

*One thing in life you’ll never regret

Tag @NewEnglandEllen

I would like to know:

a character in a book, film or tv show that you’d like to share a meal with
your favorite cookie
a meal you recently loved
a decade in time you would like to visit

Tag @saoirse253

I would like to know:
a book you recommend and why
your favorite tv show and why
or a funny story about your pets/family/friends

Tag @NAMsMommy

Please choose one:

*tell me the last time you saw something beautiful

*how did your pet get their name?

*what habit do you have that’s good for the environment?

*what’s your favorite dessert & favorite place to get it?

Tag @NewEnglandEllen

Choose one or any combination of…

  1. Cover the back of the postcard in drawings
  2. Your favorite vegetarian recipe?
  3. Tell me some jokes I can try out on my kid for our nightly bedtime “haha”
  4. Some juicy gossip
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Tag @lforsstrom

Please choose one:

  1. What are your current favorite snacks and drinks?
  2. Who your favorite teacher was and why?
  3. Talk about something you lost and wish you could get back.
  4. A list of your comfort movies and shows that you could watch over and over again.
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Tag @pixxi88

Please choose a topic:

  1. Your favorite store to buy postcards (online too).
  2. The most expensive price you paid for a postcard, where and why?
  3. What food is your part of the country is known for?
  4. How your pet makes you feel.
  5. What noise makes your skin crawl?
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Tag @traceyk

Please choose one (or more):

1 What are you reading?
2. Favorite song lyric (with song title and singer/group)
3. Have you ever been to a Postcrossing meetup?
4. What is your least favorite thing about where you live?
5. Bucket list vacation destination?
6. What’s your favorite season and why?

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tag @SharonMI

I look forward to any one or more of these. Thanks.

  • Create something fun with stickers and washi tape.
  • List some of your favorite Netflix series.
  • What is one thing I should do or see in your neck of the woods?
  • What is something unique about you?
  • What noise makes your skin crawl? thank you @traceyk

Tag @breeze2902 This looks fun! :grinning:

Please choose from:
*What shows are you currently watching?
*The last museum you visited
*Any hobbies besides postcards?
*Favorite sports team
*Decorate with a drawing of an animal!