Sticker bombing on postcard

Gave it a try on an AD card. Maybe not the last time. :wink:


Wow - those are some great creations! Thanks for the inspiration!

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Thanks to my new pal in The Netherlands who agreed to be my first recipient of a sticker-bomb card. As promised, I waited until she said she had it, so she could see it first. Here is my first creation:


Ahhhh clearly I did not see this before I engaged in sticker bombing RR.s. I thought I was to tell a story… one of my recipients liked it but relayed this is
not what she expected…

Here are 3 I have sent…I laid it out as a message of hope encouragement, a note that reflected what I wanted to say by using stickers?



I think that is a lovely idea! :blush:
There are many ways to create a sticker bombing card…



Recently I was in a Sticker Bombing-themed group on the Weird RR group. However I didn’t really have enough stickers to fully “bomb”, so instead I used them judiciously to make a (boring) card (hopefully) more interesting (example below).

For people who want to play with stickers, RRs like that one — or my other favourite, the Goodie Two Shoes Chaotic RR — are great places to do so as you’re free to be very creative!


I love this card so much!
That’s a great idea!


I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! I have way too many stickers and now I know how to use them. I don’t have anything to show, but I would so love to receive any of the examples here!


I haven’t done sticker bombing but I like using excessive amounts of stickers and washi tape. I sometimes think people must get the impression that a 7 year old girl decorated the postcard :smile:.


I’ve just written 28 postcards and make no apologies for the overuse of stickers and washi tape. If the profile specifically asks for no stickers etc then I honour that. I don’t put anything on the picture side though there are some creative examples on this thread.

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Really nice idea! I just tried it out aswell. :slight_smile:


Those are soo cute <3

I wanted to share one of my first tries to do sticker bombing. It was for RR group, the postcard got a little bit too chaotic, but I had fun making it :smile:

Self-made name for postcard: “Winter Butterflies”


Ever since I saw this topic, I have wanted to do it someday. And I did it today :laughing:
I use blank white cards.
It was difficult, but it was fun!


Now I want to try it. I have lots of stickers!

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Personally I love stickerbombing!

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