Show us your handmade postcards and Mail Art

Truly gorgeous!

These are really nicely done! I like the quotes too!

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Some experiments to participate in the Decorated Wildcard tag







the bee is so cute :heart: :honeybee:

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Today I made another Card with watercolor stamped Bubble wrap as a background!


we already used that technique of bubble wrap at work (Kindergarten) to print honey combs ^^

really lovely picture and idea… why did Postcrossing swallow half my message?


I make semi homemade cards. I embellish an existing card with lettering and sometimes stickers. I only send these when the recipient doesn’t seem to mind home made cards.


What a great idea to use a pressed leaf! Love it! :maple_leaf:

good idea!:grinning: can i try this too?

Hello Folks!
I hope this is the right place to post this question…

I’m a creative person, and I love this idea, however I have no I idea how to get started. Do I need special materials, tools, glue, tape etc.?

Thank you,
Judi from CT, USA


Hi Judi,
if you browse through the posts you will see many different etchniques …
… so what you need depends on what you want to create - as long as it is a postcard in the end every technique or material is fine.


I love those cards!



@mangycat Love your mail art :heartpulse: I wonder how do you send your collage postcards? Do you put them in the mail like this and how to they arrive with multiple layers of papers/ embellishments that some seem so intricate?

Thank you! So far they have been arriving intact, though sometimes I’m so unsure if they’ll arrive OK that I just put them in an envelope. :sweat_smile:

After it dries completely, I usually do a check to make sure all the corners and edges are flat so that there’s little chance of pieces getting caught on other things/machines/etc. If bits are sticking up, then I get them glued down.

The glue I use is for dollhouses (wood, metal, plastic, etc.) and is extremely strong without wrinkling the paper. I often layer on stickers in key places for extra assurance that everything lays flat and securely.


Hello @AprilSun66, this topic is a place where people show what they made. Many of us like being inspired by what the others did. If you’d like to know more about special cards, you can ask here (don’t forget to send a link to the card you’re asking about) or via pm about the techniques and so on.

In this category (#postcard-mail:mailart-handmade-stationery) you’ll find many topics with discussions about a variety of techniques. Just take your time to read a little through those - maybe you’ll find answers there. There are even discussions as specialised as Glue & adhesives for mailart.


Sometimes things go wrong. I draw these funny houses inspired by James Rizzi (Well his art has so much more details) but then when I sprayed a protective layer, the fineliner “swam” away. So I made it again with different paper, that holds the paint better and works well without layer.

So I had a bizarre skyline to sent out, to someone who like odd cards :smiley:


and one in “nice” for the Handmade RR


My project today. refurbished from yogurt package the cardboard I made some postcard from it.

Ummm I got happy mail💗 what should I do…

Cut the envelope nice another refurbish

Next cereal box or the poptart box…what can I empty…:heart_eyes::world_map::earth_asia::earth_americas::earth_africa::us:

Found more cardboard :kissing_closed_eyes::thinking:where did that wrapping paper go…

I should of waited

I got new wrapping paper from my favorite place I donate to. Oh well :thinking: what cereal box can be cut…

Now I have a thought I can do collage of my favorite place to buy my native American catalog. Maybe someone will like the postcard and buy something.

Or is this agist the rules? I’ll show you what i got when its done.


Hi all,

just received some days ago a beautiful handmade card, which I wanted to share (with permission of its artist):


This is my first handmade card, just sent it today to Alaska. I hope they like it :grimacing::grimacing:.