Show us your handmade postcards and Mail Art

This is very beautiful! What does the front look like?

Wow, amazing! So beautiful…

My first handmade card.


Beautiful! Is the surface of the bear picture raised? (I mean not flat, what is the correct word?)

Hi Hankadl, Thank you! The bear is flat, it is paper on paper.

This one I made for COVID-19


I made this one for somebody that likes teddy bears.


This is one of my favorite ones I made. Wait waiting for the right person to send it to.


Good day, your work is very beautiful. It’s just that I also tried to do a couple of works, but I’m afraid how they will survive the journey. How did you send them? How did they get there? Please share your experience💜


Good day, I would like to know the postcards made from scratch are relevant? Share your experience please


Welcome to the Forum Kristina! You’re in for a treat! There are many, many Postcrossing members who make all kinds of creative handmade cards to swap, for tags & round robins. I love your card - very cute & creative!

Here’s a thread where people share their amazing work

And there is a whole section devoted to handmade cards & other kinds of work - Enjoy!

There are many handmade card Tags - you tag someone & send them a card & then someone else tags you & sends you a card - here are 2 Tags & there are many others listed at the beginning of the Handmade section.


Wow! Your work is so nice. :blush: I’ll be happy to receive that Stitch postcard you made. :rofl:

I joined postcrossing on April 2021, and found quite a lot of profile that asked people not to send handmade postcards. Fair enough. On the other hand, there are others who mentioned that they don’t mind getting handmade postcards.
I guess it depends of whether handmade postcard is your cup of tea, or not.:coffee::tea:🧋

I also like to make upcycled postcards. I am not so good in drawing or anything artistic, but I found a lot of nice images (magazines, calenders, brochure, food packaging) that I wish it’s in a postcard, and I would love to receive postcards with such images.
And I appreciate those who has the talent to make nice drawings and art, and put that talent to make postcards.
So yes, handmade postcard is relevant, at least to me. :sunglasses:

There are a lot of people who appreciates handmade postcards with different techniques and materials, and even different themes. Please check the links already given by @LC-Canada . :+1:

There’s also a handmade RR, where you send your handmade postcards to a group of people who loves handmade postcards and will send their work to you. You and your handmade postcards will be very much welcomed there. :smiley:


Thank you very much :orange_heart: I am very pleased :blush:

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A Stitch card…fantastic.

@Cassiopheia, have a look in here :slight_smile:


Wow, what an amazing card! I’m crazy about Stitch :heart_eyes:

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Your postcard is awesome!
Many people, including me, would be happy to receive this :heart:

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These so so so cute!! You have a very cute card :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Hi @Kristina_Stoppel, I moved your post to the topic where people show their handmade cards and also ask for reactions from the community.
Welcome to the Postcrossing Forum!

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Welcome Kristina and what a wonderful works!
You’ll be surprised what postcards will survive their journey :smiley:

Maybe you’ll find some ideas here:

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Made a simple card with a dried leave (I know I can’t send it to certain countries)