Show us your handmade postcards and Mail Art

I absolutely LOVE to create collages and decorate postcards and envelopes. It’s one of the main reasons I love this snail mail hobby–the second main reason being the connection I can make with other people. :blush: Here are a couple that are traveling right now:

And if someone says “no handmade cards,” I end up doing something like this:

Technically there is still a store-bought one on there, right? :sweat_smile:


Your no-handmade-card is really gorgious!!!
Love all your Cards!!! @mangycat
Me, too, I love it, that I can ask any
question and will have a serious answer!!!

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Thank you so much! I didn’t understand what people meant by “no handmade cards” initially, but I’ve been learning more about it by reading on the forum. I think what I’m doing would be considered OK for those collecting traditional cards. At least…I hope it is! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Taking people (and machines) out of their everyday lives for a moment by confusing them a little is definitely one of the best things you can do. Try it out, it could be a joy for you.


Good point! :joy:

Hi there, I’ve been scrolling through your wonderful posts for a while now - they’re absolutely fantastic! Do you send your handmade cards as they are or do you scan and print them? I’d like to do some handmade cards but fear that scanning will reduce the quality of the card. Thanks in advance !

Hi, Lisa! @LisaMonsterken
Recently I make Photos by my Smph when a Card is finished, then some keep for myself, some send out.

Made this Halloween one for a friend who has a birthday on Halloween and loves it!


A handmade card should be sent as it is otherwise (a scan or copy)it isn’t a handmade card anymore :wink:


I love making handmade cards as you can see above in this topic but to be totally honest with you an altered card is also a kind of handmade card and if one doesn’t want to receive handmade cards I am pretty sure they mean altered cards aswell :grimacing:


I always send the original! One of the things I love about doing this hobby is that I get the satisfaction of making art without the hassle of having to find a place to put it afterward. :sweat_smile:


Same for me, but I keep a digital copy for myself :wink:


Do you put anything on it to hold it all together once you’ve finished, like a certain kind of glue? I’d be scared that my card would disintegrate on its way. :thinking:

I use a very strong dollhouse glue, often combined with double-sided tape and stickers. I’m only just starting to send these kinds of cards overseas, so we’ll see about how they do. But sending them within my country has worked just fine so far. :+1:

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Modge Podge is a great idea :ok_hand:

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I love handpainting watercolor postcard for everyone I send a postcard to. Here are some of my favorites.


These are lovely :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I made some cards with maps and travel quotes


So cute! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I especially love your animals! :honeybee: :bear:

… I aore the donkey!!! So beautifull eyes!

Your quotes are so true!!! :earth_africa: :earth_americas: :earth_asia: