Show us your handmade postcards and Mail Art

Yes, of couse it is! :smiley: We had a group on the Handmade RR once called “pimp a boring store-bought card” where we did just that, and it was great fun and we got some amazing cards out of it! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Those are awesome!

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I’ve been working on some watercolours lately. First, a set of botanical postcards:

And I’m currently working on landscapes:

I always prepare them and send the originals. If anybody wants to swap something for an original draw, watercolour, engarving, etc, feel free to PM me with the offer, as there is always a doubt when I send them if the recepient will appreciate both the result and the work behind it or not.


Wow! I hope you’ll get my address at some point! I love your flowers and landscapes! Wow!!!


it’s a good idea to make cards olympic-related!!!
let me think for…

A series of 3 cards


Amazing :heart_eyes:


These are gorgeous! are they inspired by anything in particular?

What beautiful :star_struck: amazing handmade cards :black_joker:
I bought book washi tape and i had too it’s simple lol


I think your handmade cards
are :sunglasses: Coolnique

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Wow they are absolutely beautiful. If I get any of it I will surely admire and apappreciate the result and the hardworking. :bouquet:


Thanks a lot, @KitKat7576 , @taebbig and @prithika


It’s scary when just looking at the colours alone I know the pigment colours already… and have just learned another language for them :joy:

Are these Daniel Smith paints? On… Cold Press?

Great work! Your strawberries look an awful lot like the alpine variety I grow here (heirloom varieties do much better in my local conditions)… though as it’s winter mine aren’t growing flowers for a few more months :pensive:


They all are Winsor and Newton except on Prussian Blue, which is Van Gogh’s. Half of them professional, half of them Cotman…

The strawberries are, indeed, a wild variety. I’ve seen them growing in some forests in Galicia, and we’ve been lucky that they’re growing properly in our hot, andalusian patio. The varieties on sale here are about four or more times bigger, but they are also quite sour. These little ones taste just like candy.


Hi! I’m new to this forum) Write me, if you’re interested in direct swaps

  1. Zara (Not available)

  2. Retro (Not available)

  3. Retro (Not available)

  4. Russian culture ( Not available)

  5. Russian history

  6. Russian soul (Not available)

  7. Vintage

  8. Back to USSR


finally my olympic-related card got finished just the last day
of the olympic games in tokio!!! and also with another try
of handlettering!




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Hi @lilibet, welcome to the Postcrossing forum community!

If you are interested in exchanging handmade postcards, there are various places in the forum for that.

There’s a directory of all topics about handmade cards and mail art, there you find all topics that are somehow about handmade cards.

If you want to offer your card, you could join the handmade offer tag for example, another really easy one is the Handmade Postcard Tag :scissors: simple - easy - fun or the Colourful handmade postcard - tag besides many other handmade cards tags you can find in the directory.
And then there’s the Handmade RR, where you send and receive 3 cards for each round. It’s good fun and the participants are really friendly and helpful!


I like crayon painting, so I’m trying to make my own crayon postcard, that is, draw the picture I want to draw or the recipient likes directly on the blank Postcard paper. But it hasn’t started yet. I don’t know if anyone is willing to accept these postcards. (Sometimes there are some with mark strokes. )When I finish, I will post the picture here.


I look forward to seeing it!

I think lots of people like to receive handmade artistic cards. Probably don’t send it to someone who specifies that they don’t like handmade cards but that’s just because it might be wasted on them!