Show Us Your ATC (Artist Trading Cards)

@tamara84 it was a lot of patience and very thin marker. I’m very proud of it. :grin: thank you


They are beautiful . My favt the one the one that says dream.

Thank you so much! If you’d like, I can send you this one. I still have some of these cards, and I wasn’t really sure what to do with them after sending a few to my friends, so I’d be happy to give one of them to someone who likes it :grin:

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I Would love to :smiley: we could trade. Mine are illustration with watercolor, do you like it? I can paint urbansketch style chicago or illustrate something you like or a character. Let me in private and we can swap addresses.

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This went better then expected :slightly_smiling_face:


These are my latest ATCs, not the best images, sorry.




Great work @Jarana the floral and the pink/purple are beautiful.

This is a card I’m sending to @william_tsypin :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: urban sketching Chicago Bean


And it is INCREDIBLE! Thank you from the bottom of my heart :blush:


beautiful work!

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Your art is always so amazing, I :green_heart: it! :grinning:

:green_heart: :fox_face:


Thank you so much.

@anon84030332 @ScubaET and @wurzelsofie thank you so much. Have you painted or made any collage atc recebtly? Share with us. World of Watercolor is coming soon (July) We should all paint a lot :smiley:

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I made these monochrome ATCs for an RR group on this topic, but I find the postcard format easier to work with than ATCs - they are just so tiny! :see_no_evil: :sweat_smile:

Nevertheless, I might give it another go sometime, who knows… Right now I have this huge backlog of handmade groups again, so I need to work my way through those first. :blush:

:green_heart: :fox_face:


The stamps make a great extra, awesome idea. Yup ahah the cards are small. Had to buy a O.OO3 pen to work with. :orange_heart: oh there are groups for hadmade postcards? Awesome :heart:

Here you can find all the RRs and tags where handmade cards are welcome or even asked for! :slight_smile:

:green_heart: :fox_face:


Holy Pony! Awesome. Thank you so much :orange_heart::orange_heart:

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Painting is not part of my skill set :rofl:

Earlier this year I took part in a special edition of the Handmade RR, to celebrate group #1000 the group size was unlimited. We ended up with 28 people in the group! So, I’m still recovering from my endeavour to create 27 different cards :grin:

I’m back to my go to handicraft crocheting (check out the forum thread on that), but I guess at some moment in time I’ll be making some cards again when I get the ‘itch’ and show them in the mailart thread!


Ahah 27 that’s a lot :rofl:. Will check it out. I have no skill with crochet but it’s so gorgeous. I love amigurimis (japanese tiny croschet dolls)

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A mini cross stitch card :relaxed: