Sexually-Explicit Postcards

I need guidance, please. I recently received the address of a Postcrosser who is asking for any postcard “even if it’s erotic, sexual/porn.” This Postcrosser marked as one of their favorites a postcard of male genitals, which showed up on their site. I understand nudity as art, but does Postcrossing allow requests for pornography? What if a child receives this Postcrosser’s address? I am uncomfortable with Postcrossing allowing and posting pornographic material. I searched for guidelines on this on the Postcrossing page, but couldn’t find anything. I welcome comments.


We discussed the issue of explicit pictures here…

…and here:

Postcrossing is open to people at least 13 years old. Kids have to be guided by an adult.

And I recently read the opinion of one of the admins about this, but I can’t find the topic. They said that pictures on Postcrossers’ walls shouldn’t show “aroused genitals”.

Edit: …found it! :slightly_smiling_face:


In general, Americans are weird about/uncomfortable with nudity (saying this as an American.)

Photos of genitalia aren’t necessarily pornographic or sexually explicit. It’s up to parents to monitor their children on Postcrossing. I’ve never come across anything remotely sexual but I usually just read the profile and choose a postcard based on that.


As with any other Postcrosser, if you do not have what they like, feel free to send them any postcard you have. If you happen to run across such a card while Postcrossing with a child, it seems like a good opportunity to explain why someone might like that kind of card.


Hi #Hats-Off-2U,
I agree with you. I’ve also received an address for someone who liked cards with nude people (male or female) and it made me feel uncomfortable. (I’ve been a victim of sexual harassment at work.) I just sent another kind of postcard.
Also, I’ve already received a card from a 12 year old boy so I can’t imagine what a young person like that must think when someone asks “what’s your favourite sexual position?” in their profile…
I thought Postcrossing was about sending postcards and not collecting specific postcards…


The rule in postcrossing is to send a postcard to every address you draw. It doesn’t have to be one of a topic the person wants/wishes for, just a random postcard.

Personally I would not send that person a postcard and just move on. If you do decide to send them a postcard I would write something on there about decency and try to change their mind about their poor choices.


If somebody asks this in their profile, bring it to the attention of the admins. But I’ve never come accross such a question in my time on postcrossing.


And why do you think someone might like that kind of card?

As @Cassisia mentioned, we’ve had this same discussion several times before, so there isn’t much point in having yet another topic about it… To be clear, senders are free to send whichever postcards they like or have available, regardless of what is written in the recipient’s profile. The only rule here is that you need to send the person a postcard — any postcard.

@Hats-Off-2U we’re going to have a look at the person’s profile, discuss it with the team, and contact the person if needed.

@SillyBilli Is there anyone asking “what is your favourite sexual position” on their profile, or are we talking hypothetically? I couldn’t find them, but that does seem inappropriate – feel free to bring that profile to the admins attention, if you’ve seen something like that.

I’ve also deleted a few of the posts on this topic (which were either off-topic or discussing breaking the Community Guidelines), but I would like to leave a note to state that Postcrossing does not have a problem with people discussing politics, religion or other topics on the platform or their postcards — as long as this is done respectfully and in a friendly manner. These topics are sensitive though, and tend to quickly get heated and derail. We know it’s difficult to have a constructive conversation when the issues being discussed are so personal and important… But let’s try to make an effort to improve the conversations we’re participating in, set a good example, and be agreeable even when we disagree with others.