Erotic postcards … I’ve seen some that repulsed me on a postcrossers profile is anything allowed?

I don’t think it’s higher standards; just different standards.

It’s a bit like driving. We all think that the people driving quicker than us are reckless idiots, and the people driving slower are overly cautious and don’t know how to drive.

Similarly, we tend to think people more sensitive to nudity and sexual themes than us are prudish and repressed, and those less so are wild and hedonistic.

We all think we’re in the perfect moderate position in all things.


True, it just different standard shaped by cultures and maybe religion etc… I think the number of postcrossers who have / like nudism theme on their wall aren’t that many. But sometime their addresses are drawn because they’re active members with high number of cards sent

Censoring nudism will give impression that being naked is wrong and harmful. So, I think nothing is wrong with nudism, and at some point of life, everyone will actually learn anatomy lol.

Although nudism still taboo in many place of the world. As long as minors are using the platform with parental guide, it’ll be okay. In this digital era, children are so good with their gadget, they might open certain xxx sites or clicking any harmful content :laughing: more harmful than nudism in postcrossing wall


Thank you, @missmelbourne . You said what I was thinking. We all have different perspectives and shouldn’t present our own as the only acceptable one.


I probably shouldn’t argue this point but Canada is, in fact, part of the Americas. So when you said “we” who are not European, it certainly felt like you were casting a wide net.


Honestly, this sounds a bit smug to me - I’d also say you have different standards. American TV seems to have more problems with simple nudity, but less problems with violence, from which our laws try to protect children and underage teens from…

Why should they? Why is it a problem if a child (who isn’t allowed to use Postcrossing on its own, but only with the guidance of an adult) sees a naked person on somebody’s postcard wall?

I disagree with this point of view. Postcrossing is a European project, so European standards should apply.


I didn’t make a valuation or a judgement which standards are “higher”, I think I just stated the obvious.


Hi :wave: … clarification again … i do not have problems with artistic nudes … it’s graphic sexual acts on postcards that is what i saw it was repulsive
I contacted postcrossing and they never responded to my concern …


I would think you should report it to Postcrossing if someone is displaying pornography.

ETA: the user editted their comment. Initially, they said they contacted the postcrossers.

The way I see it like this.

We know what is allowed on here and we know that somethings might offend us for whatever reason.

If you feel that there are images on here that might offend you then don’t go looking on peoples walls as there is a possibility you may see something you don’t like.

Looking on walls isn’t essential for selecting a card to send, just read the recipients profile and send what you think is appropriate to you and them.

Walls on here are like people’s homes, they can display what they like on their own bit but if you choise to look through their window then that is down to you.


Ehm, have you noticed that they are here and reading this? Because it sounds like you are commenting about someone behind their back, but doing it publically instead, without even addressing them directly. I have never seen such behaviour in 20+ years of using forums.

What if I think it is a lower standard?

Why should anyone mind any type of postcard? (besides the won’t anybody think of the children which Americans are mocked about…)

I cannot look at insects. It disturbs me. If I see an insect on someone’s wall I jump and close the computer/throw my phone (true story). I am very annoyed when people use stamps depicting insects. Should I report them or forbid them to do it? Or just look the other way since it is my problem?


I wonder if you were born dressed?


That posting is not ethnocentric, for nearly all Northamericans hav their ethnic roots outside America and most of them in Europe. The problem is more religious extremism. And regarding prudity as a higher level of development is really adventurous!


Ethnocentric: evaluating other peoples and cultures according to the standards of one’s own culture

The term ethnocentric isn’t about your ethnic roots, although they can certainly influence a culture. Ethnocentrism is about the culture you currently live in, which is the primary informer of your perspectives. Yes, you are right go say that religious extremism/conservatism has a large influence on American culture. However, the term still very much applies to this situation, in my opinion. What other prejudicial term do you think applies to these horrible comments?


I don’t see any problem with erotic postcards. For me, nudity is a completely natural, kind of art. I also have several of them on my favorite wall because I think nudity is a beautiful art. I have lots of nude/erotic postcards but I only send them to those who specifically request.


Sorry for going off-topic here, but I think it is a bit inappropriate to talk about “Europeans” as they would be one big group all sharing the same point of view.

There are about 746.000.000 people living in Europe which are all from different places and cultures and therefore also share different beliefs about different topics.

Please don’t put all of us into one box.


Have you been to Europe, @anon4239658? While I haven’t traveled to every country in Europe I have been to several and I can tell you even based on that there are wide differences between the cultures of different countries and indeed even in different areas of the same country just like there are in different portions of the US and even in different parts of states here as well.


Because there are a lot of flagged posts in this topic, I’m closing it temporarily.
@meiadeleite and/or @paulo will take care of it when they have time.


Sigh. Sooo many flags… is it a parade? :sweat_smile:

Everyone, we’ve discussed this topic here or here already, and I’m not sure it’s worth going on and on about this.

I think we can all agree that everyone has a different threshold for what they find “acceptable” in terms of nudity, or what they are comfortable with seeing. It’s all about what kind of things you’ve been exposed to growing up, your religion, your culture, what kind of media or art you have access to, etc. Just because someone has a different standard for what they consider acceptable, it doesn’t mean it’s better or “higher”. It’s just their own standard.

The site’s age limit is set at 13 years old, and younger children must use it under adult supervision, so that parents can decide what they’re comfortable with their kids seeing.

Again, for postcard images posted on the site, we draw the line at full-frontal nudity, explicit sex and pornography, but these things are often not very black and white. We’re ok with people stating they are interested in erotic or pin-up postcards, and it’s fine if members exchange these postcards (as long as they’re both adults and interested in the topic). You don’t have to send these postcards though — as always, it’s up to the sender to decide what they would like to send.

Ok! I think this is all, so let’s wrap this up here. When in doubt, just bring the profile or postcard to our attention — we’ll have a look, maybe ask the team what they think and make a decision.

By the way @Wvgal, we replied to your message back in January, deleted that image and contacted the person who uploaded it… maybe you missed our reply? Send me a message if you didn’t receive it, and I’ll forward it again.