Rubber stamps

Do you use rubber stamps to decorate your postcards? I’m curious, so show me what you have!

This is my collection of randomly themed rubber stamps:


I have a lot of rubber stamps and sometimes I use them for my postcards.

My latest one is of a bluetit.

I’ve had penpals since primary school though (and I am old!), so I’ve used rubber stamps on my letters mainly.

They’re wonderful :heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :brown_heart: :black_heart:, but whenever I go into a shop where they have a good selection I often spend over €100.


I have got a weather stamp and a Thank You Mail Carrier stamp. I am happy with both. :heart_eyes:


This is my little collection!


Wonderful iris and pine :evergreen_tree: cone stamps!


Oh well… yes… I have quite a few. But lately I switched to clear stamps as it’s easier to navigate :blush:

By far my favourite set is this one about my home town!

My other stamps are… well on a journey? My desk is a mess right now… I won’t find anything :see_no_evil:


I have two lovely stamps I bought in Paris at Le Tampographe Sardon, who make outrageous (quite often rude, but in a jokey way), funny, and cute stamps :slight_smile:.

Love these :slight_smile:. I have some of their stickers, really lovely, including some that turn normal photos into postcards.


Oh, I have a lot of rubber stamps here and also clear stamps. But I had used it in the past only for creating stationary sets for my penpals. I think it will be a nice idea to use it for the postcards, too. For Postcrossing I’d only a stamp with my username, what I use regular. :smiley:

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I have my stamps in 2 wooden boxes that have several drawers and I have certain “themes” in the drawers:

Christmas :gift: :christmas_tree:
Halloween :jack_o_lantern:
Plants :palm_tree: :cactus: :shamrock: :sunflower:
Animals :snail: :octopus: :snake: :cat2: :orangutan:
Comics :snowman_with_snow: :sun_with_face: :croissant:
Celtic patterns

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Those are great. I was very lucky when I stumbled upon a Frankfurt mix of mini rubber stamps.


Cool, unfortunately no set for Bremen. My set is quite big as it is designed to make your own postcards with it (it comes with blank cards). They are called Stempel-Post (rubber stamp mail).

Wow it was cool to see everyone’s stamps.
I don’t use many stamps on my postcards cause I want to write a lot haha.
I use a stamp in my letters, at the end and/or on the envelope, kinda like a signature?
Do any of you do this?


Yes, on every (Postcrossing related) postcard! I guess I need to exchange the stamp pad soon :blush: I have a slightly bigger wooden rubber stamp with the same design.


I have a small collection of rubber stamps but I rarely use them (they can smudge, and I find stickers easier to use). But yesterday I drew a profile of a Postcrosser who asked for LOTS of rubber stamps on their postcard! :heart_eyes:
So I rubber-stamped all over the card and wrote a nice message. And then noticed … smudges. :confounded:

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I stamp all cards first, then I will let them dry and write later that day or the following :blush:


O-ho! Another devotee of the :fist_right: Tampographe Sardon :fist_left:. This is definitely a region at risk for a financial meltdown. I love it.
I’m currently waiting for another delivery from France (among others the Frida and the Le Majeur).

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@nordbaer Would you like to show the community what a rubber stamp collection also can look like? :smiley:

And for all you rubber stamp geeks: don’t miss to read The Rubber Stamp Album by Joni K. Miller and Lowry Thompson. It’s adorable and still available in antique bookshops.


Ladies first. Ask @reisegern :grin:

My stamp collection isn’t very impressive, but I don’t mind showing it later on.

At the moment I’m busy with something else and cannot access the rubber stamps except for those that I lately carved and those I regularly use for Postcrossing.


So @nordbaer, could you please show your stamp collection?

For sure I know that @Speicher3’s rubber stamp collection is really impressive.

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