[RR] šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø US to US Surprise Me -Themeless Fun From Hawaii to Maine - We Want YOU! (Part 1)

GROUP 1180 (Christmas Eve arrivals):

@lyndylou5 - a funny GREETINGS FROM card, so appropriate right now. Yes, I really miss live theatre. Pre-COVID we had season tickets to Harlequin, Olympia Little Theatre, and Tacoma Little Theatre, and were volunteer ushers at the Washington Center for the Performing Arts. I missed some of Harlequinā€™s radio plays this fall, but liked the ones we heard. I, too, hope they do more, or even rebroadcast earlier ones.

@treeclimber - a recipe for Italian parmesan and herb breadsticks. Iā€™ve been doing more interesting cooking than usual, probably not so much due to the pandemic, as from encouragement from my daughter to try new things.

Thank you both.

First post-Christmas arrivalā€¦

GROUP 1178

@Koyohtay shared a gorgeous view of a Montana landscape with everythingā€¦snowcapped mountains, wooded foothills, lush green grassland and the meandering Big Hole River. Sounds like you and I have lived parallel lives, Anniiā€¦youā€™re a Hoosier-Floridian too. If the trend continues, it looks like Iā€™ll be living in Montana next :wink: Thanks for the beautiful card!

1183 was mailed

1177 from @Ukucaitie a great work called Dragon and Tree by Roger Dean. We have been gathering up TV subscriptions as well but I feel like we only watch one show/series and then never go back to what ever channel it was on.

1160 from @Angeldreamer how in the world you have time to write cards now I will never know. Hopefully you will be regular soon and will get to work the easy days as well.

1177 from @AccentOnHakes sends a wonderful fruit crate label of Pears. I had a dream the other night of my orchard after it had matured and it was wonderful, I woke up ready to go pick fruit. Haha I have never had a bathtub pear, but you are right they usually do make a mess when ripe.

1177 from @ellistrations sends a lake Jordan in Chatham County, North Carolina card. I spend summers at the lake as much as possible. I love to ski.

1172 from @Blue_Fox a great 1899 view of the Bowery in New York, the hustle and bustle even then is something I have only experienced a few days in my life.

1176 from @Koyohtay a nice Booted Bantam Chicken, Mine had eggs all winter last year, but then they were all murdered in the summer by the minks so this winter I will not be as fortunate.

unknown group from @Koyohtay a card from Fort Laramie National HIstoric Site.

1172 from @lyndylou5 a fantastic card with many flower types on it. We had real food for thanksgiving, (yes this card took a while to get to me). That is neat that your town is restoring the 1923 Caboose. We have part of a demolished train station in our house, the wood became a few of the interior walls.

Thank you all so much.

Group 1178

Received this lovely multiview card of the Montana State Capitol from Annii today. It looks quite similar to our state capitol in Madison, WI. Thank you, @Koyohtay!

Also received this utterly chillaxed Florida kitty from @HoosierWyomingite. What a cutie! Your own cat sounds like a little stinker! :heart_eyes_cat: Thank you, Dan!

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I like the Micron pigma pens. They are felt tip, will be glossy on glossy finishes and matte on uncoated cards. I was already using them for zentangling so it was a natural choice for me. I like the 01 (fine) and the 005 (ultra fine),mouth they come in various sizes. They do not bleed through but they arenā€™t waterproof.

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Group 1181

Received from @HoosierWyomingite a cool ship card! Thank you Dan! The atmosphere looks fun, yet a bit too crowded for my likes, hehe. I like to have an escape plan. :smiley:

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Group 1182: All are ready for the post office on Monday, 12/28. :wink:

Received today (12/26) @hootnoodle a recommendation to visit Sun Lake - Dry Falls State Park in Coulee City, WA. There are so many pretty places here to explore!

Also received (12/26) @lyndylou5 a virtual meetup card from November 14, 2020. I went to my first meet-up in early February 2020. I learned so much there!

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Group 1170

@jocrafts - Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, thank you! Iā€™m glad you enjoy my name, haha! My family called me by my initials (BJ) as I grew up. But other than that, I didnā€™t really go by any other nickname, though itā€™s not for otherā€™s lack of trying.

Not part of a group, but MichelleW sent me a wonderful fox wearing a hat to wish me a Merry Christmas!! So sweet, thank you so much, I love it <3 My favorite piece of holiday mail this year :slight_smile:

I think this is my first time posting on the new forum at allā€¦ honestly it freaks me out a bit, Iā€™ve never used a forum with this sort of layout and I donā€™t love itā€¦ but I do love you guysā€¦ so can I join the next small group please? :innocent:


@TandemStoker - I got your Open House card only yesterday! You wrote it on 11/19 and it was all about Thanksgiving - postmark shows it passed through Denver on 11/20. It decided to spend some time in Cleveland, I guess, but now itā€™s here. Nice card - worth waiting for - a key ā€œmuseumā€. Thanks for the great card!

Sent cards to @lyndylou5, @AccentOnHakes, @hootnoodle, and @sraelling in Group 1182.

Received a vintage style Christmas card from @MichelleW and the cat washi tape is purr-fect! Hope you had a safe and happy Christmas as well.

Received from group 1180
@hootnoodle - a new-to-me Degas of a woman trying on a hat. My brother gifted me a book - ā€˜Edgar Degas Drawings and Pastelsā€™ that Iā€™m looking forward to reading. We kept out decorations simple this year. Hope your zoom Christmas went well.
@lyndylou5 - lovely flowers that I would love to have in our yard but we get lots of deer that love to nibble on them - including roses which I wouldnā€™t have thought they would go after with the thorns. Ringoā€™s book sounds fun. Nice to meet you. Best wishes for 2021!

I received some wonderful cards in the mail yesterday.

Group 1170
@Monkeyflower - a postcard of Castel del Monte. I agree that it would be dark living in a castle. Iā€™ve often thought of staying in one overnight next time I head to an area that has some to offer.

@ellistrations - an Arndt postcard of chocolate chip cookies! They look delicious and, like you, I enjoy them warm from the oven.

Group 1180
@treeclimber - a card of Queen Charlotte. I often wonder what it would be like having to stand for a painter to do their work. I baked cookies, too. That has to stop NOWā€¦haha!

Thank you, everyone!

Hi, everyone! Iā€™m home but not in tip-top shape. Thereā€™s a LOT for me to update, so give me a day or so. Iā€™m sorry - Iā€™ll get completed group address lists out ASAP.

I hope you enjoyed your holiday. Hereā€™s something to make you ponder 2021. My niece decided to plant this thought in our mindsā€¦evil. Just evil.



Group 1167 is now all received after @coleandjojo sent a mermaid. Sounds like you do have a busy Winter! I honestly havenā€™t been busy in ages since my business is still shuttered by the state, but I cannot wait until I feel ā€˜busyā€™ again.

Group 1175 @Koyohtay sent a LP Atlanta card. Atlanta airport is the worst. My husband retired as a pilot from Delta and they have a saying that you canā€™t get to hell without flying through Atlantaā€¦ haha. Thanks!

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Please add me to Milestone group and next small group.

GROUP 1175

@Koyohtay - A view of Red Lodge, Montana, is such a pretty setting. Thank you. Iā€™m glad youā€™re back.

GROUP 1182

@lyndylou - a sandy beach, looking so inviting on a grey day. Thank you. But I like our local beaches, even though they arenā€™t either smooth or warm. A few days ago I had a great walk with my sister (just north of Tolmie State Park). We saw sand dollars, squids, and some weird red/pink slugs on the beach, a couple of cool, fallen down old beach cabins, and so much more. Iā€™m glad you had a good Christmas escape to the waterfront.

Please add me to another group.

Thank you!

@MichelleW thank you for the Christmas card - great stickers and washi tape, and a super nice address label. Iā€™m reeeeally enjoying this RR :grinning:

Group #1172 @jocrafts Thank you for the cute Christmas card. Great stickers, washi tape, and stamps. Congratulations on getting the vaccine! Not sure when Iā€™ll be eligible, since Iā€™m able to work from home and stay isolated. But Iā€™m looking forward to when itā€™s my turn.

Group #1179 @Beachyblonde Thank you for the pretty Christmas card, and great stamps too. Whidbey Island is beautiful! And umm, yeah, nobody appreciates sunny days more than Washatonians LOL. I spent Christmas on the waterfront of Stretch Island. Very small, population 119, but very pretty.

Group #1180 @treeclimber What a darling snowman card! Great stamps and washi tape too. I enjoyed it very much.

Group #1182 @hootnoodle Thank you for the great postcard, and how nice to have your own personal tour guide in Japan! My daughters surprised me with tickets to the gala re-opening at Olympia Little Theater years ago, and I won a part in a play, at the silent auction. And all my kids (5 plus their 5 spouses) came to see me on stage. That was a really fun experience!

1176 from @Blue_Fox sends one of my favorite cards so far, an artwork by Eddy Varekamp of the Netherlands. I love it, thank you so much for introducing me to his work.

1176 from @sleepykitty sends a save the post office card. I am sorry you have had such a difficult year teaching. You are not alone, my sister is a dance professor, that is one subject that is nearly impossible to teach online.

1172 from @jocrafts wow you are lucky to get your vaccine so quick. I hope it works for you, I have so many allergies I am a little leery of it.

unknown group or RAS from @MichelleW sends a beautiful vintage Christmas postcard. I hope you have a happy New Year.

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