[RR] šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø US to US Surprise Me -Themeless Fun From Hawaii to Maine - We Want YOU! (Part 1)

Group 1178

I got a lovely postcard from @MichelleW depicting what I believe are different types of Menorah! I have been interested in Jewish history as of late, so this was great to receive. Thank you!

So, you didnā€™t get the ā€œrealā€ email from Postcrossing that Iā€™d sent a PM? Or did I leave you off of the ā€œToā€ list on PM? Not getting from Postcrossing would be weird, but I agree that there are still some kinks.

Thatā€™s probably the card I found that I love the most. I had a few left for this year - and sent the last one without saving one for me!!! Oh, wellā€¦ Iā€™ll survive. Luvya! :kissing_heart:

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More joy in the mailbox today!

GROUP 1183

@hootnoodle sent an awesome motorcycle-themed card from the Kyler Martz ā€œDaring Damesā€ set. What a cool pin-up vibe! My Christmas was a small celebration as wellā€¦just having my daughter come down from Indiana for a few days was all the gift I needed. Thanks for a great card, Mary!

@FrogSalad is a great new addition to the group! She shared a Route 66 collage card, along with the story of her trip to Arizona. Do you still have family in Naples? I used to manage a group of stores that had a location there, always liked visiting. Glad to meet you, Susie!

Do you know any Kellers in Naples? I still have some aunts, uncles, and cousins in the area, although we arenā€™t close.

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I knew catching up wasnā€™t going to be a quick project - and just when I think Iā€™m done, someone sneaks in another post!! :astonished:

Groups 1984 and 1985 closed and I sent the address lists to those folks.

I received some cards, too!

Group 1170 (Double-Dipping) -

@TandemStoker may not realize that she sent the perfect Christmas card for me (the nature fanatic), a vintage repro of Nature Magazine Christmas cover. Thank you, Shirley! :heart:

@Monkeyflower sent a reminder of a great celebration of women at the 2017 Womenā€™s March, Jan. 21-22! What great fun time in Dallas that weekend! I could never be vegan because my diet is so limited that I could never give up dairy. Even if my diet wasnā€™t limited, I could never give up dairy. Thanks, Terri :heart:

Group 1178 -

@HoosierWyomingite sent a card with the sweet, adorable Florida denizen, the manatee! Such amazing creatures that I never got to see in the wild when I lived in Miami. Iā€™m a fan for life! Thanks, Dan, for the card and your kind message! :heart:

@Koyohtay sent a card showing a gorgeous photo of autumn in Montana. My niece and her husband just spent 10 days up there and loved it. So glad youā€™re home, Annii! :heart:

and @hootnoodle sent a very cute ā€œsnowman igloo!ā€ Some little cat has a mansion for a home! So happy you got to see and visit with your son. That must have been the best gift EVER! Thanks, Mary :heart:

And with that, Iā€™m going to say, ā€œand thatā€™s a wrap!ā€ FlowerSmiley.jpg

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Group 1170

@ellistrations yay legos! Thank you! I helped my nephew build some of the legos he got for Christmas the other day. We had lots of fun!

@MichelleW thank you for the beautiful Christmas card! I hope you all had a great holiday!

@Shesa-Renegade thank you for the boat card with the cute little elf stamp!

Group 1181

@sleepykitty thank you nifty revolution card!!! I like doing collages too. I did some postal Christmas theme ones for another group Iā€™m in. It was really fun.

Group 1170
Thank you @anon2074034 for the adorable seagull postcard! I am so jealous if you get to go on your trip! Send me a postcard! haha I really do miss the beach!
Thank you @TandemStoker for the lovely Boulder, CO Lantern Press postcard!
Thank you @ellistrations for the lovely Merry Lou Paper postcard! Iā€™ve finally gotten around to trying to upload my collection. Luckily Iā€™m not one who minds duplicates! I just like seeing them all displayed in one place! haha
Thank you @Ukucaitie for the fun Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs postcard! Dopey is my favorite!
Thank you @Shesa-Renegade for the sweet bunny postcard!
Thank you @jocrafts for the Bryce Point postcard! I hope you got everything done.

Group 1179
Thank you @lyndylou5 for the Lou Paper Cheese! postcard! I love these as well! Sheā€™s so talented!

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Hello! I just wrote my postcards for group 1185 (@ellistrations @Ukucaitie @hootnoodle @sleepykitty)
but my mail doesnā€™t go out until tomorrow so theyā€™ll be on their way then. : ) Just wanted to let yaā€™ll know. Excited to be a part of this group!

Group 1184 postcards are written and will be in the mail in the morning. :bouncing:

I didnā€™t get the real email from the Postcrossing boards. I did see your PM when I logged on to this website though. I think it was just a board glitch, nothing that you did, @MichelleW.

Group 1167

Received from @coleandjojo an O.K. Corral Tombstone card with cool stickers on the back. :slight_smile: As for the likes of crabs, I suppose hermit crabs are cute too. :slight_smile: I just think they look weird when their bodies arenā€™t in a shell, lol. Is your hermit crabā€™s shell decorated? :slight_smile:

Group 1181

Received from @sleepykitty a Klibanā€™s Cats card, thank you! They look like jumping beans with tails and faces, lol! Enjoy your break from teaching, you deserve it!

Received two cards today for Group 1180!

@hootnoodle sent a postcard of rush hour in Scotlandā€¦itā€™s a bunch of sheep in the road blocking the cars from movingā€¦haha! Your work in this election season is so impressive. I hope that you will be able to now rest and see the rewards for all of your hard work.

@lyndylou5 sent a turtle postcard from the Animals box. What an amazing experience you had in Hawaii! I have never seen a sea turtle come up onto the beach. I have seen the marks in the sand the next morning though. My dream is to see the baby turtles hatch and run for the sea.

Group 1170

@jocrafts sends a very cute Merry Christmas card with a bear <3 Thank you. I love how you decorated the card so lovely! It makes it extra special! I have not gotten the vaccine yet, I have been a bit nervous about it. I will eventually have to get it done though being in healthcare. Happy New Year!!

Group 1177

@kyvintage sends a May Flower Landing postcard with matching stamp! Thank you so much. I have seen this one before and have always wanted one for my collection. Happy New Year!

@FrogSalad ā€” Canā€™t say I know anybody by that name down there. I live about 3 hours north of Naples, but it was a great place to overnight back when I was making the rounds of the south-Florida storesā€¦met a lot of fun folks!

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Postcards for Group #1184 are written & stamped, and will be going out in the morning mail :grinning:

@MichelleW Please put me in the next group. Thanks!

Group #1184
Written and going out tomorrow!

GROUP 1174

@clouisesz - Christmas lights at Phillips Park, Aurora, Illinois. (The card was postmarked December 14, but just arrived today). Thank you. Hope you enjoyed your trip.

GROUP 1180

@Shesa-Renegade - a Tennessee map, a state I know too little about. Thank you. Some day Iā€™d love to visit all the states.

GROUP 1183

@FrogSalad - a map of the Midwest made by people who arenā€™t from the Midwest. So funny! I loved it. Thank you. Actually, Iā€™ve lived in Washington almost all my life, but I could readily identify the states. It probably helped that I went to college in Minnesota (while home base was still Washington), and later lived in Wisconsin for three years. And one set of grandparents lived in Iowa.

GROUP 1185 cards are ready to go tomorrow.

Please add me to another group.

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Received from @MichelleW a very cool Wizard of Oz illustration for the Open House group! It certainly took its time getting here! :joy:

I will take another small group, if you please!