[RR] US to US Surprise Me -Themeless Fun From Hawaii to Maine! (Updated)

That was super fast! I just got the email! :rofl:


Cards for Group 1841 have been sent.

Can I join another 5 person group?

Group #1840 has been sent! :smile:

Cards for Group 1841 just got into my mail carrier’s hands. They’re on their way!


I’ll join Group 1844

:slight_smile: Taking a very short break

Group 1841 all sent out! Enjoy!
You can add me to the next group


For group 1834 I received these great cards:
@uconn This is how I still feel in the spring when a cool breeze blows through. Nick Hornby is great to listen to. So fun!

@prssrp This is so true. Thank you for the laugh. :heart:


1238 and 1240 are in the mail.

Group 1833 received from @southernwonder

You got that weird vibe down pat! This one is much appreciated! Love that you love daffodil scent!
My Mom’s favorite flowers are daffodils. Her father grew up in a house across from where she was raised, but the house burned years before she was born. There is a patch of daffodils there that comes back EVERY year and has for over 100 years. It’s amazing what survives.

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Can I join groups # 1842 and # 1843 please.

I want to be sure you mean 1838 and 1840. Your post may be for another RR?

Wow…it’s a spooky, dark, thunderous morning here! Hope there’s sunshine at your location. :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

Thanks for the updates. Group 1842 closed and I sent the address list. Enjoy your postcards hippieemoji

Open Groups

Traveling Groups (check your status here)

@MichelleW - I do have another group that is in the 1200’s, but I did mean 1838 and 1840.

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Cards for group 1842 have been mailed!

Group 1837 Received from @SincerelySel Sent a beautiful Washee Medicine Woman. What a joy to receive this card. Thank you for your gift…I love it! Everything about it! From @saoirse253 A very funny sarcasm card about scales…appreciate the chuckle!

Group 1840 Received from @blubay2021 A Very Hungry Caterpillar card…I adore that book. It’s really lessons for life! From @SincerelySel A cool Kokopelli Card…thank you so much. I have a Kokopelli necklace from NM…and I wear it all the time. Appreciate the card!

Thank you.

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I have received all cards from group 1831:
@tia272 sent a great vintage card of Yosemite Valley - it’s on our wishlist to visit, too! Thank you!

Received from group 1836:
@ellistrations sent a beautiful little bird, a Lesser Yellowlegs, along with a couple of cool USPS stamps - thank you! It sounds as though married life is suiting you just fine!

@MichelleW sent an awesome vintage reproduction (ca. 1909) Memorial Day card - I do love my vintage cards, and this one is perfect! Thank you!

Sent from Group 1840:
@blubay2021 sent Blue Cats…I love Blue Cats! We have an empty cardboard box in practically every room in our house specially for cat hiding - this one made me laugh! Thank you! We didn’t see any northern lights but how neat that you did, all the way down here in Florida!

@nursegarry sent “Flower Day” (1925); I love this artwork! Thank you for this bouquet, and thank you for the Mother’s Day wishes, too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Add me to a small group please.

My mail on April 25 ended up in some kind of Return to Sender, Attempted Not Known pile. The envelopes came back to me, but I don’t put a return address on postcards. I’m afraid 1830 will have to be resent.

@Angeldreamer why are there strawberries with the pelvis? Not a question I ever imagined I’d ask! Thanks for this great card

@TeachLittleKids thanks for this cool card. That sounds like a fun future trip!

@SincerelySel a cool cat for sure. Why is there a photo of cheese on this sticker of cheese is an excellent question :thinking: :grinning: :sweat_smile:

@nursegarry very cool card of Mae West, thanks!

@blubay2021 great hockey card. I’m sort of a fan of the Rangers, due to the Hartford Wolf Pack and watching the players move up. They’re both doing well in the playoffs.


For Group 1839 I received this lovely state bird card, thank you @skatingjerry

Group 1837 from @SincerelySel, a postcard of the Florida mountains which I’ve never heard of, thank you!

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All the postcards for Group 1842 have been sent.

Can I please join another 5 person group?

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