[RR] North American August 2023 Round Robin - Old Thread - Do not use

Hello all!

Welcome to the :beach_umbrella: August 2023 North American Round Robin! :sunflower:

Craig will be back at the end of the month to take over as host, but I will be taking care of sign-ups here!

The rules are the same as usual

As always, all in North America are welcomed to join, but the round robin is limited to the first 30 people who sign up, including myself. If you have not participated in the past, please be sure to send me your address when you sign up. I have the list of addresses from Craig, so no need to message me if you have participated in the past.


  • Sign up between now and July 28 by posting in this thread. Note: This round robin has been filling up within hours recently.
  • New participants must send me their addresses before I will add them to the RR.
  • Participants must be at least 13 years of age.
  • Only individuals may participate - no groups.
  • You may not sign up for a new month if you have neither sent your cards nor reported having received cards for any previous month. If you reported having sent your cards, but no one has reported receiving your cards in a previous month, you may not join.
  • Send one postcard to each member in the group, unless requested, please do not send in an envelope.
  • Send all postcards by Aug 15.
  • Do your best to send a postcard that matches the wishes of the receiver.
  • Unless requested, do not send free postcards, TouchNote cards, flyers or folded greeting cards.
  • Reports must include a description of each card received before I will mark them off as received.

Post in this thread once you have sent all your cards, as well as when you receive them.
When reporting received cards, it’s important to include both the number and name of the sender. This helps me to double check that errors were not made.

Remember, we are here to have fun and get to know one another. Always feel free to send me a message with any questions, or check out previous months to see how we do things. :smiley:

  1. @cawindt
  2. @CrimsonKing
  3. @Cruzin
  4. @LLAcademy
  5. @carolreader
  6. @mikeyz1
  7. @alcott1
  8. @Shesa-Renegade
  9. @RobinP
  10. @emotis
  11. @MuttleysMom
  12. @Yarn-Lady
  13. @ladybug513
  14. @Hazygirl
  15. @AccentOnHakes
  16. @jacieslar
  18. @LaurenceB
  19. @ellistrations
  20. @Angeldreamer
  21. @Beachyblonde
  22. @uconn
  23. @suatelier
  24. @roxy
  25. @anon20824321
  26. @sarahaeyo
  27. @France-Montreal
  28. @TwoDoggies
  29. @melvnoble
  30. @RockyRoadTrip

#12 - please count me in

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Join please

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This mouse wants to play again!
:mouse2: :mouse_trap: :laughing:


Me, too, please!!!


Hi! I’d love to join. #16 if possible.

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Please include me!

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Please include me!

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#28 please

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I’d like to join please

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i would love to join again :tipping_hand_woman:t2::two_hearts:

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I would like to join please!

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Okay…I’ll join again, if you’ll take me.

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I’ll go again! I am not sure how much time I’ll have in the later months of 2023 so this may be it!!

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I would love to join if possible

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Me please

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Me please

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Will there be another alternative group this month?


Yes, the alternative group will be opened as soon as the 30 spots are filled in this one :grin:

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If there is room, count me in please!

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