Recipient deleted image

I don’t like cruelty to animals or hate speech either but I don’t find it necessary to mention that. People should be polite and not send anything offensive without a good reason to believe it is wanted.


Occasionally I upload cards that I send, but do not feel hurt if receiver deletes it or uploads better photo of it. In most cases, image remains untouched.

And what I do with images of cards that I receive? Even if I do not like the card, I will upload the image as I am doing so from the first card I received. Sometimes I will delete the pre uploaded photo and replace it with better one to ensure better view to other.


wow thats weird. that never happened to me before.

Serious question which might seem harsh:

Why are you all so obsessed about a perfectly recorded wall of cards? It’s pictures - or a bunch of pixels, really.


It’s the pixelised record of the joy I (hopefully) spread the last five years you could say.


So you consider Bible quotes offensive and equal to cruelty to animals or hate speech? I think this is rather odd.
And - sorry, my personal opinion - registering a postcard without a message after receiving a postcard you did not like although the sender could not read that from your profile IS rude.


But does the record have to be flawless? Like the postcard, it’s out of your control now …


You can easily say on your profile that you don’t want / would rather not receive religious quotes/texts without offending believers. And if they choose to be offended, that’s their problem, not yours. If you put “I like all postcards” you are leaving the door wide open for any and everything which could truly be offensive. And I agree with @manuchka, deliberately registering a card without a message is rude. It only takes two seconds to type “thanks for the card”.


I always wonder the same thing when I read those comments.


I’m aware it’s out of my control, but when some asks for Diddle cards and I send a Diddl card, isn’t it normal to expect to be able to look at it on my wall of sent cards? I don’t mind at all when someone uploads a better image but you just don’t expect it to be just deleted.


Maybe they will upload it again. It has happened to me many times, sometimes with even worse image :grin:


Maybe it’s possible for the postcrossing team to make sure that your sent images won’t be removed, if the receipient decides to delete the picture from their wall. So you can still see it on your own sent wall and the recipient can do whatever they want with their received wall?


Try to think of the Postcard Wall on Postcrossing like your actual wall at home: you can only have the postcards you received in your wall - the ones you have sent are in other people’s walls and it’s up to them to control what goes on them.

So only the received postcards wall can be controlled. Some users prefer to not have postcards in their received wall since it’s public and that’s their decision.

Having 2 separate walls would be confusing, if the image is on one wall (sender) and not the other (receiver) does the image show in the gallery or not?


Sorry to hear that happened to you. I agree that it’s surprising, but who knows what their reasoning is. I also had a sent card deleted, which matched the person’s wishes. I was hopeful to have it in my sent cards wall because it was very nice, but I understand that it’s their right 100% to remove it :confused:

This has happened to me a few times and to be honest, it did hurt me at first. I take the time to put a little piece of my soul into each card I send, take a photo and upload onto the website. I understand they are not always the best quality photos (I am working on getting a scanner at the moment) but its an extra effort on my part. Having someone delete that makes me feel a bit unappreciated, almost like I’ve done something wrong. I always read through my recipients profile to find a card I think they would enjoy. On some occasions, I even went out of my way and bought one since I did not have anything that was on their wish list in my collection. I am always kind and never sent anything hurtful or offensive.

Like many of you, I like to have my sent and received walls match up. Sure its just pixels at the end of the day but its also a digital documentation of my postcrossing experience. I like to be able to see what I did send out to each person. Regardless, I understand once I mail the card it is out of my hands. I cannot control what the recipient does with it. I do wonder why, though. Did they not like what I sent them? Are they only displaying certain cards on their wall? Did I really miss the mark THAT much? People have the right to remove anything off of their wall if they choose to do so. I personally would never think to do anything like this but everyone is different.


This thing about the wall that a recipient can delete them is a reason that I stopped doing official cards. Now I only do private swaps.


Wow, I am really sorry that happened to you. That is awful. :frowning:


Maybe they accidentally deleted the image or they thought that image quality is not good enough and they planned to re-upload better image. Or maybe because there are some missing images in your received wall, they thought that you don’t care about completeness of your sent wall :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:

Or maybe the image was damaged, and they like it and wish to have it some day again, so they removed it so it doesn’t show as received?


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