Questions about the forum

You have been a lifesaver!! Thank you so much


Can I talk to one of the mods in the pm?

You can find out who’s a moderator here:
Click on the three horizontal lines on the top left of the page, then chose “more” and “about”.

But you might need to wait a while (maybe days) for an answer if you contact a single person. It might be a little bit more quick if you flag whatever post you need help with as “something else” and explain your problem there.

@postbot start tutorial

Where can I find directions on how to do a poll; how to use a template in a post?
I sent a message to postbot (as above), but can’t find my way to a general help section for some reason.

You start a poll by selecting the cogwheel and then “Build Poll”.

And which template do you mean?

And how to start a tutorial please look to this Topic.
You have to start the tutorial in a Private Message.

Thank you!!

i’ve noticed I don’t see the optional tags in the thread I created

not sure if I did it wrong? I Tried to create in the right area :frowning:

Dear @peddles,

I have added the tag religion:

Is this the intention?

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That’s right ! Thanks so much

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Hello, why I can not create new topic? I did Postbot tutorial. But when I click on “create topic” it replied “An error occurred: You are not permitted to view the requested resource.” :frowning:
I hold postcrossing meeting in Czechia and I would like to use postcrossing logo on postcards :confused:

Thank you for reply, Veronika 🩷

Hi @by_Veronika

Usually, people can only post new topics once their trust level is high enough. I would guess that since you newly joined the forum, this still takes some time.

You can higher your trust level by reading topics and participating in the forum.