How to complete new user tutorial?

How to complete new user tutorial?
if you know please tell me :pray: :pray: :pray:


Hi Grace, try this & please let me know if you’re still having trouble, okay?

Send a private message to @postbot & add “start tutorial” in the subject line & in the body of the message.

That process should also work for “start advanced tutorial” as well when you’re ready to try that one.

Cheers, Lynn


you can use it here, but you need to replace {name-of-tutorial} with the name of the tutorial, then postbot will send you a message

for the random number generato you need to write @postbot roll xdy where y is the total number of possibilities, or the number of faces on the die, and x is the number of extractions, or number of dies. So to extract 2 numbers from 1-6 you write @postbot roll 2d6

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@ilenia :blush::heart_hands: Thank you! :grin:

9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Postbot functions

thanks :smiley: :smiley:

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Did it work for you?


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Great! Keep working on your badges - it’s fun eh?

It’s Fun and cool!!!

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How do I send a private message? It’s not giving me the option

Hello @asiunia1223,

Do you mean this?
How to send a Private Message?

In case you want to send a Private Message / need their address, send the member a Private Message.
How to send a PM

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To start a tutorial you can just write the 1st line from above here in a reply message to this one. There are 2 tutorials - one just called tutorial & one called advanced tutorial.

Does this make it clearer?

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I recall that when you 1st join the Forum, you initially can’t send private messages - you need to spend more time reading messages & commenting for a few days before you can send a private message. But as I said in my other post, you can just hit reply to any message here & type in the @postbot & name whatever tutorial you’d like & it will pop up.

The Forum software works on a trust level system & you get more actions to take the more you spend time on the Forum. It’s a great place to meet people, learn everything you ever wanted to know about postcards & mail systems with lots of fun postcard games & direct swaps to do. Enjoy! & don’t be shy to ask questions - lots of friendly people here to help.