Questions about the forum

This is not a good idea, because it would make a lot of work for us if we were now regularly asked by flag to delete PMs. This should really only be done if the PM needs to be deleted urgently - which is probably only very rarely the case.

You can remove yourself from a message by clicking the add /remove button.
If you are the last one in the PM you can’t remove yourself, but you can invite postbot to it and after that you can remove yourself.

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A couple of us have a question –

Why the response rate in Trade/Offer section seems to be so much lower compared to the lottery one?

Speaking about myself – I have the experience of organising both lotteries and giveaways on the forum, and I tend get the feeling that there are more Postcrossers who participate in lotteries than who look at the Trade section regularly.

For example, I can easily gather +50 participants to participate in a lottery but for my most recent giveaway about Furano & Biei postcards, I am having hard time to have every card booked. (I am waiting for every card to be taken to send the postmarking requests to Japan.)

Isn’t it normal? People love free items.
Lottery means free. Trade means transaction.
Yes I know there are some free offers under trade section but the word TRADE makes people reluctant to open the section.

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Saturday, May 18, 2024 - 17:08 (UTC -5)

Hello, All.

If I create a Topic (and it “survives”, that is to say, someone in PC officialdom doesn’t move it willy-nilly wherever they like), I get “credit” for that Topic, right? See Forum Badges for “Good Topic” and “Nice Topic”, for example. But if my Post get dumped into somebody else’s Topic, people who respond to my Post now in the other guy’s Topic end up giving that guy the activity credit, yes? How does this work? If other people look at my now moved Post, is there any tracking at that level? If they respond to it? Curious about how this works because Forum visibility seems to matter a lot in Postcrossing (again, see all the Forum Badges by clicking on your Avatar while in the Forum. Who knew there was so much there?).

I always try to place my new Posts where I think they belong if I can reasonably find where to put them but I think the Forum search function leaves a lot to be desired. When I try to find something related to what I want to Post, I search and then I’ll Post there. But most of the time, I don’t find anything and then - whoosh! - my Topic and Post are gone, buried somewhere, often really not where they should have ended up.

Reminds me a joke you might have heard. You can substitute “church musician” or any other group of intransigents that come to mind :wink:

Q: What’s the difference between a liturgist and a terrorist?
A. You can negotiate with terrorists.

Happy Postcrossing!

I may be very strange (I am often seen as strange indeed :sweat_smile:), when it’s about receiving things, I prefer equal trade over free offering. (But when it’s my turn to give, I like free offering better than the tedious task of figuring out an equal trade :rofl:)

But yeah, my offer / giveaway is almost always free, or when it’s not, comes with a minor condition to satisfy. It’s definitely good for lottery participants to take a look.

Hello, unsure if this is the right place to ask. If I have tagged a forum member and reached out to them with my choice of card, and they don’t respond for a number of days to let me know if the card is available (and they don’t have my address yet so the card is for sure not sent) but they are active and participating on the forum, is there anything that can be done aside from me messaging every few days? I guess the question is are there any sort of rules regarding this, or it’s in general more of a trust-based system and such things might happen on the off-chance?


In generally it is a trust based system, but tags are moderated. You could send a message to the moderator (JetteLise or annebethp) and explain the situation. They have experience in different kind of circumstances.


Thank you!

It is best if you flag the post in which you were tagged.
Select ‘Something else’ and leave a message there, which the tag moderators will then receive automatically.

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(@annebethp and @JetteLise)


How can I post pictures side by side and not one below another?

You can use the new grid gallery which is explained in detail here in this topic..


You can also use the regular upload button, and just remove the spacing between the code that appears.

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I created a topic that is still in pending status. I wonder if it’s possible to delete it before it’s approved? Thank you!

I assume that you can delete it yourself by selecting the recycle bin below the post. But I have now removed it.

Thank you and sorry for the trouble!

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I’m new to the forum, and I need some help. I want to create a new post about offering a direct swap, but I can’t for the life of me actually figure out how to create a post. The only thing I’ve figured out how to do is reply. I’ve read the User Guide, and it hasn’t helped me.
Thank you in advance for the help!!

You can create a new topic as soon as you gain trust level 1. It won’t take long, if you spend some time here and read a few topics.

Perfect! Thank you so much for your help. On my way to interact!


Okay, now you have reached trust level 1, so you can create a new topic by clicking the “+ New topic” -button on top of the category. You can do swap requests in Trades, requests and offers . You can’t start a topic under the main headline (the button is inactive), but you can do it when you select a category, for example Postcards .