Project with children in Turkey

Hello everyone!

My name is Türkü and I am a teacher at a Waldorf School in Turkey. I am working as a class teacher and now I have the 5. Grade :balloon:

As I was doing postcrossing, it was always excited waiting for the cards and letters.

So I talked about it with my students and they loved it :partying_face:

They are 9-11 years old ans want to send and recieve letters from other countries and make friends.

So… If you are interested in with your students/children or yourself, please let me know so that we plan togetger.

If you read this and don’t want to make any plans but still want to send something, here is our school adress:

Waldorf Yaşam Okulları

Oba mahallesi
Karakocalı mevkii
Yaşam caddesi
07400 Alanya /Antalya

Thank you in advance
Greetings from Turkey


Hello. Are you interested to receive a postcard from Cyprus? I will try to keep the text in non politics related subject. Nature and architecture.


Great! That would be amazing :cherry_blossom: Thank you very much :sparkles:


I’ll be sending you a card from Lebanon.

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Great! You can mention these names: Bengisu, Lorin, Hatice. They are very excited :smiley:

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I have a second grader who would love to send and receive a postcard to other school children (and a preschooler who would love to help decorate it with stickers) We are in the USA if you’d be interested!


That is fantastic! We are totally interested :slight_smile: let us do it :balloon:

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Would you be interested in postcards from the USA?

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Great! Just sent you a message with our address. We will try to send out a card here in the next few days!

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Card from Ontario, Canada. PM sent.


I’m very happy to send postcard/s from Los Angeles, California. Just let me know if you’re looking for any particular style of card… I assume something depicting sights from this city…but I am happy to try to find a card with particularly something they are interested in… perhaps Hollywood? or any particular topic to talk about in my writing? :cowboy_hat_face:

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Absolutely :smiling_face::balloon:

Wow great ! :smiling_face: They are so lucky… So we are doing ancient civilizations and greek mythologie also botany maybe you can find card with plants that are specific to your country/city … But it is also nice to get cards from your own city. How you like :smiling_face::star2:

Great, thank you very much :cherry_blossom:

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Wonderful! I am very excited :star2:

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I have a postcard with pics of Monkey Cup (this is a plant). If you are interested with a postcard from Brunei, I would like to try to and send one.

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Sending a card from New Mexico USA

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Got it. I will send some CA native plant cards. :slight_smile:

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Sending a card from the state of Georgia in the USA​:mailbox_with_no_mail::earth_americas:

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I don’t know why my mailbox emoji didn’t show up :roll_eyes: