Postcrossing coincidences: What are the odds?

Some years ago I went to a philatelic exhibition, where there were also stands of San Marino and Vatican City. Days before in a forum tag I had received a beautiful card from a person, who was a collector of Europa series stamps and was especially missing the one from Vatican City of that year.
So I thought “what a pity I didn’t ask her for her address, or I could have sent her a card with that stamp from the Vatican stand”. Then I drew an address on postcrossing.

Guess who I picked up, out of about 800.000 people? Yeah, correct!


This should fit here I guess. I was very surprised when I registered a card today.
MY-558930 is exactly 10.000km travel distance. Like, what are the odds?


When I was little, there was a pole at each parking space that held a speaker, on a cord with a hook on it. You could remove the speaker from the pole, and it would hang on your window or door and that’s how you would hear the movie. Then it changed to a low frequency radio station transmitted by the Drive-In, and you would just tune your radio and listen that way.



Retrieved 4 new IDs in 1 minute but 2 of them will go to 2 different accounts owned by the same single person.

A while ago, I opened a topic about Special and/or rare animal postcards.
Four days ago, a reply was made about Florida manatees.
And today I received TWO Florida manatee cards:

What are the odds indeed. :grin:


Today I just received 2 perfectly sequential cards from unrelated Postcrossers in the Netherlands:

  • both were assigned on March 1
  • both were written, dated and posted on March 2
  • both arrived in the mail on March 16 – nothing else in my mailbox except those two cards. 100% Nederlandse post!
  • And they respectively travelled 4854 and 4852 miles. Only two miles’ difference in the distances!

Clearly the wise algorithm thinks I need a little more Dutch culture in my life, and that both cards should travel almost exactly the same distance to get to me :laughing:


Bonjour Postcrossers.
Today I received four postcards, including 3 from Taiwan.
2 postcards have following numbers.
One has the number TW-3299382 sent on March 7th,
the other one has the number TW-3299383 sent on March 6th.
So weird and I guess very rare !!!

Have you got the same experience ?
Salut, Fabrice

Congratulations! That seems to be really rare.

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Actually, the person who sent TW-3299382 sent the card one day after he got your address, and I think it’s the case of some postcrossers isn’t it? I haven’t received many cards, but the last time I received a card that was written more than three weeks after the person had obtained my address.
But it’s cool that you received three postcards from Taiwan on the same day! :taiwan: :blush:


Both IDs were requested on the same day but written on different days.

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Receiving following numbers isn’t that rare, I would say it happens quite often, I get them many times a year. They just don’t always arrive on the same day so you don’t notice it always.

That was my first thought too, but if you follow the links to the postcard’s pages you can see, that the system’s sent dates indeed are in a weird order. These have nothing to do with the date, on which the sender actually sent the card.
@paulo can you explain, how this can happen? Would be interesting to learn.

I checked the date and time too, but everything seems quite normal, TW-3299382 was drawn a second earlier than TW-3299383


That’s strange. When I checked the postcard pages earlier, it showed march 7th for TW-3299382 and 6th for TW-3299383 but now it’s 6th for both :thinking:

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They both seem to have been sent on March 6th, so all seems correct and in the right order?

From what I can see in the system, it matches @elenion’s screenshot. I would need to see the March 7th shown somewhere to check further.

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As I wrote in the post above, it showed the 7th for the lower ID card, when I checked earlier today, but now it’s the 6th for both postcards.

Maybe try checking again tomorrow at the same time of the day: it might be your browser doing some weird timezone conversion from the time element that exists on the page. Anyhow, on the database side of things, all looks good and what is shown on the page (not necessarily on the tooltip to you) is correct.


Just based on this thread, it seems really common :joy: Every other post is about consecutive numbers :woman_shrugging:t2::smile:

Yesterday I got a card with this Liberty Bell, and in another card it’s in the stamp :smiley:

so fun, especially that it’s in different senders cards :slight_smile: !!!