New Stamps issued in 2024

Slovenian Post:slovenia: - March 2024 issue


100 years since the bith Martin Jonaš
Martin Jonaš was representative of naive art. He had Slovak origin, from little town Kovačica, in Vojvodina, Serbia. Kovačica is place where lives Slovak minority and it is Serbian center of naive art. Martin Jonaš was one the most importnat naive artist, not just in Serbia, but worldwide.
The issue is contained of two stamps - paintings: ‘Home in the palm of a hand’ and ‘Man and woman on a bench’. The whole stamp sheet contains many vignette-stamps with other works naive painters from Kovačica, so the whole issue is also dedicated to this specific art movement.


Very beautiful!

It’s my first time to see dragons on Japanese stamps :joy: they seemed to be simplified (comparing with I’ve seen before) They looks wooden and cute :hushed:

There it’s done, we’re so proud of our “baguette” bread that we put it on a stamp, with a ribbon in the colors of the French flag :joy:


Délifrance ! I like this bread stamp! The First Day postmark is so cute!!

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Fantastic! I want it :star_struck:

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The 800th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Benedictine Abbey at Skalka, near Trenčín
This stamp was issued on 21st of March.

T1 100g = 1,50€ - I am very happy with it because it has a usable value for sending postcards!

The ruins of the Benedictine Abbey in Skalka near Trenčín on the right bank of the Váh river. Tradition has it that the cave was inhabited by Benedict, a monk from the Zobor Monastery, who lived there as a hermit in the 11th century. The Benedictine monastery in Skalka was established, in tribute to St. Benedict, by the Archbishop of Nitra, James, in 1224. The Baroque reconstruction that took place in 1717 was significant.

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Commemorative sheet:



First stamp from :peru: Peru this year: 30 years of Osiptel, issued on January 26th

Captura de pantalla 2024-03-31 195844


The first stamp series from :colombia: Colombia of 2024: New Orchids from the Farallones de Cali National Natural Park, tribute to outstanding Colombian women, issued on March 8th


Coming on 26 April!

@twinkletwonkle Looks like I was wrong and there ARE going to be 85¢ stamps :sunglasses:


Yay for that! The vintage vibe of these stamps is quite cool too!

South Korea :kr: 12th APR 2024:

100th Anniversary of Cheongseok Educational Foundation (Cheongju University)

Cheongju University has a small post office which is not far from our home. It’s time to make some Maxicards with original postmark!


World Natural Heritage: Chengjiang Fossil Land
Issue in April 18.

UV light


Took them a while but finally the photo of ABBA stamps (to be issued 6th of April) was released. Usually they post the pictures on their website about a month before issue date so this time they were really delayed! No actually explanation for that, either they specifically wanted to wait for today or they just forgot because they have 2 stamp issue dates this month, which is unusual.

I have a feeling that this one might attract collectors, so just to clarify: I will not be available to exchange full sheets, but PostNord ships globally and it is easy to use their web shop (this minisheet is already available to be ordered there). Feel free to PM me if you need guidance.


Personalities: Anna Jurkovičová (1824 –1905)
This stamp will be issued on 5th of April.

Anna Jurkovičová was born in 1824 (200 years ago) in Nové Mesto nad Váhom. She was one of the first actresses in amateur theatre in Western Slovakia. As the daughter of an intellectual, she was a knowledgeable, educated, and nationally aware young woman. She perceived the theatre as a means to spread the patriotic ideas. She became a muse for several members of Štúr’s generation, but in the end, she chose to follow her destiny alongside Jozef Miloslav Hurban. Together they had 9 children, several of whom made notable contributions to the cultural history of Slovakia.

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Oh wow… I’m learning something new… I’m going to check this out.

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The new postage issue, which is a continuation of the “Cities of Heroes” series, is dedicated to Chernihiv, Nizhyn, Yahidne and Semenivka.

For more than a month, since February 24, 2022, the enemy has been trying to occupy the territory of Chernihiv region to get as close to the Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, as possible.

Despite the danger, the locals actively resisted: they set up artificial obstacles to the advance of enemy vehicles on the roads, tracked their movement and passed information to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in other words, did everything to help the defenders hold back the offensive.

The Ukrainian military fought desperately for every meter of their homeland and by April 3, 2022, drove the Russian aggressor out of the entire region.

With the liberation, peace did not return to the region, as the proximity of the border with Russia allows the enemy to launch constant missile attacks aimed at settlements in the region.

But this did not prevent active recovery from the Russian invasion. The Chernihiv region has survived and is rebuilding, and its residents deserve our sincere respect for their active struggle.


75 years of NATO, valid for Europe:


Colourful Folowers No. 2 from Japan Post, released today