New Stamps issued in 2024

The newest stamp issue yesterday showing traditional dances in Malaysia.


Serbian post announces a few more commemorative issues in 2024:

  • 75 years since founding the Yugoslavian Film Archive
  • 100 years since establishing Roman Catholic Archdiocese in Belgrade
  • 80 years since founding daily newspapers ‘Magyar Szo’
  • 75th season of National Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs of Serbia ‘Kolo’
  • 70 years of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Indonesia

I don’t know why Paris 2024 Olympic games and UEFA Euro 2024 issues haven’t been added to the issue plan yet, because I belive these themes will be issued during the year.

Also, all designs of old definitives will not be reissued this year and regular stamps are announced.
New regular stamps are about EXPO 2027 which be held in Belgrade, and stamps will be issued in service of promotion the event.
Sketches are reusing desings of Yugoslavian issue ‘EXPO 1967 Canada’. Designs are about space exploration as symbol of new techonologies, ideas and future. All stamps will have inscript ‘EXPO 2027 Belgrade Serbia’ and also the name Petar Jakelić, who was the designer of Yugoslavian EXPO 1967 stamps.
Stamps will not have numbers in dinars (RSD) as face value, but letters, and that will be letters E, X, P, O, B, G, so they create the word EXPO BG (short for EXPO Belgrade). They will probably be enough to cover some postal servieces and I hope that some of them can cover postage for international postcards.
Of course, stamps will be printed in color, these are just sketches.

Snimak ekrana 2024-03-27 102010

Snimak ekrana 2024-03-27 102027

Snimak ekrana 2024-03-27 102043

Snimak ekrana 2024-03-27 102059

Snimak ekrana 2024-03-27 102120

Snimak ekrana 2024-03-27 102134


Wow! so beautiful!

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I am happy to show you our EUROPA stamp for 2024. This year the theme is “Underwater flora and fauna”.
The last French EUROPA stamps weren’t that nice :face_with_peeking_eye: but I like this one :tropical_fish:.


Very beautiful. Postmark is great too. I love manta rays a lot.

Germany one is in fact of how it looks like nice, but I hate it as EUROPA issue. Would have loved something related to Germany.


I understand. I’m not sure that manta rays are particularly linked to France :smile:

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As France also has some overseas teritories I can imagine that they have.

I was even hoping for something waddensea related or anything else like porpoise, moonjelly, seals, eel, plaice, cod, sprats, hering, or even sturgeons that are aimed to come backt to north and baltic sea or plankton… so many great ideas.

Other countries have really great ones… these are the ones that seem to be anounced up to now.

My faves up to now are belgium, aland and sweden


Wo bekommt man die Marken…?

I felt dizzy looking at the wavy letters… :joy:

Is the German member trying to remind people to take care of their eye sight? :see_no_evil:


I don´t like the Finland ones, they are so boring compare to others.
It seems there is something for all of us, at least they are not at the same picture again


Maybe also they smoked too much (sea)weed


I like the Finnish EUROPA 2024 stamps!

The gentle flow of the seaweed bed and the other stamp with the insect living in the seaweed. It looks like freshwater river and the soft sunshine remind me of the same view I found in our river long, long time ago. It makes me think that the river in Finland is so cold and refreshing.

Spend too much screen time on Pokémon Go! Gotta catch ‘em all! :joy: haha!

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From the latest Australian stamp bulletin:
(stamps released between March 26 and June 24)

Marine Emblems

Special Occasions

Anzac Day 2024: Picturing War

Christmas Island Airport - 50 Years

Cocos (Keeling) Islands 40th Anniversary of Self-Determination
Screen Shot 2024-03-28 at 4.24.34 pm

Around Australia Flights - 50 Years

Sky Country: The Seven Sisters

Norfolk Island Fishing
Screen Shot 2024-03-28 at 4.26.36 pm

Paris 2024 Summer Olympics
Screen Shot 2024-03-28 at 4.27.03 pm


Forth in a row issue devoted to Heroic Cities of Ukraine by UkrPoshta.

The postage stamp depicts the building of the Okhtyrka City Council destroyed by an enemy attack.

On 24 February 2022, at about 12 o’clock, the russian occupiers entered the city of Okhtyrka and were stopped by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For more than a month, the enemy tried to break through the defense and shelled the city with all kinds of weapons, including aircraft.

On 26 February, three thermobaric (vacuum) bombs were dropped on Okhtyrka, killing and injuring many residents, destroying the city utilities and lots of buildings. The enemy was destroying and courageous people, heroes-workers of the critical infrastructure facilities, were restoring water pipes, power grid, and communication networks under fire, inspiring the whole country to resist. On 27 March, the active phase of the battle for Okhtyrka ended. The demining of the city began.

For the mass heroism and resilience shown by citizens in the defense of the city, Okhtyrka, which became an irresistible outpost on the way of the russian army’s advance into Ukraine, was awarded the honorary title of “Hero City of Ukraine” by Presidential Decree No. 164/2022.


Ancient Traditional Weapons
Date of Issue: 29 March 2024


I really like the 2 stamps from Jersey and the one from Aland Island. Also the French one presented some posts above is beautiful IMO


Keukenhof stamps for the 75th Keukenhof anniversary!


The murals? I looooooved them! I loved Bodø! The library is one of the best I’ve been too.

No, I meant the stamps.