New: Germany's deepest mailbox šŸŸ With pictures!


As someone who loves both postcards and the underwater world, you guys can imagine Iā€™m thrilled to announce thatā€¦ Germany finally has its own underwater mailbox!

Itā€™s 19 metres deep inside Kreidesee Hemmoor, a lake north of Hamburg, and a genuine Diversā€™ Disneyland :fish: The water is very clear (for a lake :wink:), the lake is ~60m deep, full of things to explore underwater, and itā€™s only open for divers - no regular swimming allowed! 19 metres deep makes the mailbox significantly deeper than this wonderful place I canā€™t wait to visit too:

Now, Postcrossing wouldnā€™t be Postcrossing if some of the very first postcards sent from this unique mailbox didnā€™t have a mysterious DE-ā€¦ code on it :grin:

Let me tell you how it happened:

A little over a week ago, a freediving festival took place at the lake, and this is why I was there too. Not knowing anything about the new mailbox I was busy from mornings to evenings doing workshops, making new friendsā€¦ Doing regular things like repairing carsā€¦

ā€¦ when a diving friend from Berlin texted me that the lakeā€™s Facebook account had just posted the glorious news! I donā€™t remember ever letting him know about my postcard shenanigans, so I guess I must have given him a drunk post-dive speech about postcards and stamps (I guess you all know what itā€™s like :grin:). Well, good thing I did! I started my little side quest to find the mailbox, and tadaaah:

It even states the collection time (ā€œweeklyā€), tells us that waterproof postcards can be bought at the reception, and that itā€™s Germanyā€™s deepest mailbox:

The next side quest began because my tight festival schedule hardly allowed me to visit the reception with its constant queue of arriving scuba divers (but of course I made it happen :grin:), and because said reception had screwed up buying waterproof pens for their waterproof postcards! I tested the one they sold me in the sink: came off straight away :scream: They did have a thick green one I could borrow - good enough, but I was so relieved the addresses I drew didnā€™t have a delicate script like Chinese :sweat_smile:

By the time I mailed the cards on the last festival day my legs felt completely useless and I was frozen - it was those cold days in the midst of the heat wave, with only 22Ā°C air temperature and only 12Ā°C in the 20m depth region :cold_face: Mailing those cards was the very last thing I did before literally breaking down :sweat_smile:

The card itself is posted without the stamp, so the diving mail carriers (?) attach it themselves. Of course I reminded the receptionist that international mail requires more postage than national haha, postcrossersā€™ paranoiaā€¦ Would have loved to see their faces when they saw one of their first postcards is going all the way to Vietnam :grin:

Now, this is the card:

And this is it, Postcrossing reaching new depths :tada::

And thereā€™s a happy ending too: the first card arrived :heart::heart::heart:

I canā€™t wait to go back and mail some more, and I hope I get to spot some more underwater mail on peopleā€™s walls!


Amazing :smiley:

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Wow, how cool is that! :smiley::+1::postal_horn:

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Fabulous news & thanks for sharing this with us!

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That is so incredibly cool!

Thank you for this wonderful post and photos!

Wow! So cool! And a great story! Thanks for sharing :diving_mask::postbox:

Yes very cool and thanks for sharing. Wow interesting.

Awesome! And extra kudos that you posted them while freediving :ok_hand:

Note to self: always carry a waterproof pen :rofl:

Wow, that is really krass. I have to visit this letterbox, when I am in my old hometown Hamburg.

Does Playmobil make scuba gear accessories?


This underwater mailbox is so wonderfully bonkers, I love it, thank you for sharing this!
:tropical_fish: :fish: :email:

Great story, great photos and a happy end :heart_eyes: Thank you so much for sharing!

They do!! I checked a while ago, for similar reasons :smile:

Wow, so interesting :slight_smile:
Thank you for shareing!

Thank you for this amazing news & pictures! :smiley:
Hopefully one day youā€™ll draw my adress ā€¦
ā€¦ okay, I guess about everyone here wants a diverā€™s card :wink: :shark:

I hope the receiver was deeply grateful :blush:


Very cool! :smiley: Thank you for the info and pictures!

Wow! You Germans got it all! This is simply amazing. Tell me more! How and why did this come to be? Itā€™s truly amazing!

What a fantastical story:) Loved reading this and seeing the images. Thanks for sharing.