NA Alphabet Group Round Robin šŸ”¤

Special Holiday Cards Group, please! :heart:

Also, please add me to C-25.

Thank you, Michelle!

Mapswell Received a card from SAMB23 for the ā€œHappy Halloweenā€ group. Thanks, Sam! And thanks everyone! All my cards have now been received for this group! Woot Woot!

Havenā€™t see you in a while! Welcome back :smiley:

Group B-25 closed and I just sent that address list. Group D-25 is now open - and donā€™t forget the special Holiday Card group!

Alright, alright, you talked me into it! :crazy_face:

Is it folded cards as well or just postcards? I prefer postcards is why I ask, but will accept any (obviously)!!

I think Iā€™ll keep it postcards. Iā€™d imagine there are Christmas Groups open that allow folded if anyoneā€™s interested!

Iā€™m keeping a ā€œHoliday Card Profileā€ open on the USxUS Surprise Me Round Robin. Since just about everyone here is a ā€œcrossover,ā€ you can check out a lot of folkā€™s card preferences here:
Link to Update your Holiday Card Sending Profile:

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Can I please join D-25.

I :black_heart: Daleks & hope to find cards of them to send out.



@crochetjessica sent a wonder woman card for W-24. Wonderful! Thank you!!

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R-24 @SamB23 sends me a pair of round robins. Iā€™m learning more and more about birds as my partner and her mom are huge bird watching fans. Your scene is what I like about early mornings while camping.

W-24 @aroundtheworld123 sends Wyoming. Iā€™ve just been to Yellowstone in wyomingā€¦there is still so much to see!

W-24 @sleepyhippo1 sends Wall Drug Store. And if I go on a honeymoon Iā€™ll have to stop and have free donuts. Thatā€™s random!

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My cards for U-24 are in the mail. Thanks for the new updates! ABC

I got a V-24 card from @aroundtheworld123 today. We would travel thru, but never stop in Vegas.

B-25 cards are in the mail.

@scoutingbear sent a villainous card of vice city for V-24. It was very fun!

@Susaninutah sent a wonderful vegetable card for V-24 with a voluminous variety of artichokes. I really liked it!

Thanks for the updates - hope your weekend is looking good! ABC

For V 24, @aroundtheworld123 sent a Valley Forge card. I havenā€™t been there, despite growing up in New Jersey. We didnā€™t travel much when I was young, and now that Iā€™m approaching old, I live far away. Thanks!

V24 @aroundtheworld123 sent Virginia. I doubt there would be many cards from Victorville unless you found a Route 66 store!

@SamB23 sent a Trouble Maker Beetle card. The june bug is a huge trouble maker. Iā€™ve a very bad phobia of them, the thought of them makes me sick from the fear. Had really blonde hair as a kid & they loved it.

@Susaninutah sent a lady with veggie hair - veggies=greens - I used to have hair down to my bum & did an undercut on my sides & back in summer 2020. Found a lot of thick scales patches so I ended up with a mohawk amount of hair. :joy: Found out the hair by my part doesnt grow. :no_mouth: But my migraines are far less since I ruined my hair.

@sleepyhippo1 sent a Waikiki card. Looks like LA to me. Also Wonder Woman stickers. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Oh no! I am so so so so sorry! šŸ„²