Month of Letters – Postcrossing Challenge – February 2023

The Month of Letters 2023 challenge starts in a few weeks!
What? A month of letters?! Did you know that challenge?

Here are the rules, rather informal since the first personal Month of Letters challenge:

  • During the month of February, mail at least one item through the post every day. Write a postcard, a letter, send a picture or a cutting from a newspaper… anything goes!
  • Write back to everyone who writes to you. This can count as one of your mailed items.

Simple, right? The idea is to have fun, write to someone, share the happiness of receiving a letter or a postcard, so… go for it… !

This will be my fifth year participating. It has been a wonderful experience, so much so that last year I decided to extend my month of letters into a Year of Letters. Fortunately Postcrossing has helped me in this task, which is not always easy, but which is so rewarding and fun.

After all, it’s always nice to have an excuse to send a bit more mail!

People do like to get mail!

You are invited to participate in this fun mail month! And we can support each other and share about our matches on this topic.
To officially participate, you must also register here!

Here are some ideas to help you get started:

  • Birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, Family’s Day (in Canada) … any day that you can send a bit of especially happy mail.
  • Thank a Mail Carrier Day – February 4, 2023. Now there’s a person who will be exceptionally happy to get mail from you! Maybe a nice thank you note and/or a gift certificate for a cup of coffee?
  • Send a Card to a Friend Day - February 7, 2023. Send your pal a card or a letter that will put a smile on their face and a laugh deep in their belly. Let spread the love and warm sentiment to everyone :slight_smile:
  • Random Acts of Kindness Day - February 17, 2023. Haven’t mailed someone in a while? Today is the day! Maybe you can really make someone’s day through a postcard.
  • Love Your Pet Day - February 20, 2023. Do you have a pet that you adore? Take advantage of this day and write to someone how much you love and care your pet.
  • International Mother Language Day - February 21, 2023. What do you think of the idea of writing a postcard in your mother tongue to someone?
  • Carnival / Shrove Tuesday - February 21, 2023. Do you celebrate Carnival in your country? Do you usually mask up? What are your traditions? Spread them with the world.
  • Does your country have a special holiday in February? Take advantage of your free day to present that day to someone.
  • Check out holiday calendars such as HolidaySmart where you can find all sorts of interesting holidays to celebrate with someone. So many Postcrossing possibilities!

Please share other ideas here so we can all tap into creative, interesting, and fun ways to check off each day of February with one piece of mail.

And don’t worry if your postal service doesn’t pick up mail on a weekend or on a holiday. Just write your letters or postcards on mail days. Or, if you want to go all out for 28 days, mail them the next day that mail service operates. You’re still covered … ! :wink:

Looking forward to hearing from those who decide to participate.

Please share some of the ways you are celebrating the Month of Letters, how your month is going, and we’d love to read about the Happy Mail that you receive - and send!

:copyright: this post was adapted from @HookedonPostcards last year post


Different name, same idea

Usually I count my Lunar New Year cards towards my quota :joy:


Looking forward to participating again this year!


I do incowrimo … love it

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Hello @ogait, so glad to see you doing the Month of Letters for 2023!
Here’s my plan: I’d like to send one card each day to a Ukrainian Postcrosser.
That means that I need 28 addresses of Ukrainian Postcrossers.
Whether living in Ukraine or seeking refuge elsewhere - if you want some cheerful mail, please send me a PM with your address and you will receive a card. If you are celebrating a birthday in February or March, let me know the date.
So… 28 Ukrainian Postcrossers: please PM your address to me, and you will get some happy mail from me for the Month of Letters.
Thank you!

UPDATE – Feb 04/23 - 2 spots left!


Looking forward to doing this again…last year was very meaningful.


Hi, I would like to participate but I’m not too sure how this works. How do I get the addresses? Do I post my address here? Thank you.


There are some addresses on the InCoWriMo site that you can write to if you’ll like to participate.


For Month of Letters, you can write to just about anyone, including your family and friends, charity projects like mail to retirement homes and schools or regular Postcrossing addresses.


I am again ready to draw (at least) one address every day in February. :postbox: I am waiting for a couple new card sets and a stamp shipment to arrive, so I am ready! :postcrossing: :partying_face:


As well as the other excellent suggestions already made, @HappyLoo, you can ask people who check in here at MoL if they would like a card from you. Sometimes, people decide to swap cards here for the MoL. Some people also send happy mail to seniors.


Hi @HappyLoo

You have several options to choose from. What matters is meeting the challenge.

1st - You can sign up on the LetterMo page, ask for friends (access to addresses) and send.
2nd - You can ask for one ID in Postcrossing per day or, if you participate, use the RR and Tags, and thus send 28 postcards through Postcrossing.
3rd - You can send it to friends; relatives; co-workers or projects from schools, nursing homes or militaries that you know.
4th - If you received a letter or a postcard with return address, write back to he/she.
5th - Take your time (this is just a hobbie) and enjoy your Writting Month (sometimes I cannot write everyday, so I write 4 or 5 on same day, but I post just one for day) :slight_smile:

For example, I send about 2 postcards a day (on weekends I write anyway, but I send it on Monday), one is a Postcrossing official ID and the other using the addresses of the RRs I participate in or sending to my penpals .


And don’t forget to give a ‘thank you’ postcard to your letter carrier on February 4th! :postbox: I include a coffee gift certificate - since February is so cold in Canada; something to warm them up. :coffee:


I’m so glad this subject was brought up! I have never participated in Month of Letters or InCoWriMo, though I’ve been aware of both for some time. But I’m thinking about jumping in this year! :grinning:


I’ll probably participate this year as well. Looking forward to organizing myself and saving a little bit of time each day to write!


Ana, It’s just one letter/postcard by day :slight_smile:

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I haven’t heard of this before but it’s a lovely idea so I’m going to give it a go.

Do I only register on the Month of Letters challenge site? Only there’s a bit above here that says To officially participate, you must also register here! but the ‘here’ link doesn’t work. I’m a bit confused so could someone explain please? thanks. best wishes

Sorry Diane, it’s my mistake.

I’m already fixed the here link.

And yes, to officially participate, you must also register at lettermo webpage.
It’s a very pleasant challenge :slight_smile:

Hello @ogait

Thanks for your speedy reply, I’ll go back and sign up now!

best wishes

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It takes me a surprisingly long amount of time to write a postcard, from searching the postcard, choosing the stamps, adding some tape or stickers or rubberstamps… and then a lot of time to put everything back in its place again! :sweat_smile: