May 11, 2024 | Montebello, CA | Postmark Posse

@goldenstatepc @suegathman Thank you for reaching out! You are more than welcome to bring cards and small items for the freebie table (i.e. give and take what you like). There will be a raffle for attendees around 11:45am, which is when we will take the group picture as well. Otherwise, as far as the card signatures and swapping is concerned, be sure to bring plenty of pens in case one dies on you in the middle of signing. :wink:

If Postcrossing meetups are something you foresee being a part of often down the road, you may want to invest in purchasing a custom rubber stamp which has an image and your Postcrossing or social media (IG) handle on it. My personal favorite site is StampMaker but Iā€™ll let our other Posse members chime in on other sites theyā€™ve had success with. @everyone

Overall, as clicheā€™ as this sounds, weā€™re just really really happy to have you! Excited to see you and everyone in a weekā€™s time!


I will pay for my postcards at the event.

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Hello @everyone, I will be at this meetup coming weekend so if someone has already or would like to get a few things from my shop and pick it up the meet then do let me know :slight_smile:
-Geet (Etsy/ArtfulGeetCreations)


Hey Iā€™m interested in getting some postcards from you! How do mark no shipping on Etsy?

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@geetikasinha7 Hi Geet! Thanks for the heads-up! Weā€™re all about working smarter, not harder :wink:
not to mention, it is always a pleasure having you at our meetup! :raised_hands:
see you soon!

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@goldenstatepc Hi Jaymi, please disregard my last message. I just realized you were replying to @geetikasinha7 and not me. My bad! Thanks!

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No worries! Itā€™s quite possible I didnā€™t do it right. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Btw did you receive my payment for the postcards? My first name is Jaymi :grinning:

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@goldenstatepc payment was received! Sorry, Iā€™m super lagging on the master list but I hope to have it updated tonight or tomorrow! Thanks for checking :pray:

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@everyone we have an exciting little activity planned for those of you would like to earn an extra raffle ticket for the raffle! However, for this to work we need everyone to show up on time (or at least reasonably so). As long as youā€™re here by 10:30, you can join! I know weā€™re a punctual bunch, but just letting yā€™all know what to expect :wink:
see you in <72 hours!


Two more sleeps!! I canā€™t wait! :laughing:
Just wondering if there are any awesome spots to buy local postcards near the meetup. Iā€™m hoping to check out Vromanā€™s Bookstore and Little Tokyo too! Grab some mochi from Fugetsu-Do and see what else I find around there!


@Ehuuuuu Hi Ehulani!! So thrilled you can join us again!
Ooooh what a fun itinerary you got planned!
My spidey senses tell me these folks reside the closest to Montebello and Downtown LA. letā€™s see what the Posse says!
@misslyss @nocutenik @catandmouse @hulamunki @jacksss @mywrites2you @tianye4869 @cookiedoe @geetikasinha7


If you end up going to Vroman, I also recommend Pasadena Antique Mall thatā€™s around the area. They have Greetings From California postcards hidden all the way in the end of the mall. You can also find other vintage postcards around!


In Little Tokyo, I like Bunkado because they have lots of postcards on their walls right when you enter. Nearby Chinatown has my favorite stationary shop, Paper Plant Co., and they have a small batch of postcards by local AAPI artists. :two_hearts:


Vromans is my fav place to hang! They do have a decent collection of postcards, sometimes really good boxed postcard sets! Kinokuniya has some really kawaii Japanese postcards and Sanrio in the Little Tokyo has officially licensed Postcards.


@everyone OH! I forgot to mention. Tomorrow (Sat) is the annual ā€œStamp Out Hungerā€ food drive co-hosted by USPS and the National Association of Letter Carriers. If you have some unexpired, non-perishable food items lying around your home, you can place them in a bag and leave them near your mailbox tomorrow morning before you leave for the event :wink:
Hereā€™s the deets:

@cookiedoe @misslyss @geetikasinha7 Thank you for your responses! Iā€™ll have to check those places out. Glad @Ehuuuuu got the ball rolling!


See you all tomorrow! Not long ago I went to Vromanā€™s and they have some nice and interesting postcards!


The Montebello Rite Aid has California postcards. And yes Vromans in Pasadena. The last book store in downtown LA as a shop on the second floor with beautiful postcards.


It is always a pleasure to see familiar faces and new ones at a meetup. The Montebello meetup was excellent. Beautiful day, nice location and good company. We welcomed Angel, who attended his first meetup. As always there was care preparing out going cards, talk, cards to chose from on a table, and a raffle. Thank you Mike and anyone who helped out in any way. Looking forward to next one - likely one on Oct 1st. Will look for our group pictureā€¦ the silly one :crazy_face:. - Guillermo (gmansocal)



Thank you @llmike007 for all the work and care that goes into organizing these! :pray:t5::sparkles: Thank you @Ehuuuuu for setting up an instant classic shot :camera_flash: and thank you everyone for joining and making these meetups such a lovely time!! :raised_hands:t5: