May 11, 2024 | Montebello, CA | Postmark Posse

I just wanted to chime in and thank everyone for making me feel welcome on my first Meet Up. It was great meeting everyone.


Special thanks to @llmike007 and @ohhsayy YOU DID IT AGAIN!!! Everything was great! You both are truly appreciated for your endeavors. Thank you!
Thanks to all of you in attendance!! Great to see familiar faces and to meet new ones!


Just want to echo what a fun experience my first meetup was! Everything was so well organized and everyone was so friendly. Thank you @Vandelion @geetikasinha7 @llmike007 @mywrites2you for making me feel welcome. And I apologize for my waaay too big stamp. Lesson learned! Canā€™t wait for the next one.



Thank again to @ohhsayy & @llmike007 the fun meet and @cookiedoe for the postcard design.
Everybody I met and talk to were so friendly and welcoming. You are MY PEOPLE!

These are some photos (see below) I took during the prize drawing and the speech.

There are also photos posted by @onlyonemrabe82 in the Southern California Postcrossers
This is a private group which means you gotta sign up first to see the pics.


Many thanks to @ohhsayy and @llmike007 for another fantastic meet-up! What a fun meet-up postcard (thank you, @cookiedoe), great venue with easy parking and nice tables to sit around. (I was even able to return a Macyā€™s purchase after our Meet-up.) Thanks for the wonderful prizes and fun activity which encouraged us to do more than stamp our postcards at the event! I look forward to the next one!


Hello, Team Montebello!

I apologize for the delay in response :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: but I want to tell you Iā€™m overwhelmed by the outpouring of love here on the forum and also on Instagram. You guys really know how to make this dork feel good about himself. :crazy_face:

A heartfelt thanks to @gmansocal @ohhsayy @angelcuevas @hulamunki @goldenstatepc @byobu @jmorris and many MANY more who chimed in on social media!

The flowers really belong to the following individuals:
@cookiedoe @ohhsayy @misslyss :sunflower: :rose: Thank you, thank you, thank you.
AND thank you @geetikasinha7 for coming in clutch with the Etsy shop which reopened just in time for the meetup! (Iā€™m also glad youā€™re back home in SoCal :smiley: )

Itā€™s amazing how quickly two hours fly by, but one thing is certain ā€“ we sure know how to make the most of it! Thank you to all of you who traveled near and far (I mean, Far!) to be here on a sunny Southern California day.

See you at the next meetup?!

Until thenā€¦ safe travels and may your mailbox be blessed with lots of cards! :love_letter:


Before I sign off for the night, I wanted to share a couple of statistics that I thought you might find interesting:

  • Attendance/ Card Distribution: We had 25 members show up, which is not the record (I believe Santa Ana and Montclair are up thereā€¦ I believe our historian @sand2sand can confirm :wink:) nonetheless we did establish something awesome (and a first for me as host) ā€“ everyone who reserved cards either showed up or sent a surrogate to pick them up. YAY us!

  • Travel by the Numbers :abacus: : We logged a collective mileage (by road) of 1,588 one-way miles, or broken up by attendee: an average of 63.5 one-way miles. Thatā€™s actually further than I drove! (I will never complain about driving to meetups againā€¦)

  • Mileage Warriors :airplane: : SEVEN of you traveled over 90 miles to be here! And weā€™re talking major miles here. Cue the frequent flyer points! Those who have an uncanny ability to make the numbers on the odometer fly: @luckycherry (392 miles), @lynndhk91 (262 miles), and @Ehuuuuu (124 miles).

  • Your Friendly Neighborhood Posse People :house_with_garden: : Nine of us drove 13 miles or less to be here. Talk about avoiding traffic on a busy holiday Saturday! Those who really got to chill out and take it easy: @angelcuevas (4 miles), @nocutenik (5 miles), and @catandmouse (7 miles).

  • First-Time Meetup Attendees :one: : To my knowledge, we had three folks for whom this was their very first Postcrossing meetup: @lynndhk91, @angelcuevas, and @goldenstatepc . Welcome!! :raised_hands: Itā€™s my hope weā€™ll see you at many more meetups down the road.
    If I happened to miss anyone for this list, please let me know!

Thank you again to all of you. We couldnā€™t do it without you!! Always a pleasure and a treat to see everyone, and I hope we get to do it again soon! :fireworks:


Big thanks to Mike @llmike007 as well as to @ohhsayy, @cookiedoe, & @misslyss for making the Montebello meetup such a success, but also to the 22 other Postcrossers who participated! (I counted a total of 26.)

Mike is correct: Not a record number, but a very comfortable size! Here are the numbers I have noted for anyone interested in the stats (accuracy is not guaranteed, as people come and go during the events, but they give you a sense of the relative size at least):

In reverse chronological order:
ā€¢ Montebello: 26
ā€¢ UCLA: 19
ā€¢ Montclair II: 37
ā€¢ Santa Ana: 36
ā€¢ Palm Springs: 19
ā€¢ Montclair I: 20
ā€¢ Ontario: 11


@sand2sand Thank you Sir!! This is why youā€™re the historian and not I. :smiley:

Iā€™ll go back to my spreadsheet and PM you if I canā€™t find the discrepancy.

Thank you for sharing the historical record! :notebook_with_decorative_cover:

And thanks for being here for every single one of these eventsā€¦ you are one of the main reasons we do what we do! :clap:


This is such a fun postcard. I would love to have, ofc in a swap. I hope you all had a great time.