Maxicards chat

Unfortunately I have no more left.

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It makes it quite a bit cheaper to send maxi cards from Australia. You can buy 3 months worth at a discounted price. And there is also a seller on Etsy. This helps to make Postcrossing affordable for me.



EDIT: Okay, I get what a maxicard is now, BUT if I have to add additional postage to the back of the postcard, will the post office know to count the postage on the image side/ will they know to postmark both (especially the one on the image side?)

What exactly is considered a maxicard? I found a postcard with the American Holly stamp on it as the design, and just order the matching actual American Holly postage stamp, do these two things combined count as a maxicard?

Follow up questions:
Do I have to put the matching stamp on the face side of the postcard? And if I do, will the post office count that towards the actual postage for the postcard?
Does the cancellation stamp have to match to be considered a maxicard?

Any additional info is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

check out this blog.


Somebody more knowledgeable will be able to answer your queries but I doubt the post office will be cancelling the stamp on the front of the card. You could ask for a hand cancel but it would be a normal cancel and nothing to do with the American Holly. In order for the card to be a maxicard, the cancellation would have to be something similar. Also, the postage on the front isn’t counted, it is merely decoration.

There are two places in the US named ‘Holly’. Perhaps you could request a postmark from one of them.

There is an old thread on the forum where a few people have discussed making their own maxicards, you might find this link helpful:

I’m not a specialist on maxicards, there may be others that can help better.

This depends on your postal service. Here we can send a maxicard by mail only the next days they are issued = the date on the rubber stamp. If the stamps at the image are not enough, they should count the stamps in the written part. But no one sends maxicards by mail without envelope so I’m not sure nowadays workers will know that.

After the first days of issuying the maxicards must be sent on envelopes, which is also more secure cause nowadays with the automatic machines they can cancel the image side by mistake and ruin what could have been a very cool maxicard.

The links above are helpful. A maxicard is not just a card and a matching stamp, the rubber stamp much match also with the other 2. For example. You can have an elephant card and an elephant stamp (issued in Portugal). The rubber stamp must be from a place where elephants live. It cannot be a rubber stamp from Lisbon, but it can be a rubber stamp dedicated to the Lisbon Zoo. The purists will say that the breed of the animal must also match, we have african elephants, the postcard cannot be from an asian elephant.

In your case, the Holly you mean, is this plant?

I’m not a specialist but I’d say the matching rubber stamps to cancel those stamps can be from Massachusetts, Florida, Missouri and Texas cause it’s from the plant is native. But again, you should ask in a Maxicards specialized site to confirm it. :wink:

Good point, I think this will work too! :sunglasses:

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In Germany the stamps on the picture side do not count, they’re only decoration!

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I’m glad to hear that. And many people like them, so it’s a win-win really! :slight_smile:

Yes, I have already decided to send them to a post office in Holly, MI.

Actually, I just remembered that the town I grew up is considered the Holly City of American!!

Yesterday, I received a maxicard from Australia. Wombat- a very unique Australian animal. In Russia we have a lot of maxicards. As for Russia, every month we have special cancellations which are devoted to different topics and everybody can get a maxicard during these periods. There is a rule (in Russia) that a postcard must be similar to the stamp and the cancellation(general topic of whole collection of postcards). I like maxicards very much. And I like to swap! IMG_20201121_124706|340x240


Are maxicards rare? I had one today.

They don’t have to be rare to be enjoyed, do they?

But yeah, to me they are pretty rare. As far as I can tell they are not really produced commercially in Denmark.

I recently got these two from @favignana in Portugal, and I think they’re great :smiley:


I have only received 4 maxicards and I think I have received around 1000 cards from Postcrossing including the official and tag cards. So I’d say they kinda are. :smile:
Now I have added them to my wishlist so maybe I’ll receive more in the future when I change my profile active again.

wow, those are real old. very cute. :slight_smile:

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yep. postmarks say 1984 and 1985 :smiley:

yes, in Euros the left one would be 20 cents and the right 10 cents! Good old times! :stuck_out_tongue:

wow! cheap indeed! but the times are still good enough that @favignana is helping me save a ton of money by sending my cards via Portugal (avoiding Danish prices).

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One thing i know is that if i go to my local (very rude) post office and ask for special stamp they will probably laugh, if not call security to escort the crazy lady out! :rofl:

not even sure if they have ever seen anything other than the “greek postal services” generic stamp. To be honest Im not sure if we even have this in Greece (so that we can make our own maxi cards)

I buy some that are issued by our post service tho. Which are nice and i hope people enjoy receiving them. I for one love receiving them… and btw @shui , these are adorable and very well set!

Im surprised every day in this forum with how many things I dont know and how many things i can learn about, cards, stamps, posts, letters… everything!