Maxicards chat

Yes, I have already decided to send them to a post office in Holly, MI.

Actually, I just remembered that the town I grew up is considered the Holly City of American!!

Yesterday, I received a maxicard from Australia. Wombat- a very unique Australian animal. In Russia we have a lot of maxicards. As for Russia, every month we have special cancellations which are devoted to different topics and everybody can get a maxicard during these periods. There is a rule (in Russia) that a postcard must be similar to the stamp and the cancellation(general topic of whole collection of postcards). I like maxicards very much. And I like to swap! IMG_20201121_124706|340x240


Are maxicards rare? I had one today.

They don’t have to be rare to be enjoyed, do they?

But yeah, to me they are pretty rare. As far as I can tell they are not really produced commercially in Denmark.

I recently got these two from @favignana in Portugal, and I think they’re great :smiley:


I have only received 4 maxicards and I think I have received around 1000 cards from Postcrossing including the official and tag cards. So I’d say they kinda are. :smile:
Now I have added them to my wishlist so maybe I’ll receive more in the future when I change my profile active again.

wow, those are real old. very cute. :slight_smile:

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yep. postmarks say 1984 and 1985 :smiley:

yes, in Euros the left one would be 20 cents and the right 10 cents! Good old times! :stuck_out_tongue:

wow! cheap indeed! but the times are still good enough that @favignana is helping me save a ton of money by sending my cards via Portugal (avoiding Danish prices).

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One thing i know is that if i go to my local (very rude) post office and ask for special stamp they will probably laugh, if not call security to escort the crazy lady out! :rofl:

not even sure if they have ever seen anything other than the “greek postal services” generic stamp. To be honest Im not sure if we even have this in Greece (so that we can make our own maxi cards)

I buy some that are issued by our post service tho. Which are nice and i hope people enjoy receiving them. I for one love receiving them… and btw @shui , these are adorable and very well set!

Im surprised every day in this forum with how many things I dont know and how many things i can learn about, cards, stamps, posts, letters… everything!


Russian maxicard… So wonderful. Love them very much. They are also expensive… Like French maxicards. I am so glad when I receive them.


I just want to share:) In Russia today released a new New Year stamp and I made a maxicard with a postcard with an illustration by Anton Lomaev


Im in a mood for confession today… When I first saw the term maximum cards and read it on a wishlist on a profile, I had no idea what it meant. I assumed tho, it meant the bigger size postcards (something like 20×10cm or so). I then proudly send to a couple of people (i think it was just 2 or 3) one normal -but maxi sized- card, writing them how happy I was (and how happy i wish they were too) that i found a maximum card for them. :woozy_face:

When i learnt a couple of years after, what a maximum card was, i didnt even remember the incident. But yesterday, something triggered the memory… no idea how it came to me, but I felt so bad. :pensive: Of course I didnt HAVE TO send a maximum card, but imagine these peoples’ reaction reading my message on THAT CARD. And how nice and sensitive of them to not point it out or complain. Of course it would have been educative but it might make me withdrawn from postcrossing or sad, which they probably didnt want me to be.

So im sorry to:
GR-42983 and GR-29735 recipients… They were the ones i could find on my wall!


this maxicard shows the new bridge in genoa, my town, built after the former fell down in august 2018 with 43 casualties.


Same here :pensive: What a luck I did not find any “maximum sized” cards back then, but I was for sure confused when one profile asked for “maximum cards” and then right after wished for all the cards be the standard size…


such controversy! (not!) :rofl: :rofl:

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I received this a few days ago from CZ:


I’d never heard of maxicards until I, like you, read it on a few profiles. I didn’t have any so I sent something else suitable instead. I’ve only seen one in person, which is a beautiful one I received from Australia:


I received this

although I’ve never had maxicards on my wishlist.