Inviting you all to participate in the 1st Annual Fall Handmade Postcard Exhibition – September 2023

All you artists, crafty people and those who occasionally dabble in creative postcarding – I issue a challenge to create and share your handiwork again! :paintbrush: :sewing_needle: :hammer: :art:

Saturday September 23 is the Fall Equinox, at 2:50 in the morning. So we will start this exhibition the night before, on Friday September 22. Meanwhile, let yourself be inspired by Autumn, which has historically been associated with some very deep themes: plenty, ripening, harvest, and abundance; and, at the same time, change, decay, decline, old age, and even death, with associations of things being past their prime. Any of these can be your inspiration. Get your creative juices flowing and this exhibition will open on the 22nd.


  1. Cards can be made using any medium – paint, drawings, collage, needlework, hammered metal, you name it.
  2. I will start a fresh thread or edit this one and call it “Welcome to the 1st Annual Fall Handmade Postcard Exhibition – Fall 2023!” starting on Friday September 22
  3. You guys reply to the thread with photos or scans of up to 5 homemade cards, consistent with our theme. Let each card be a separate entry and include any description you care to provide.
  4. I will also set up a Lottery to announce/invite all Postcrossers to come enjoy the display
  5. For the week, Postcrossers can “heart” every card they really like.
  6. At the end of the week, I will choose the 3 most popular cards as 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners. Each of these winners will receive a card matching their preferences – and lots of likes from Postcrossers everywhere. Sorry - only one prize per person! (Note to artists in Russia and Belarus, if you are one of the winners, I will find some way to get your prize to you!)
  7. At the end of the week, I will save the top cards in a (virtual) gallery.

Let me know below if you are considering entering one or more of your creative efforts.
Until then, may you each enjoy a creative month!


Yay! So nice you’re hosting a handmade postcard exhibition again! This stimulates me to pick up my crafting materials again soon. I hope to join and to enter a few cards.

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Thank you so much for this project! I’m in :muscle::smiley:

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Nice project. I’m join to enter one card.

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Nice idea! Can the pictures include Halloween aspects as well?

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Certainly- that’s completely part of Fall

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Thanks for the great project :sparkles: I will join you! I have already completed two pieces of art. I may paint one more :wink:
I look forward to seeing everyone’s handmade postcards :yellow_heart:


I will submit at least one! Thanks for this prompt!!:fallen_leaf::ear_of_rice::skull:

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This sounds fun! I’d love to take part :slight_smile:

Editing to say that I have my entry ready! :maple_leaf: :fallen_leaf::jack_o_lantern:


This sounds like fun, I hope to enter a few postcards!

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My entries are ready to go. Should I post them here or wait for a new topic?

I have just opened up this link

@IrisHoux @Malika1604 @duintje @silentmagician @risa38a1db @QueQ @KolmeNoitaa @Appaloosa05

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I close this topic now as there’s a similar one newly opened.

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