In English — Visitor's Corner

Hi everyone! I noticed there wasn’t an “English corner” in this section of the forum for us non-Finnish speakers to interact with the Finnish community… so here I am, starting one. :slight_smile:

This is a place where you can ask Finnish postcrossers for help, or just chat about Finnish topics in English. Enjoy!


Actually, I’m starting this topic also with the goal of asking the regulars in this subcommunity to help us tag (aka, add labels) to the topics here, so that they can be better organized (and thus easier to find). :slight_smile:

The labels available for this section are:

  • tag
  • chat
  • round-robin
  • lottery
  • game
  • info
  • swaps
  • help
  • penpal
  • group-order
  • poll

Anyone can add labels to the topics they’ve started, and regulars (ie, members with the “Regular” badge) can add them to any topic. To do this, click the little pencil symbol to the right of the topic’s title, and just add the tags that apply to that topic.

Thank you in advance!


Hello, greetings from Japan.

i am looking for 3 different tram postcards from Finland for my friend, sent unwritten / blank in an envelope.

my offer is a thin Gotochi shaped card from Osaka (Hozenji), per one tram card from you. i will send the card in an envelope, written or unwritten.

i can also offer a mount Fuji card, UNESCO.

could anyone help please ? please feel free to message me for our swap. thank you so much in advance. stay safe !

edited to add
i am still looking for 2 different tram cards as of 2nd september. i found one person to swap with.

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I did not found the meeting in Kuortane but I wanted to say kiitos to @Rohtola for her card from there.

Could you @meiadeleite please pin this topic so that foreign postcrossers find it better? :pushpin: Thank you! :slight_smile:


Good idea! I’ve just done that :slight_smile:


Hi anyone be able to help me please? I’ve got this book (?) of Moomin stamps, says 5kpl st on them, (see pics)

Any one know the MAXIMUM limit as to waht they cna be used for, if they are still valid that is! Thanks…


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These are so called “forever” stamps, always valid for sending mail up to 20 g or equal amount of postage when combined with other stamps. The globe symbol means they are meant for international mail. At the moment one of those stamps is worth 2,05 €.


Hi I’m looking for a potential host for
I’ve even got Finnish stamps for you to use as postage to send him back!
You’ll also get some blank mix postcards and some tea bags as a thank you for hosting Larry, who comes to you on a holiday for two weeks, take him to see the sights, send a postcard home if postage allows with stamps sent, and then return Larry home. All I hope at no extra cost to you!

Update: I now have TWO hosts. Thank you all… :slight_smile:



I am Marleen, a dutch woman, 35 y.o. who lives in Norway. I have no partner or children.
I would like to get in touch with someone in Finland, a penpal, to write letters and cards with.

I speak dutch, english, norwegian and a little Finnish (I am learning Finnish at Duolingo).
I love nature, I like to cook, I have three cats, I like to be creative, I have two companies. I am curious and eager to learn. I really enjoy learning the Finnish language and learning more about Finland.

Suomi on kaunis maa. (Finland is a beautiful country, right?) :grin:

I am looking for someone who really likes it and want this, and wants to maintain active contact. Who wants to send mail several times a year.

I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you better in the letters and cards.

Have a nice day.
Greetings, Marleen

sent you PM

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Hello Finnish people, I am looking for one or two participants for my Ukraine Project:

These Finnish sunflower stamps are so beautifully designed that I want to make use of them.

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Hi fellow postcrossers !

I’m from France.
I plan a trip to Finland soon, probably around december so I’m geeting interested with this country and it’s beautiful nature :slight_smile: So I’m looking for a penpal to share and discuss about our both countries. I don’t know finnish at all but I’m willing to learn some useful everyday words :wink:
I can write english, french, chinese and a bit of norwegian.
I’m a crafty person and love drawing, i’m a bit nerdy as well but love traveling and I’m curious. I visited many countries and I’m still eager to visit more. I love to discover nature and beautiful sceneries. I prefer long term penpals who can leads to real friendships, I like to write letters and postcards more than messaging.
If it speaks to you, do not hesitate to PM me :wink:



Hello, greetings from Japan,

I am a female in age 40s and I am looking for postal pals in Finland, any age, who can send me any postcards each time, preferably in an envelope. If you could also include a small magazine, newspaper, supermarket advertising clippings, that would be wonderful. Basically anything from your country would be welcomed.

In return, instead of a postcard, I would like to send you nice sticker sheets from Japan each time with a short note in an envelope. My hobby is making handmade carved stamps, so I can send you my works in an envelope too, if you like.

Please message me if you are interested to be my postal pals :slight_smile:

Edit :
Still looking for postal pals.

Hello, I sent a registered mail with postcard and a tea bag in it and the clerk asks me to fill in a CN22 form.
I am not sure whether tea bags are allowed to enter Finland. Would it be able to pass through the border since the CN22 has already been sticked on the mail and sent out.

I have received tea outside of EU. I didn’t find information if it’s totally ok.

Maybe problem can be if this is stopped at the customs. Is there your name?
It can happen the receiver must clear it, which is not a big thing if they know who sent it and what is inside. But if not, then it might be returned to you.

I have signed on it already. The thing I concern is that I heard that EU does not allow vegetable product import from non-EU country, I do think tea bags belong to them. As I know registered item must go through custom before entering Finland from non-EU countries, I wonder whether they will remove the tea bag from the envelope or just demolish the entire item if the tea bag is not allowed for import.
Hope that won’t happen.

Kindly check this www-page: Tampereen ratikka joulukortti - Raijami
There are several tram cards from Tampere. If You like any of these or they suit to Your purpose You can order them directly from Raija (or if needed I can also help You).

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Hi @AnnekKi

Thank you so much for the info. Message sent for you :slight_smile: