German Postcrossing stamp launch meetup! (October 7th, Berlin)

Schade das ich nicht in Berlin sein kann. Eine Postkarte mit dieser Briefmarke und Stempel von dort wäre cool zu bekommen.

Viel Spaß denen die dort sein können.

Yes and I love it :smiley:

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Hello . Since I’m not allowed to send a private message to @kroete68 I will write what I wanted to ask here . Now looking at my schedule from school I will try to be at the museum at around 16 o’clock ( if the s-bahn will be on time ) . First will be someone still there ? Will it be possible to get this cancelation stamp not on postcards but in a notebook to have it as a memory , buy stamps for my postcards that I have to send ( I have around 20 postcards to send out ) and also get the special postcard from the event maybe max 5 pieces regarding the price ? Thank you

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for sure we will be there until 4:30 PM.

But to buy stamps for your postcards, you have to enter the museum.

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Yes - but you will only be able to get that cancellation stamp on a postal stamp of at least 0,10`. They do not stamp that on plain paper. See this post for more information:

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  1. @Wayfare
    Dear Meiadeleite,
    It’s with short notice but I’d like to participate as well. Is it still possible? Thanks for all your efforts regarding the organization!
    Best wishes to you
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It’s still possible to join the meetup. I added you to the list of participants.
See you on friday!

Have fun everyone! To bad Berlin is so far away. Cologne or Aachen next time! :smiley:

Greetings from the other side of the border.

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Hi, I live in Berlin and would like to attend🙂

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Please also count me in!


I’m crying :sob:
I am sorry to have to cancel my participation in this great meeting. I have a cold (Covid-19 test is still negative). Since I don’t want to strain anyone, I will stay at home.

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Oh thats sad

Take care and get well soon

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Hello guys,

I am sorry but I need to cancel my participation.

I wish you all much fun and enjoy the meetup.

Greetings, Joeyana (Melanie)

I have to cancel too :frowning:

Wishing you all a wonderful day!

Hello again,

I also would like to join for the museum tour but couldn’t send a private message. Is it also still possible? If yes, can you please send me the details?

Thank you in advance!

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@friesendeern maybe it will be better by Friday?

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ich möchte @Mattjes entschuldigen, bei ihm ist etwas Wichtiges dazwischen gekommen. Schade, aber vielleicht klappt es bald mal wieder.

Bis Freitag, ich freue mich!!!

Please set me on maybe list. I’m sick and in bed at the moment. :neutral_face:

Does anyone want some meetup cards in case I can’t join? Just PM me.


oh no… :frowning:

Unfortunately I have to cancel due to a health issue, gall stones. It was still going ok but since a few days the pain is getting worse and I’m afraid not to be home when it gets really wrong. The gall bladder needs to be removed but I have no clue yet when the surgery will be. There seems to be a long waiting list…