German Postcrossing stamp launch meetup! (October 7th, Berlin)

Good question! I thought it is separate… because many people ordered more than 20 postcards and I thuoght the other cards can also get the cancellation stamp (although I won’t have 100 :smile:)

Can you only get it on the stamps or also on the card if there are no stamps yet?

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as far as I know they put postmarks only on stamps on cards, envelopes…

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So it is possible to buy stamps in the museum too?? Otherwise could someone explain to me where I can definitely buy the stamps? I guess it must be at bigger post offices??

And can I bring a friend or are there too many people already? He isn’t a Postcrosser but got curious when I talked about it.

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There will be a “mobile post office” in the museum during our meetup, which sells the postcrossing stamp.
But plz notice: they accept cash only. No credit or EC cards.

Otherwise you can buy the stamp in every post office in Germany.

And I will have some extra stamps with me at the meetup for postcrossers from abroad. :kiss:


The special cancellation stamp for the meetup is only printed on stamps with a minimum value of 10ct. However, it does not necessarily have to be the Postcrossing stamp.
If the cancellation stamp (e.g. on an envelope) has already been printed on a stamp on one side, you can have an additional blank cancellation stamp printed on the same side, i.e. without a stamp.

Example or an additional blank stamp:


Of course you can do so. The museum is a public place after all.
Shall I add a “+friend” to the list next to your name? That way it’s easier for the organizing team to see how many people plan to come.

I love this card - would anyone accept a swap :blush:? I will be going to the Pasadena, CA Meetup tomorrow for a future swap?


Hello @ohhsayy!

I would like to swap with you and send you a message.

Yes! I would love to !! :heart_eyes:

I can’t say for sure If I will be able to come, so please add me under “maybe” on the list. This would be my first meetup ever. :hugs:


I’m very sorry, but due to health considerations I need to cancel my participation :sob:
Sometimes it sucks to do the sensible thing…


Oh no :cry:

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Get a lot of rest, and get well soon @Wolfsmondfee!

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I can’t commit to October 7th yet, but I’ll see if I can set it up. Please make a note of maybe. Thanks.

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Wie schade!! Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung!!

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I think you can bring your cards to the Sonderstempelstellen. I don’t expect them to be able to get someting by person and sending cards in also needs postage - like you have to send them in a package…

And I can expect that they reject orders of hundreds of postcards just for sending out - not for collecting. Sonderstempelstellen are designed for stamp collectors I think.

Just wanted to say that the meetup is not the only place where you can get your cancellation mark.

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In Berlin next week - attending a meet up on the 6th (Thursday) and will do my best to come on Friday as well. It would be great to meet some old friends again :slight_smile:


Yes please, thank you!! I really can’t tell if he will be able to come or has to work, but we’ll see.

I arrive too late on the 6th, but will definitely see you on the 7th!! I will be in Berlin a few more days, going home the 10th, so I can also be a tourist. :smiley: